Saturday 25th May – Ladies Double Rink Morning & RBL Afternoon

Another busy day with the ladies taking part in the Middlesex Double Rink competition v Court Park this morning starting at 10:00 – one rink, one away,  Good luck girls!

This afternoon, it’s the fourth RBL match, this time v Teddington at CP starting at 2:30 pm  Good luck to everyone playing and to Andy H as I think it’s debut as Captain of the Day!

Good see the Friday Night Leagues in full flow yesterday with Anthony & Alasdair’s teams up against each other taking it to the wire 11-11 after the 14 ends.  Green is still a little pushy but it’s only been open 14 days, so that’s not surprising.  With better weather approaching, it will be speed up as well, especially as we play on it more.

Club Competition deadline today.

EIBA individual entries due by next weekend.  You need to create an account on the and enter from there.  The club has put in entries for the Yetton Trophy, Mason Trophy, Mixed Egham Trophy, Mixed Top Club, Denny Cup and Men’s Over 60’s Double Fours.

Alas, we couldn’t enter the Vivienne Triples this year as we’re only allowed 4 of a Yetton team to compete in any one match.  Last year, the Vivienne was made up of all Yetton players, so we entered incorrectly.  Good job we lost in the first round!

Middlesex Indoor Comps are also open for entry and I’ll try and print off the forms to drop down to the club over the next week. but there’s no rush as we have to mid July for those

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