Sunday 26th May

It was a win for the Ladies Double Rink yesterday morning and they now play Ashford on Saturday 8th June in the semi finals.
it was also a win for the RBL v Teddington in the afternoon 2-1 rinks with match Captain Andy H’s rink narrowly pipping Steve G’s for top rink. Well done!  Good to see our friends from Teddington outdoors!


Today we have a friendly v Hampton this afternoon. Well done to Alasdair for pulling 3 Triples together.

Good luck to Laurence who has swapped his bowls for his bicycle and is on the London 100 mile ride. He’s not going for any particular time “I just want to get round”!  He’s done it before so I’m sure he won’t have a problem. It’s not overly hot today.

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