Shareholder News!

From the Board via Peter J:-

As outlined in the Spring Newsletter, we are resolving the shareholder situation by requesting that all members pay for their single share.

The purpose of this exercise is to make sure that the shareholder information legally required for Companies House is correct and to ensure that all members are shareholders and eligible to attend and vote at the AGM and other company meetings.

Those members who were given a share and registered as shareholders between 2008 – 2014 now need to pay £1 to validate their share ownership.

Those members who joined after this date will be issued with a share certificate for £1.

Members with more than one share are not affected.

There will be an opportunity to purchase your share at the Club Finals Weekend, when the directors will be on hand with the relevant certificates.

We ask that you pay in cash to ensure that this payment is recorded correctly and incurs no transaction fees, as this forms part of the company’s official share capital.

You will also be asked to sign a Share Transfer Form, to make sure that the share is disposed of correctly when you leave the club.

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