The Icing on the Cake

We did it!  It was a Tournament win for Tina, Mike, Laurence & Dawn at Potters!

To be fair, the opposition helped us with one of them being hungover, hwich didn’t help their team spirit, and the two brothers playing at 3 and skip not seeing eye-to-eye on shot choice.  That apart, we played well as a team with Tina and Laurence at the front end putting shots around the jack, just leaving Mike and I to try and plug any gaps and fill any spaces should the firing shots come off.   It was still a nerve-wracking game because it was the Final.

We were really grateful for the support from the Cambridge Park & Friends especially as they sat through the last 16 quarters and semi cheering us on.  It really made a difference.

Ann H also had a win on the Bingo.  It wasn’t a big win and she had to share it with another lady, but a win is a win!

The third win was that the coach had heating on the way back and it was at the perfect temperature!  Everyone returned safely and we all look forward to repeating the experience next year.

Now, it’s back to normality after a week ‘in a bubble’ with shopping, cooking, washing up and washing!

We’re playing London Civil Service tomorrow (Sunday), home at 2.00 pm and looking forward to getting back to the Cambridge Park green for matches and leagues this week.

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