The Tourists are Off

We have quite a few driving today. Safe journey. Jacqui L is going in the train – it’s a good and relatively quick journey. The rest of us set off from Cambridge Park. Wry promptly at 09:31.
One of our merry band on the coach is Ann Macey, celebrating her birthday today and Brian Noel is celebrating his belated birthday from Friday.
We will ensure they have a nice day and week! The drinks are on us … well Potters actually as it’s all-inclusive!

So, there are over 50 on tour to Potters Resort in Hopton-on-Sea in Norfolk. There is a bowls tournament (leagues for 4 matches, then last 16 upwards is knock out); there are quizzes galore; ten pin bowling, curling (not on ice); Segway, rock climbing, crazy and pitch& Pitt golf; rifle shooting, archery, clay pigeon shooting, swimming, spa, and to top it off, there is mega bingo every night and fantastic cabaret and shows also every night followed by late night comedy or music acts in the bar finishing with the midnight feast – if you can stay awake that long! The standard of shows is amazing – west end/broadway quality.
Three meals a day with multiple choices on the menus and very comfortable accommodation in the hotel and bungalows. For the last couple of years, Alcoholic & soft drinks, teas and coffees are all included.
Elasticated waist garments come into their own for a week!

Obviously not every club member can get 5 days away at this time of year but we know those of you bowling at the club will also be having a good time as Christmas preparations get under way.
I’ll keep the website updated with any news.

Laurence organises table football, table tennis, curling and sometimes crazy golf competitions between the CP group. It turns out we are not just competitive on the bowls green!
John D has unfortunately broken a bone in his hand but will try and secure his place in the table tennis final for the umpteenth consecutive year but playing with his right hand. Dave P is hoping he’ll be on the other side of the table again but Maureen K, Kevin K and Laurence will also be aiming to go one further than the semis this time

It’s not all fun and games for everyone as we know some of our members or their family members are under the weather so we wish them well. Out of sight but not out of mind. An assortment of beverages in various receptacles will be raised to them  Stay safe and strong


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