We had an absolutley brilliant day against the Friends of English Bowling yesterday! For a start it didn’t rain!
To see the green full with 6 rinks, 48 people bowling, is something we haven’t seen for a long time and the place was alive. We played a mixture of good bowls, bad bowls, wrong biases, brilliant saves and ones nearer the mat than the jack but it was a great game with lots of fun and banter adding to the occasion. Great to meet so many bowlers from 10 different counties – Somerset to Hertfordshire and and the other 8 inbetween. Good toshare the occasion with Paul Robson, the current President of Bowls England, Adie and Marcia both former Presidents of Bowls England, Charlotte President of Surrey Ladies and Babs, President of Wiltshire Ladies
Top rink were Steve G, Tricia, Scott & Gym; second were Janice, Ange, David H & Norman. Without those two teams, we would not have had a 126-123 win!
Many thanks to Adie, Match Secretary for Friends of English Bowling, Marcia (Match Captain) and Kath (Treasurer) who enabled this match to go ahead. On our side, thanks to Ange, Scott, Jane, Jacquie, Terry, Ann and Roy for the before and on the day help and to Daivd H, Janice and Kevin K for coming in the last minute (an hour!!) when we had some dropouts. Thanks also to Debs and Marius who gave us a brilliant meal – seconds were had by many!
Ann would like to report she made nearly £300 on the raffle – so thanks to all members and guests who bought tickets. FoEB won the raffle!
Of course thanks to everyone who played and Gerry, Shirley, Beryl and others who came along to spectate from both sides who made the day so enjoyable. A Centenary event to remember.