Two Silvers and a Gold!

Well done to Peter J, Kevin, Steve G & Peter T who were up against an on-fire Four from Bound Green skipped by Nick E, who must be one of the top draw bowlers in the county.  You can be holding 4 shots and somehow he manages to slide a bowl in without wicking!  The rest of his team also played well and our lads just couldn’t catch them up.

On a a difficult rink 1, Jacqui & Teresa started slowly – Century is a bit of a shock with the speed and length compared to Cambridge Park – but they battled on and came back from 3-14 down to 19-22 after 19 ends.  Unfortunately they dropped 3 on the 20th end leaving them 6 to draw on 21st end and it just wasn’t to be.  Well done to Jacqui on her first Middlesex Indoor final, which earns her the County Indoor badge.

At the other side of the rink, Dawn faced Sandra W-M from The Lawn for the third time in the Indoor Singles Final.  Dawn got off to a good start 0-3 down after end 1 (oops) and stayed behind, but then gained a bit more confidence getting 1 shot at a time and eventually took the lead at  11-9.  Sandra came back and pvertook, leaving Dawn behind again then went 13-11 up. Sandra was 15-13 up when Dawn started playing longer jacks and managed to hang on by a whisker to win 21-15.  The game was not without measures – it was that tight!  After the second half of the season’s rubbish bowls, I am very happy to have won today.  Nothing like ending the season on a high.  Hoo-bloomin’-ray!

With today’s lovely weather, I think we’re all looking forward to getting outdoors.

In another room at Century, there was the Middlesex meeting where the Handbooks for the outdoor season were handed out to club representatives.  Marie is passing ours on to Norman, so please arrange to collect from him at the Club unless you hear otherwise.

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