Early Bird Practice

I didn’t catch the name of the girl commentating on last night’s singles match between Mervyn King and Thinus Oelofse but, in order for her to get some practice on the portable rink, she had to book it for 02:00-04:00 am this morning!  WOW!  That’s the pressure for getting onto that rink.  No chance of booking the 18:00-19:00 slot!

Great match between Greg & Nick and Jason & Ken in the Open Pairs Semi-FInal.  ‘Our’ boys were so unlucky in the first set.  Rub of the green affects players at all levels and is not exclusive to us club bowlers.  Having said that, the Hong Kong duo played brilliantly, particularly in the opening set but Greg & Nick didn’t get phased and proved what a great mindset they have and focussed on putting the pressure on in the second set.  Did you spot that they both Hong Kong chaps seem to stand straight on the mat rather than facing towards the side they are bowling?  They were also much slower in play.  Nick has said before that he always knows what shot he is going to play when he steps on the mat.  No dithering.  Just gets on and delivers.

The commentator (Jason Parkinson?) said that about 80% of the side winning the toss for the tie break will give the mat away in order that they have last bowl.  The Hong Kong boys kept the mat and Greg gave it away in the second end.  What would you do?

The Open Pairs Final between Nick & Greg and Jason Greenslade & Michael Stepney will be the first match to show live on BBC on Monday 16th starting at 13:00.  it’ll be a change of commentators though.  Personally, I like the ones that are commentating this week.

On to today.  Nick is back on the rink playing singles v Jonathan Ross – not the presenter one!  David Bolt, playing Stewart Anderson, is the producer of the Wrong Bias Podcast .  Check it out on wrongbias.com

It’ll seem like Jack and the Giant playing in the last match of the day as Wayne Wilgress plays Katherine Rednall.  I believe Katherine is the only girl to qualify for the Open Singles and she’ll be back in the Ladies Singles later in the week.  Anyway, tonight it’ll be a great match between two of the best bowlers in the country and world and definitley worth a watch!

Sit back and enjoy!


  1. Jean Staples says:

    Great report Dawn on the bowls ! It’s a shame that Katherine Rednal is the only lady qualified for the singles! I’ve got my first league tonight this year so will miss some of it! I agree with you the two commentators have been good and wish they were staying on too! David Corkill is taking over and he waffles on all the time so I turn the sound down – Sean Honner is ok though! It would be nice if CPk could hold qualifying games for players to get through to these stages?

  2. Katharine says:

    Agree Jean. Dawn’s done a great write up. Is Katherine Rednall the one who had a baby couple of years ago? I’ve forgotten the name of the girl, Scottish?, who gives the bowls a little shove and sort of clonks them down rather than rolling them. Hey, who am I to comment on her style!! Anyway, is she the one whose mother sits knitting whilst watching. I shall only be watching from Monday. So hope Dawn keeps reporting.

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