Easter Monday – get the Heating Back on!

Gee, that wind was whipping up this morning, wasn’t it.  My heating kicked in – 23p spent on gas before 9.00 am.  I can’t make up my mind if Smart Meters are a good or bad thing!

On my way back through Syon Park, I stopped and recorded the bird song at about 7 pm.  I don’t think I can upload it on here, but it was amazing.  Loads of people say they’ve heard the birds singing.  With one runway closed at Heathrow and planes few and far between, the birds are really singing their hearts out and not coughing!  You may have to turn the volume up.

Near the London Apprentice, there were two geese with six or seven goslings launching themselves into the water, their parents giving very vocal warnings to stay clear!  There’s a short video on my personal Facebook if you wanted to take a look.

How are you all getting on with sorting out?  I went through a pile of food magazines yesterday and really wished I’d added black olives, anchovies and pine nuts to my shopping – there are some great recipes out there based on the Mediterranean Diet.

Anyway, as a result, I have a pile of Good Food etc which I will be recycling as I won’t remember which recipes I liked and used which I can’t find online now.  I will keep some though.

I also sorted through a pile of photographs both printed ones and on my phone.  Remember the excitement of finishing a roll of film and taking it in to be processed, then having to wait a week for it to come back.  How many fuzzy flops were there?  Digital photography has certainly made it easier for us to just delete any rubbish shots immediately.  On the other hand we take thousands more photos and the sorting out takes considerably longer!

Ange, Des and Scott returned from their “holiday of a lifetime” in Africa in March.  Des and Scott took thousands of photos as they were on safari and saw many wild animals, stayed in camps and had a brilliant guide who enhanced the experiences.  I wonder if they might put an evening’s entertainment together? Not exactly a Jam & Jerusalem evening although I don’t have any problem with singing Jerusalem at any time and I’m sure Margaret B can provide some jam!  Let me know what you think?  Ann M is almost being persuaded to organise some social evenings – maybe one to consider?

Stay safe and well.  Keep up the handwashing and remember to phone-a-friend.  Laurence spoke to Brian C now in Kingston Hospital and his recovery is progressing well, so very good news on that front.


PS  John D thanked everyone for the birthday wishes.  He is another one that frequents the Woodlands Garden in Bushy Park – we could end up with half the club in there!  Take some photos as the spring flowers must be stunning.


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