Mike Wise – Funeral Details

For those of you who know Ann and Mike Wise who played outdoors at NPL, there was some sad news via John Dilley this morning.

Mike had a fall at the end of August and while in hospital it was found that the cancer already under treatment had spread much more rapidly than anyone had realised.  He spent the last weeks of his life in a hospice – it was obviously a difficult time for the family.

Ann has played indoors at CP for a few years but I’m not sure if Mike ever did.  We are sending our love and thoughts to Ann and family for their loss.

Mike’s funeral is at 12.30 next Thursday, 14th October, at St Mark’s Church, St Mark’s Road, Teddington, quite close to where Mike and Ann lived together.


  1. Bernard Winter says:

    Hi Dawn
    I was sorry to read about Mike”s departure and particularly of Ann’s loss. I have known Ann, initially as a College Colleague, for many years and met Mike a few times. Unfortunatelely I have just read the news a few minutes ago or I would have gone to the funeral which was about 200 metres from each of our houses. I shall drop a condolence card in to her house ASAP.
    I hope to start playing indoors again after a lengthy absence. I have made myself available for Teddington teams for the Tuesday and the Thursday leagues. Obviously I would like to play some roll-ups as soon as possible. I would be grateful if you could let me know the times of these or direct me to the place in the website wher I can find them.
    I look forward to seeing you again soon.
    Best wishes

    • Dawn Slaughter says:

      Thanks for the message Bernard. It is sad when we lose another bowler.

      Tuesday and Thursday leagues start at 2.00 pm. Mid week roll ups are Monday to Friday 10.00 am – 12.00 pm.
      Leagues start W/c 25/10 but I they are not every Tuesday and every Thursday. I’m sure your team captains will be in touch.

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