More Finals!

Spotted on Facebook that Richard Duke is playing Trevor Grover in the FIrestone Final on Saturday.  I’m sure Richard is hoping for a win as Trevor and his partner beat Richard in the semi-final of the Men’s Pairs.

Dave Pitt plays Kai Matthews (who beat Kevin Keown in the semi-final) in the Gillette Cup tomorrow at Bishop Duppas.  These are both South Middlesex League individual competitions.

Also on Saturday, the Coopers play the FInal of the Middlesex Mixed Pairs v Tony Waller & Rose Mayo.  In fact all the remaining finals will be played on Saturday at Bounds Green starting at 10.00 am.  We wish everyone well.

Meanwhile at 2.30 pm, we’ll be facing a hard contest at Cambridge Park with our own FInal when the Men taking on the Ladies!  If anyone hasn’t signed up for food, please let Ange know this morning as she will be sending her chaps off to Costco to do the shopping.

Beware wearing socks on your feet if you have wood floors.  If you slip and fall, it hurts.  The floor shows no sympathy!


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  1. Jean Staples says:

    Good luck Mike & Tina in Mxd Pairs !! I agree about not wearing socks on wood floor Dawn – I’ve nearly slipped up !! Hope game goes well for the girls on Saturday and we pick up the Trophy ? and it doesn’t get too dark as used to start this match at 1 o’clock !

  2. kevin keown says:

    The South Middlesex Finals are on Sunday at Fordbridge Park.
    Richard Duke plays Trevor Grover in Singles Final
    Christine Pusey and I play a team from Bishop Duppas in the Mixed pairs Final
    Bill Rush, Pauline Rush, Maureen K and I play a team from Staines in the Mixed Fours Final.
    Dave Bevan (Hampton) beat me in the 75 point Final last Saturday.
    Mike Cooper & Laurie Gasgoine are playing David Pitt and Gary Birtles in the Australian Pairs Final.
    Busy day!

    • Dawn says:

      WOW! Very busy day!
      Thanks for all the info, Kevin. Good luck to you and all the others. Might try and get over to watch In the afternoon. Di & I are playing the final of the 2020 Ladies Singles in the morning.

      • kevin keown says:

        Nearly all our matches take place in the morning! The latest one is the Mixed Fours starting at 12:30.
        Good luck in 2020 Ladies Singles to both of you.


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