Oh How We Love Our Sport!

We love it so much that we’re prepared to battle it out for 2.5 hours in the pouring rain getting soaked right through to the skin!

Ok,  so that’s not every time we walk on the green but it was like that last night!

Ann, Cathy, Tina & Ange went over to Bush Hill Park in the afternoon and won their Middlesex Senior Fours – congratulations to them.
Meanwhile back on home turf, Jean, Sarah, Tricia and Dawn (subbing for Lucy) started getting wet on the second trial end and played through the bucketing rain/stair rods/cats and dogs for the whole match. It wasn’t really going our way but we squelched along ringing out endless cloths just to keep going down by one shot per end v North London, who seem to be our new besties as we spend so much time playing against them!

Aided no end by Sarah’s leading skills, we managed to get back to 12-15 after 15 ends and we were definitely in with a shout. However, we dropped a 1 on 16th end followed by a colossal 6 on 17th, so that was that!

Doesn’t it seem ridiculous that four reasonable players can’t stop a 6?! Why none of us got any nearer than a yard on that final is pretty awful end should be asked to sit in the naughty  corner.

However the bottom line is that they played better than us on Tuesday night. It just wasn’t to be our day Good luck to our other four who play  North London in the quarter final.

I should add that we were very grateful for Norman making hot drinks and, along with Steve were both handing out as many dry towels that they could find! Also to Jane, Ann & Terry and later on Lucy & Mabel and Cathy for cheering us on

Our chaps didn’t fare much better on Monday night in the Pairs. On a positive note, both Jean and Cathy have reached the last 16 of the County Singles. Well done to both of them.


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