Quarter-Finalists & Semi-Finalists

Well done to Tina, Ann, Cathy & Nadine who made it through the quarter-finals of the National Fours yesterday. They came up against a very strong Oxon team who are probably the favourites, but as “it’s all in the day”, you never know what will happen!

Terri Watkinson (Bush Hill Park) and Dawn start their Two Bowl Singles challenge this morning. The night’s rain has passed over and the sun is out. I’m sure the rain will have slowed the green down for the first matches.

On Saturday, Sarah & Lucy played Dave P & Gary in the semi-finals of the South Middlesex Australian Pairs competition but, sadly, they lost 16-19. Still a very creditable account of which Sarah & Lucy can be proud.
South Middlesex Finals Day is at Cambridge Park on Sunday 18th September, so mark the date in your diary.
We will know quite a few people playing including Steve, Tricia, Jean & Norman in the Mixed Fours and the same minus Tricia in the Mixed Triples.
Kevin K, Richard D & Bill R from Hampton also feature in more than one final.

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