Is it really only 5 days since we shut the club? It seems like months since a bowl left my hand and I’m sure most of you feel the same.
I hope you’re all still well and are being sensible, keeping up the handwashing andng that all import 2 metres from the next person. This will be very hard for the naturally touchy-feely ones amongst us.
The club is still shut but if you have a few minutes, why not ring someone from your league team or club (indoors or outdoors) and see how they are. It’s very easy to go in to complete shutdown but a friendly voice is always welcome. For a change, you won’t be discussing the weather (but it’s going to get sunnier over the weekend -phew) but you can compare food shopping experiences i.e. no food, no loo rolls and have a good all whinge about that! You could discuss rationing even!
Several of our members live on their own so a phone call can mean a lot and keeps that sense of togetherness.
Get out for some fresh air – the spring flowers and blossoms are coming out and look stunning. Stay off public transport and keep 2 metres from the nearest person to protect both you and them.
Send me any other suggestions.
I could look at putting some quiz questions up . My work and pay have been cut by 20% so should have some more time next week.