Sunday 20th June – Good Luck!

Firstly good luck to Cathy who is playing in the semi-finals of the Middlesex Singles Championship at Holtwhites this morning.  Hopefully she will also be playing this afternoon in the final.

Good luck to Ann H in the Senior SIngles at CP this morning v Marion Bushnell – postponed after Friday’s deluge!

And good luck to the team playing Teddington in the South Middlesex League this afternoon.  Packing the waterproofs might not go amiss.


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One comment

  1. Ann Halliday says:

    Thank you Terry & Ann, Terry for setting rink up for me and swishing it, Ann for a very welcome cup of coffee, very much appreciated. Thanks also to Nadine for marking.

    Bad luck to Cathy who had to play on an impossibly heavy green.

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