What Happened to the Sun this Morning?

There was I thinking I might do a bit of gardening therapy at lunchtime in my break, but woke up to grey skies and light drizzle!  Oh well, we can’t have perfect weather every day or several people will be out not-quite-physical-distancing.

I went out around 5.00 pm last night and along the river towards East Twickenham and it wasn’t too bad – apart from swerving in and out of the road to avoid family groups, small children on bikes and scooters etc.  I gather the area by Richmond Bridge was pretty crowded on Saturday.  Isn’t it difficult?  If it’s in walking distance, it’s a pretty place to go but hopeless if 500 people go at the same time!

Kevin K has been in touch with the Hampton BC crowd (58+!!) and all seem to be doing well.  None of them have climbed the walls yet and those that can get out for walks are doing so.  Richard D has taken up indoor bowls on his 2m rug but at the moment is being beaten by his wife (at the bowls!).

Richard H and Geraldine replied to Kevin:  “All’s ok at this end.  Essential supplies are holding out not hitting the holiday mistakes just yet (every booze cabinet has them!).”

So Kevin has come up with a brilliant suggestion for a welcome back party.  Everyone has at least one bottle of drink in their cocktail cabinet which was fine when drunk in the warm sun of a far away destination, but tastes dreadful in the UK.  Bring the bottle down to the Cambridge Park welcome back party (when we’re allowed to) and make up some cocktails.  Great idea.  I have some Kumquat Liqueur –  I didn’t try it in Greece but it sounded nice.  It didn’t even work in trifle unfortunately.  So  root around in the cocktail cabinet and find and name the bottle you’ll be bringing so people can think up some recipe for cocktails.

Keep handwashing and don’t forget to phone a friend.  As well as Kevin K, Brian N, Terry, Norman and Ange are getting round quite a few members.  Gerry, George, Bernard and Joan say hello!

Ange is still offering to deliver a portion of Cottage Pie or something if you’re in need of a home cooked meal.


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