Wrap Up!

Well that wind was blowing a hooley last night.  I wouldn’t have liked to be having dinner or a drink even in a pub garden at 9.00 pm!  It’s not surprise that the hospitality industry is asking that indoor dining be opened earlier than 17th May!  However, it might be a lot warmer by then and everyone will want to be outside anyway!

It may be windy today and therefore chilly, but at least it’s sunny.

Windsor & Eton have confirmed 4 Mixed Triples for Saturday which is good.  If you are selected to play, please ensure you have a face covering if you wish to enter the club to use the loos.  The changing rooms will not be available, so we need to go changed.  The most important point is that they are not permitting spectators in the club grounds, so if you are intending to come over, you will only be permitted to watch from the gate.  Still Windsor is a lovely place to walk along the river, see different shops etc.


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