Author: Dawn Slaughter

Happy Birthday Jane!

Happy Birthday from all of us and we hope you have a good day and enjoy tonight’s birthday dinner!


What Jane probably wasn’t expecting was training and working on our new EPOS system!  Having attended the training, the new “till” is very good as everything is listed and you just press the appropriate tab and the price comes up.  So far so good.  All very intuitive!

After that, there are several other functions enabling you to pay by cash or card for your drinks and green fees.

There will also be new Cambridge Park membership cards designed by Scott which can be swiped through the till, and will have the facility of having money loaded onto it which can be used for purchases – similar to a Starbucks card and other sports clubs.  This will reduce the amount of cash that is handled as well as another way of reducing the risk of spreading germs.

However, like all new things, we will have to use the facility quite a few times before we’re running at full speed, so please bear with Jane, Laurence, Ange and Dawn as we all get to grips with it over the next couple of weeks.  We’re aiming to win this race as tortoises rather than hares so your patience is appreciated!

EIBA – Latest Guidance for Indoor Bowling

From Peter Thompson at the EIBA

I have pleasure in attaching an updated Returning to Indoor Bowls Guidance, following the Government’s announcement that Indoor sports are would be allowed to commence from Saturday 25th July 2020. As you will see in the guidance Indoor flat green bowls will be permitted to take place from this date, if this is the wish of your club.

EIBA Return to Bowls Guidance – 20 July 2020

In reviewing the specific guidance issued by the Government the EIBA have asked specific questions about the participant levels, which if allowed would be beneficial for clubs in allowing greater utilisation of their rinks. As of now we are awaiting a formal response from the Department of Culture, Media and Sport, which is why the release of an update has been delayed.

It is expected that a formal response will be received shortly and once it has a further update will be issued.


If you read the document (click on the link), you will see that we can’t just open the doors and let everyone back in instantly as there are many considerations and practical things that have to be in situ first.  So, watch this space!

Frank Lewis RIP

From Frank’s daughter Isabel

I am sorry to have to announce the sudden, but peaceful passing of our dear Dad, Frank Richard Lewis in the early hours of last Saturday 18 July at the age of 92. Our cousin David was with him. ? He spent many happy years bowling at Cambridge Park and shared so much of his success and passion of bowling with us at home. Thank you to all for your friendship towards Frank and his late wife Margaret.

I am his eldest daughter, living in France, but I will be in the house in Hounslow from Wednesday onwards.

Thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers for Frank.


As additional information, Graham Kellet spoke to Frank about 10 days ago and they were both remembering the times they shared at Cambridge Park and the bowling too!

Bowling Alleys open on 1st August – so maybe Indoor Bowls too?

Still nothing from the EIBA but with ten pin bowling alleys beginning to open on 1st August, there should be an update on indoor bowls very soon.

See some of you later but not George H.  He’s going out to see his daughter but says hello to all of you! However Joan O’N is hoping to come along.

There’s no match next Saturday (25th) afternoon but I’ll put a sign up sheet for a Mixed Drive – 24 maximum.  We’ll juggle pairs or triples depending on how many want to play.  Hope some of you who don’t feel ready for a match against another club will come along.  The only formal part is signing up on the sheet in the lobby!


Saturday Game but no EIBA News Yet

Gosh, you’ll all be getting ready for lunch now!

There is no further news from the EIBA yet – sorry.

Tomorrow, we are playing West Ealing at 3.00 pm at home.  Both clubs are putting out strong teams, the weather is going to be warm and sunny, the bar will be open, so we’ll be pleased to see as many of you spectating/catching up with friends as can make it!  Wear suncream.  Bring hand gel!

Norman is captain, so expect a lot of banter coming from his rink at least!

Back in Time

That was the title of my post when I started it 2 hours ago, then I got bumped off the computer!

I was chatting with one of my colleagues and we were both saying we were glad we weren’t 1950’s housewives!  Some of you may have been a 1950’s housewife and I take my hat off to you all (including my Mum) who seemed to spend the whole day cooking and cleaning!

A couple of other colleagues have mentioned that their sofas have a ‘dent’ where they have been sitting working for the last 4 months.

If you have memories of 1950’s home life – cooking, cleaning, filling the coal scuttle, sweeping the front door step ….. and/or habits you’ve acquired since lockdown, let us know.  It’s good to share and have a bit of fun too!


Wednesday 15th July – Statement from EIBA …..

It wasn’t quite what I was expecting!

Further to our email regarding the EIBA’s next Guidance update last Friday I, as stated , wish to update you that we have submitted the document to the Department of Culture Media and Sport for their comments and awaiting their reply so that we can release to you.

We expect this to happen over the next 24 hours.

Yours sincerely

Peter Thompson

Chief Executive



Saturday 18th July – Game v West Ealing – Home at 3.00 pm

Team for Saturday afternoon at 3.00 pm.  (West Ealing asked for later start)

Terry will set up rinks 1, 3, 4 & 6.  So those on Rink 3 and 4 will need to change ends via Rink 2 and 5.  We’ll walk it through anyway.

Tricia, Gym & skip Norman (Captain)

Ange, Dawn & skip Jean

Laurence, Gordon & skip Steve G

Dave W, Peter T & skip Dave P

Club shirts and greys.  No post match food but the bar will be available.  We’ve got some post-match drinks slips now, so will be easier to manage at the end of the game.  Home players to buy first drinks.

Jane will serve any drinks greenside during the afternoon or they can be ordered at the round table inside the dining room



Two New Fixtures Added to the List

Audrey has arranged these two new fixtures:

Wednesday 19th August v Sunbury – Away at 2.30 pm – 3 or maybe 4 triples

Saturday 29th August v West Ealing – Away at 3.00 pm – 4 Triples

Thanks, Audrey.


If you’ve just started to play again, don’t forget to put your names down for the games.  Sign up sheets for all the current fixtures are in the lobby for now.  The sheets for the above two games will be up later.


If you only play indoors, you shouldn’t have too long to wait.  Next update from EIBA is anticipated tomorrow – 15th July.

Spectators and Visitors on Saturday – Brilliant

A lovely sunny, warm afternoon for bowling v Bishop Duppas.  Think we had a win with Ange, Laurence & Dave P taking top rink.


it brought the visitors out in their hundreds.  Well, that’s a bit of an exaggeration but there were lots.  Lovely to see Dick & Di, Graham D and Eric on first ventures down to the club since lockdown.  Welcome back to Terry & Ann, Reg, Beryl, Corale, Nadine, Tony & Shirley, both Brian’s, Audrey, Gerry, Barry, Carlos & Family with dog and anyone else I’ve missed.

As you can see from the photo below, they were wild with excitement!

This morning, Ange & Dawn are having another go and taking more shots off Dave P & Peter T than last week!  We’ll see.