Author: Dawn Slaughter

Derek James RIP

We were very sorry to learn of the passing of Derek James last week at the grand old age of 95!

Derek had been a club member for many many years and a bowler of some standing who passed on his knowledge to new bowlers when starting out.

Over the last few years, he hadn’t been able to bowl but regularly delivered plants and seedlings he had grown with green fingers and love, donations for which went to the club.  A kind and generous man who will be missed by many.

Condolences to his son Graham and family

Funeral details will be posted when known.

Donations to Charity in Memory of Rita Wadge

Sharon, Rita’s daughter, has requested donations in memory of Rita can be given to either/both …

‘Pelion Animal Welfare Society’ – a charity that feeds, neuters and re-homes desperate Greek stray cats and dogs – Any cheques should be made payable to ‘Pelion Animal Welfare Society’. Or to ‘St Mungo’s’ – who are a charity for homeless people – Any cheques should be made payable to ‘St Mungo’s’. Both of these charities are small and do incredible work and we know Mum would have approved.

People just need to go to and then click the Online Donations button – top left. Then type in ‘Rita Wadge’ and choose which charity they want.

For those who do not wish to donate online, there will a collecting box at the crematorium or donations can be sent to the funeral directors c/o Yvonne Fernandez, Lodge Brothers and Keates, 49 High Street, Hampton Hill TW12 1NH. Tel: 0208 941 4022

Although Rita loved flowers, the family have requested that they are left growing in gardens rather than fading away at the Crematorium.

Thank you.


Farewell and RIP Rita Wadge – with Funeral Details

Rita with Gerry and friends from the Men v Ladies indoor match in 2017

It was with great sadness that we learned of Rita’s passing suddenly on Tuesday 12th November at the care home in Kent.

Rita had been a longtime member of Cambridge Park playing the highly important role of lead in many national competitions as well as for the County and club.

She was lively with a great sense of humour with a love of life, bowls, dancing and animals .. and Gerry, of course!

She became increasingly frail and had to give up bowling at the beginning of the 2018/19 indoor season but managed to come and watch on a few occasions.  At the end of the summer this year, she moved to a care home in Kent to be nearer her daughter.  She was torn between staying in St Margarets near Gerry and her friends but was unable to cope on living on her own and was happy and well looked after in the care home.

Gerry surprised her a few weeks ago when he turned up beside her as she dozed.  She was certainly surprised and delighted to see him and they were able to go out for lunch on two days.  They rang me from the home and she said she was so pleased to see him and hear all the news from the club and how well everyone was doing.

Her death came unexpectedly but it was a release for Rita who was struggling with a variety of medical issues .  As we all know, she was fiercely independent, so it made it tough for her to have to be dependent on others to help her with everything.

It was the end of the chapter of her long and full life and our deepest sympathies go out to Sharon, her daughter, and family, and of course her long time companion Gerry.  Sending all of them a big hug with positive thoughts of love and support from everyone at Cambridge Park.

Rita’s funeral will be at Mortlake Crematorium as she requested at 12.40 pm on Thursday 5th December and afterwards at Cambridge Park with a chance to share memories.  Please let Jane know if you would like to come along so we can have an idea of numbers for catering.

Cards can be sent to Sharon Huyshe, Rita’s daughter, c/o Cambridge Park BC, Cambridge Park, TW1 2PG

Rita in Action on the Green

Saturday 19th October – Yetton Trophy & Denny Cup at 10.00 am

The men will be playing Sutton – 2 rinks home, 2 away.


Roger O, Dick S, George & skip Norman

Dave S, Barry F, Kevin K & skip Gym

Reserve:  Roy E


Laurence, Reg, Richard D & skip Steve G

Brian N, Terry, Mike C & skip Peter T

The ladies will be playing Wey Valley in the plate.


Di, Audrey, Ann D & skip Sheila C

Tricia, Joan O’N, Sheila M & skip Teresa

Reserve:  Evelyn


Tina, Frances, Ann B & skip Amanda

Sarah, Lucy, Ange & skip Jean

Please come along and support.  Any help with teas/coffees would be appreciated.  Thanks

Saturday 5th October – Mixed Friendly v Iver Heath

What a fun afternoon from start to finish!

It was lovely to welcome Maldolm Davis and  his Iver Heath team to the club. Our new members Teresa & Barry were familiar with some of the opposition faces as they had bowled outdoor against them.  John Geeves was skip against Laurence.  During the match, they received the news that they were in the Over 60s Middlesex Liberty team v Warwick on 22nd October – well done!

Cambridge Park made a sprint start but couldn’t keep the pace up once Iver Heath had got used to the pace indoors.  It was 2-2 in rinks and the overall score was just as close!  Well done to Top Rink Norman, Terry/Bernard(half game each), Audrey and Roy nipping Jean, Ange, Gerry & Sarah to that prize.

Amanda & Barry did an absolutely brilliant job producing the post match meal.  Many thanks to them andtheir  helpers who set up, washed up, cleaned up.  Thanks also to Ann who kept us gonig from behind the bar and to Gerry for running the raffle.

The afternoon was so good that Malcom asked if Iver Heath could return for another indoor fixture this season and an outdoor fixture next summer.  Definitely!