Author: Dawn Slaughter

Outdoor Fixtures

Sign up sheets for Mixed Drive on Saturday 29th April at 2:30 pm and May outdoor fixtures will be up at the Club tonight, just ahead of the meeting at 7:00 pm regarding the proposed 5G mast site in our car park!

There’s quite a lot of basic info on sites for telecoms masts on

Bring your questions along e.g.

Why put it in the CP car park?

Is it harmful living near a mast?

Will my property devalue?

WIll my mobile phone work faster?  Will it drain more battery?

Which other sites have been proprosed for the mast?

Can an extension be put on an existing mast – wherever they’re sited – instead?

Middlesex Indoor Comps – Well done Teresa & Tina!

Congratulations to Teresa & Tina as they won their semi-final in the MIddlesex Ladies Pairs and will play Sandra Williamson-Mills & partner next Saturday 15th in the final.
Also appearing next Saturday Peter J & Peter T in the Men’s Pairs; Steve G, Tricia, Mike C & Tina in the Mixed Fours; and Dawn in the Ladies Singles.

Next indoor season’s entry forms will be at the Club this afternoon (Saturday 8th) and need to be completed and given back to Dawn by Sunday 26th.

All go!

Good Friday – The Sun’s Out. Roll on Outdoor Bowling!

Hope you’re all making the most of the sunshine today.  Rumour has it that it will be shorts weather on Sunday then back to the usual rain on Easter Monday!

The draft Outdoor Fixture List is on the Calendar page.  The green should be open on Friday 28th April.  Trevor/Jane/Ange to confirm this.  That would be good as the first friendly is on Wednesday 3rd May!

We are having an Open Day on Bank Holiday Monday 29th May.  This is in correlation with Bowls England Big Bowls Weekend.  Sarah is organising this.  She has quite a few volunteers but more are needed.  It’s a chance to bring your family,l, friends and colleagues who want to know why you are off playing bowls.  It’s a chance to give them a taste of what it’s all about.  You don’t need to be a qualified coach.  This will be a fun afternoon with an assortment of bowls games.

We will be entering the Richmond & Barnes League again this year.  It will be just 6 matches.  Ray V has been doig a brilliant job with the fixtures.  Some of the R&B opponents have dates as friendlies, but these will be converted to leagues.

The Richard & Barnes association also have individual comps – Open SIngles, Open Pairs, Open Triples and Open Fours.  If you would like to enter of these, please complete one of the forms at the club and put in the S pigeon hole.  I’ll collate and collect fees later.  Please can forms be back to me by 25th April as we need to submit by 1st May.

The Bowls England Competition Draws are now online and for those of you who have entered, you should have been emailed directly with your first round opponent.

Middlesex Competition Draws for both Men and Ladies are on the joint website Click on the relevant Mens or Womens section tabs for details.  Those of you who have ordered a Handbook, Norman has the order list and Jane has the books behind the bar.  These contain all details of county matches and competitions and other information.

THe new Crystal Mark 4 Rules & Regulations are now available.  Short link to the new bits are here



A Great Effort but Didn’t Quite Make It

Jean, as roving reporter, kept us up to date with scoring.
it was neck and neck all the way to 13th end with only one shot in it either way. After that the opposition broke away to win 20-15. Norman and the two Peter’s did win the final end so that was a positive finish.
Well done for getting to Nottingham in the first place. Steve was disappointed not to be able to play of course, but will be back in the driving seat for next season so local opposition should watch out!

From Stella, Dave & Brian C’s viewpoint as Club Competition organisers, it means the schedule for Finals Weekend will go ahead as planned as everyone will be back in the Cambridge Park area.
Play starts at 9;30 am on both mornings.