Author: Dawn Slaughter

Are you Bowled Out Yet?!

Just caught up with the Mixed Pairs Final plus Nick Brett v David Gourlay and Mark Dawes v Michael Stepney and feel very bowled out!

Some fabulous shots by all the players and all those that won today deserved it.  Well done to Stewart Anderson & Cerianne Glen on their Mixed Pairs win against last year’s winners.  Stewart did have a brilliant game but he couldn’t have done it without Cerianne.  14 years since she last held the Mixed Pairs Winners’ Trophy.  Incredible!

Today it’s another day of Singles with the Ladies’ Semi-FInals and Round 2 of the Men.  Who is your money on?

One Final Played, One More Today

What did you think of the Pairs’ Final?  Good to have it on the BBC?  The plus is the overhead ‘target rings’ The first set looked pretty comfortable for Greg & Nick, although the final end of that set when Jason & Michael got the 3 was a bit surprising considering they’d only scored 1 shot up until then!

Although Jason played some brilliant drawing bowls, Michael just seemed to go off (not that bowls a foot from the jack are bad) they just weren’t as close as he was playing in the first set).  Greg was drawing well and Nick had some real crackers, especially that final shot.   Terrific display of accuracy.

Nick & Greg were obviously delighted to be lifting those glass trophies at the end for the thrid time.  Well done to them.

I see Jason is back on the green this morning in the singles.  He’s been drawing well.  A couple of years back, he only seemed to be playing running bowls, which were fine when they were working but it wasn’t what one expected to see!   Two other choice singles matches as well later on with former World Champions in all the ties.

Another final though with Paul Foster & Alison Merrien (last year’s winners) up against Stewart Anderson & Cerianne Glen at 1:00 pm.  Good lunchtime viewing as that is sure to be a tough match so I hope you all get to enjoy it either live or on catch up.


Bowls Hits the BBC!

Today at 1:00 pm on BBC 2 we’ll be able to see the Open Pairs Final between Greg Harlow & Nicky Brett v Michael Stepney & Jason Greenslade followed by last year’s Champion Les Gillett playing Stuart Irwin in the Open Singles.

The 10:00 am match is viewable on the BBC Red Button.

I did Cerianne Glen a disservice.  She looks very young and I hadn’t seen her over the last 5 years or so but, according to her Wikipedia page, she moved from Wales to Australia when she was 11 and ended up playing for them and winning a silver medal in the 2006 Commonwealth Games – Triples.   (That’s 17 years ago!)  She was Ladies Indoor World Champion and Mixed Pairs Champion in 2008 and then retained the World Mixed Pairs Championship with David Gourlay in 2009!  WOW.  That is some history!

How fantastic to make a come back into these championships having taken time out away from bowls.  A master of her craft, which took her on to win her match v 2019 and 2020 former indoor champion Julie Forrest.  A wealth of experience and expertise from both girls saw a very tight game with Cerianne coming through in the tie break.

The semi-finalist line ups are Katherine Rednall v Nicole Rogers and Cerianne v Australian Lisa Featherby, who defeated yet another former champion in Alison Merrien from the Channel Islands.  The first of these matches will be on BBC2 on Wednesday 18th at 1:00 pm followed by an Open Singles match.  The other ladies semi-final in the evening and the Open Singles at 10:00 will be on the World Bowls Tour Facebook and YouTube channels and on the BBC Red Button.


Tomorrow’s line up


of if you prefer to watch live humans within touching distance, the Monday morning roll ups are on with what could possibly be club comps at midday and 2:00 pm, Ruils coaching from 2:0-4:00 and the evening leagues at 6:30 pm


If you[re heading out, wrap up.  It’s going to be chilly at maximum 5C!

World Bowls – It’s Ladies Singles Day

Last year’s winners – Alison Merrien & Paul Foster are through to the final which will be played on Tuesday 17th on the BBC at 1:00 pm.  They play the new pairing of Stewart Anderson & Cerianne Glen who came through yesterday afternoon v Mervyn King & Lisa Fetherby.  That probably wasn’t the most exciting game even though it went to a tie-break, but a win in any round at this level is a great achievement.

Di, Ann H & Dawn felt the same when they scored a win over Pauline, Doreen & Norma in the Over 50’s Triples at Egham yesterday morning.  Their prize is a tie against the 3T’s – Teresa, Tina & Tricia, but at least it’s at Cambridge Park.  28th January is the mooted date.  We might have to get some of those on the Markers’ Course to do some ‘real’ measuring!

So today, the Ladies take to the indoor arena at Potters, with some hot matches to watch.

As far as World Match Play Singles, I think I’m right in saying all the first named in the above draw, apart from Nicole, have played and/or won the Singles.  Let’s hope now that the other players, having got at least one game under their belt on the portable rink, settle in quickly and treat us to some good close matches.

How Are Your Eyes?!

How are you doing on the World Bowls?  I have pretty square eyes but it doesn’t help being on a computer at work for 9 or so hours a day and that doesn’t include watching bowls!

Thanks to Katharine Wallace for the following link.  Worth a read.

It was a very tight first set between NIck & Nicole v Stuart & Cerianne with Nick & Nicole sneaking  a 2 shot win on the final end.  However, in the second set, Stewart & Cerianne came into their own taking it comfortably.  All to play for in the tie-break with Stuart & Cerianne coming through 2-1.  It was close though!I don’t remember Cerianne from previous years.  She has quite an interesting build up to her delivery, but it works for her,  Mervyn King & Lisa Featherby and Stuart Anderson & Cerianne Glen fill the other positions in the schedule below.

Fewer games today and it’ll leave the Potters’ residents having a Saturday night off to go and do what they want!

The first match today should be ex

Friday 13th. Unlucky for Some?

Well, we’ll have to wait and see.  There are club games and world championship games and half of those people might feel thery were a bit unlucky in coming second, but maybe it was just that their opposition just had a better day.

Last night Tricia & Teresa were going head-to-head against Wendy & Norma from Egham. Our girls started well, then the others began fighting back and eventually ended up winning.  When the bowlers on the other two rinks finished, the temperature dropped.  In this afternoon’s commentary Nick B said that a green running at 18.5 then cooling to 18.0 mid game can make a difference of 2-3 feet on a shot.  So when CP gets a bit chillier midway through the game, remember to give your bowls a little extra push, then pull it back when the heater bursts into life!

Dick S was made to sweat on 20 in his club singles v Bernard Winter, who had a late flurry.  That final 1 shot, if you don’t get it the first time, gets harder and harder!

Good wins yesterday in the World Championships.  Mark Royal had a fantastic game against Alex Marshall and Alex wasn’t exactly playing badly.  Greg Harlow didn’t make it through even though his drawing was nigh on perfect.  Pretty galling on the first end putting 3 right on the jack then your opponent removes them in one fell swoop!  Jamie Walker played very well taking the tie 1.5:0.5.    Maybe the tide is turning and more green-shirted players are winning this year?!

Brilliant result for Jon Wilson, having reached the competition with a wild card, he then went on to take Commonwealth Games winner Jamie Chesney out in two sets.  Good luck to him in the next round, but he’ll have to wait until next Thursday before he faces Robert Paxton.

Today sees the start of the Mixed Pairs, so some cracking matches coming up with less familiar faces amongst the girls.


MIddlesex Congratulations and Updates

The MIddlesex Home Counties team to represent Berkshire was published yesterday and it was great to see Steve G, Laurence, Peter T & Andy H named. I believe it will be Peter and Andy’s debut MIddlesex County appearance. Well done!


The Middlesex Indoor Competitions have now been published. I’ll post draw sheets up at the club tonight.

And on to Thursday

As predicted, it was a terrific display of bowling between Wayne Wilgress and Katherine Rednall last night, with Wayne winning 2-0 sets.  Some brilliant bowls from both players and nice to hear the commentators giggling over “Katherine’s gap”.  It was reminiscence of Brian Johnson & Jonathan Agnew’s fits of giggles when reporting about Botham “not quite getting his leg over”!  That was in August 1991.  Can you believe it?

I caught up a bit on Nick Brett v Jonathan Ross’ match but missed the rest.  Jonathan had a really good second set, but Nick is such a class bowler.  I hope the other games were just as enjoyable and, indeed, inspiring.

Today’s line up is all singles.  There should be some good matches to watch, especially if you don’t have to go to work!