Author: Dawn Slaughter

Outdoor Roll Ups

A great time was had by all who came along on Saturday afternoon.  The sun shone down, the birds were singing the green was pretty good once we all got the hang of less green and a lot more weight than indoors!  Good to see Mike C, Ron B & Graham K spectating for all or some of the time.

Usual Monday, Wednesday & Friday morning roll ups from 10:00-12:00 this week and throughout the season.

For this week only, there will be roll ups at 6:00 pm on Tuesday (26th) and Thursday (28th)  for an hour or half or so.  It will help those of us that work who can’t make it during the day but anyone and everyone will be welcome.

For those of you who usually bowl indoors on Tuesday & Thursday mornings, please let us know if these will run throughout the summer season on both or only one days.  Thanks.

On Saturday 30th, there will be another roll up from 2:00-4.00 pm.  If this is your first roll up, please use the main entrance to come in to the changing rooms and out to the green.  There is an event on in the dining room and bar.



I think most of you will have received your subs invoices by now.  If you haven’t please speak to Ange.

The best option for paying is direct from your bank account to the Cambridge Bowling & Sports Club bank account.  Details on your invoice.  Use the invoice number as the reference.

Second best option is by topping up your Membership Card at the club till with the subscription amount, then pay from the Membership Card to the EPOS system on the till.  There is a technical reason that it has to be be done in two stages, but please don’t ask me to explain because it is too technical for me!

Third option is by cheque.

Fourth option is by cash but if  you can use either of the top two options, that would be best all round.

Thanks to everyone who has already paid so promptly.  It really is appreciated.

Margaret B Has Been Busy!

Well done to Margaret Barnes.  She’s been clicking those knitting needles together and raised a cluck of chicks …. all in a goodcause – The Ukraine Red Cross Appeal.

Thanks to everyone who supported Margaret’s hard work.  Brilliant!  Good luck to everyone who will benefit too.



Happy St George’s Day & Reminders

I hope you don’t come across any dragons today.

Outdoor roll up this afternoon starting at 2.00 pm. Make sure you have a warm top on. It doesn’t look as if it will rain, but the windchill will make it feel about 12C.  There are crumpets for afters or maybe Crumpet singular if there are 20 of us!

Please can you ensure your Middlesex Indoor County Comp Forms are back with Dawn at the Club by Tuesday 26/04. I have had some back with payment (thank you) and some emailed forms with money going direct to CP bank account. So, this is just a last minute reminder for those who still wish to enter.

Outdoor Green Opens Today …

Get your fleeces and waterproof jackets out!  Will it deter us? You can bet your bottom dollar it won’t!

New members welcome too

if you suffer from tree pollen, you’ll need antihistamines today as the count is high.

For those not bowling today, come along for a roll up tomorrow starting at 2.00 pm

St George’s Day Roll Up

Weather looks ok-ish for Saturday 23rd, so if any of you want to get your outdoor bowling arm going, we’ll have a roll up from 2.00 pm.

You’ll probably need a fleece and maybe a jacket but we can warm up with a hot drink or beer afterwards.
I won’t put a sign up sheet on the board so just come along.


BETTER Update on Outdoor Green Opening!

Trevor is happy for us to bowl outside from this Friday 22/04.
Please do not use Rinks 1&6 as the fox seems to prefer those so Trevor is busy repairing the damage

Roll ups will be as usual on weekday mornings . The Friday Leagues will start on 6th May

I’ll find out the start date for Monday Afternoon leagues

Keep your fingers crossed it stays dry!!