Author: Dawn Slaughter

Sunday 20th February – Mixed Friendly v Teddington

On Sunday afternoon we welcome Teddington for a mixed friendly. The game starts at 2.00 pm and the bar will be open from 1.00 pm. Spectators are welcome to come inside from the wind and rain, which I believe is forecast!


On Saturday, a great day was enjoyed by all at the Club when Vic Perry, Ron Eden and their band of merry men and women delivered the Marker’s Awareness Course to 20 eager attendees.

it was a long day with a lot of information to absorb but everyone was buzzing at the end of the day and eager to get back on the green either playing or marking.

Thanks to the umpires for their donation which will go to Cancer Research. Thanks also to Marie for offering and putting the lunches together as serving teas and coffees and for Jane behind the bar.


The days of hanging a piece of seaweed out of your window to get the weather are long gone.   Thanks to technology including GPS systems, the weather forecasts are now much more reliable.

Please don’t go out unless you have to.  Snuggle down with tea, the Olympics and your favourite films.  Of course some will have to go out – to work, to medical appointments, to care for a friend.  Make sure you take an additional layer of clothes and a thermos with a hot drink.  You may not need it but you might see someone else who does.

Good to know that those who have been under the weather (no pun intended) and/or hospital are on the mend.  We hope to see you back at the club as and when you can pop in for a visit – don’t come today, though!


The GBR Men don’t play the final v Sweden until tomorrow morning but the Ladies play their semi-final around midday today.  Enjoy!


A Chance of an Olympic Medal

GBR have a chance at winning a medal in the Curling as they play USA in the semi-final.  They had already made it through to the semi but beat Canada 5-2 this morning.

The Ladies are on now (7.00 am)  against ROC and are 3-2 up.  The girls are playing really well and just have to keep ‘drawing’ in – first time I’ve heard that term used for curling with Steve Cram and Hazel Irvine commenting.  They’re good.  It’s a slower sport than bowls but they are excellent at keeping the chat interesting, don’t you think?

Keep going GBR!

How Good is Your Technique?

I was looking for a workout on YouTube, when this popped up as “recommended for you”.  Although it is ‘old’, it was published in April 2021.  There are some interesting discussions over technique and delivery from David Bryant, Tony Alcock, Andy Thompson, Ellen Falkner and and Amy Monkton.  It’s done in sections, so you don’t have to watch all 1 hr 45 mins in one go.  There maybe some ads when you start but they are short!


Olympics – Curling

If you’re awake now (7;00 am), the GBR Men’s team are playing Switzerland and are 3-1 up so far.  I think both the men’s and ladie’s teams are lying 3rd in their league round robins.  Let’s hope they can capitalise on this and get GBR on the medal table – in whatever colour we can!

It seems as there are more mixed events on the snow this year with snow cross, skiing and speed skating, which is good to see.  Mind you the skiing has taken to a completely different level to the usual downhill races with all the aerial events going on.  Has anyone worked out all the scores depending on whether they take off backwards, forwards and which way they turn?  It still seems a different language!

There should be more skiing today when hopefully that heavy snow which cancelled some of yestserday’s events will have stopped.

The ice dancing is on today.  Our couple looked good but not quite the standard of the medal winners.  You can watch that on catch up.  The young 15 year old girl from ROC has been cleared to compete again, so it will be interesting to watch her progress and whether all that has gone on in the last few days has affected her confidence.

Anyway, enjoy.

A Win for the Mixed Friendly!

Well done to all those playing today. We had two making their debut – Jacqui L & Karen G – and others playing back end rather than front end. A really good team effort all round.
Top Rink were Gym and his girls – Audrey, Jacqui & Ranjani on rink 1.
The whole afternoon was played in a friendly but definitely competitive way and the chatting after the game was in very good humour. We look forward to playing London Civil Service outdoors next.
Our green was cut yesterday. The rain today was setting us up for the new season!

Hard luck to the three T’s who lost their semi-final at Camberley this morning. Well tried


Roadworks – Welcome to Half Term Local Travel! Aaargh!

Newswire: The three T’s are 4-6 over at Camberley after 5 ends in the Area Semi-Final of the Over 50’s Triples.  Come on girls!

Thanks to Gordon who advised we needed to watch out for roadworks through Twickenham.  Corale let us know that there are traffic lights on Richmond Bridge also slowing traffic down.  If you’re heading towards Gillette Corner past West Middlesex Hospital, there are four way traffic lights meaning you cannot go straight across and up Syon Lane, you need to do a detour heading toweards Brentford High Street.  Coming down from Gillette Corner is fine (at the moment!)

Anyway,you may need to allow extra time to get to the club for roll ups, leagues, comps etc.

This afternoon we welcome London Civil Service to the club for our second Mixed Friendly against them this season.  We hope everyone has a good game.

Back to Winter Olympics later.

Also on Sunday 13th February – The Three T’s Will be in Action!

Tina, Tricia & Teresa will be playing the area semi-final of the National Over 50s Triples at Camberley at 10.00 am.  and I am sure they would like your support if you’re around the Camberley area .

Good luck girls!

(There’s a huge flagship M&S nearby to visit post match unless  you’re playing against London Civil Service at Cambridge Park in the afternoon!)


PS. Well done Norman for spotting it should be 13th February not December. I had December on the brain for some peculiar reason!

Sunday 13th February – Mixed Friendly v London Civil Service

Watch out for any roadworks in the Twickenham area from Saturday (I believe) if you’re coming to the club.  You may need to allow extra travel time.

We’re looking forward to welcoming London Civil Service on Sunday with another new member making a club match debut – Karen Griffiths.

Teams (although we may juggle them around a bit):-

Ray V, Brenda, Scott & Ange

Audrey, Jaquie L, Ranjani & Gym

Alasdair, Karen, Tony O’B & Corale

Shafquat, Stella K, Steve P & Dawn

Match Captain:  Ange

2.00 pm start for those of you who would like to come along and support.  We’ll be pleased to see you and the bar will be open!