Category: uncategorized

See Through Scrubs – Ooh, Sounds like Carry on Nurse!

Had a funny email from Barbara P who had some sheets ready to be made into scrubs by Jill G‘s U3A group.  Apparently white isn’t any good as it’s see through!  It might make patients laugh which would be good for some but not for all of them!  I never even crossed my mind about that.  So, if you have coloured sheets/duvet covers you don’t need, they will make less revealing scrubs and save a bit of embarrassment.

Well done to Ange & Scott for delivering 14 portions of Beef Stifado around and about today.  I was lucky enough to get a portion for my dinner and it was absolutely delicious.  The two of them have done a brilliant job cooking a meal each week and delivering to ever growing numbers.   That was Ange’s last cook-in for the summer though. Thanks a million to Ange, Scott (and Des giving up the kitchen) for all you have done for the members.  A big round of applause heading your way !

Ron C was pleased to hand over 2 bags of frozen peas on Saturday which the supermarket had delivered in place of 4 cans of mushy peas.  I suppose he could have thawed them then attacked them with a rolling pin?? !  Despite being under the weather a bit,  Ron has picked up the phone and rung a few people – excellent.  Do likewise everyone.  It’s good to talk even if you can’t get out.

Kevin K said all the Hamptonites he had spoken to were well.  I guess more of them as well as us will be venturing out a bit more to get some fresh air and/or talk to friends.  Do not feel bad if the thought of going out scares you.  Going from total lockdown to some freedom of movement won’t be easy.  Some of us have been going out to work (not using public transport) for the last 8 weeks, so we feel more confident in the street, supermarket etc.  We still have to be aware of good hygiene and the physical distancing required though.  There is no reason to be blase at all and handwashing is essential before you go out and after you come back.  Hand gel is also a must but don’t put your hands near your mouth, It tastes absolutely awful!

Ange reminded me that the wonderful Vic Perry (national umpire) was an international speed skater.  I wonder if he was ever up against Gerry?

Keep your news coming in.  It’s good to stay connected until we get on the green again!



Easing of Some Lockdown Restrictions

I hope the easing of restrictions allowing you to meet someone from a different household outdoors but still at social distancing is good news for several of you.  Woodland Gardens in Bushy Park will have several of you talking with each other from 2m away.  Brilliant!

As regards sport which can be played on your own or with your household from Wednesday, we have plans in place and will get back as soon as we can as regards outdoor bowling.  There are a couple of hurdles than need to be cleared but we are very hopeful those that are able and want to will be back on the green very soon.  It will need to be regimented as we have to look at the safety of every member as a priority.  Not everyone will want to venture out yet and that will be respected.  Fingers crossed!


Bank Holiday Saturday

Kevin sent us the Royal British Legion standard bearer video which is on yesterday’s post.  He also updated us on the Hampton crew and all are well.  Bill & Pauline even managed to escape for a walk.  Escape from Colditz version 2?!

Did you see the flypast?  I heard but couldn’t see the planes.  Still, I managed to enjoy Sarah H’s road flypast

That plane was a good buy!

Were you all celebrating?  Did Tony O make it to ‘his wall’ I wonder?

I made some scones and left a plate full for a colleague along with a Wartime Carrot Cake recipe.  Her daughter 10 is supposed to be studying and writing something about VE Day. Let’s just say, it’s not going very well.  It’s not easy home schooling children especially after 7 weeks and with 5 people in their flat, there’s not a lot of room for peace and quiet – for any of them.

Another colleague sent photos from her front garden.  She seemed to have moved the whole living room suite outside to the front garden and she and her family were enjoying their celebration tea with neighbours in their front gardens!

Right.  Off to do some gardening.

Keep me updated with your news and don’t forget if you’d like a portion of Beef Stifado cooked by Ange, let her know by tomorrow morning  Delivery on Wednesday



Free Online Access to the National Archives

Monday again.  The weekends whizz by!

Sarah H is looking out for us all again, especially those with enquiring minds who want to look back at various events and thought some of our members might be interested in this;

How Did Your Clapping Go?

It was really disappointing around where I live last night.  Saw someone clapping from their window 100 yards away and a couple 100 yards in the other direction were there and from the block of flats opposite there were about 10 lots out.  Everyone else say their applause evenings are getting stronger, so I’m not sure why ours has gone downwards.  Odd!

Anyway, I hope you fared better where you live.

Richard H has been out on his daily walk with his camera this time – off to Woodlands in Bushy Park – lots of photos on our FB page but here’s one to whet your appetitie.

Photo by Richard Hermitage in Woodlands Garden


Aren’t they fantastic?!  I love azaleas.  Thanks, Richard.  If anybody else is out walking and catches some views, please post to our Facebook page or send to me and I will do it.

Had an email from Chris C at Teddington BC yesterday.  All well apart from Beryl who is under the weather and quite poorly, so please send some positive thoughts her way.

Bowls England decided to cancel the ‘celebration’ games so, alas, it means both Strawberry Hill and Masonians miss out on their Centenary matches.  We’re really sorry about that.

Any plans for the weekend?  Keep us updated – phone a friend!


PS – Lasagne

Ange has had an order for Lasagne and will deliver individual portions to your door next Sunday 19th April – all hygienically prepared and cooked and wrapped – for £1.50 per portion.

Please let Ange or me know if you would like a portion.


Des and Scott have agreed to giving a presentation on their Trip of a Lifetime to Africa when our social evenings start up again.  Hooray!



Positive Thoughts Please – They’re Working – Update!

Update 10th April afternoon:  Brian had an op to remove the clot on his brain.  Only 24 hours later, he has spoken to Jane and said he was and bored!  Terry and Jane will keep in contact with him.  Terry spoke to Brian this afternoon and they will be moving him to Kingston Hospital.

So thank you for keeping Brian and Carol in your thoughts.  Please continue!


9th April:  Just had a call from Terry M.  Brian C was taken into hospital during the night having suffered a stroke. Please send as many positive thoughts and prayers that you have his way and Carol and the family’s way.

I’ll post other news later, but wanted you to all get behind Brian and the medical team looking after him

We’ll be clapping at 8.00 pm tonight for all the NHS and other key workers battling away on behalf of the whole country.

