Are you Tossing Up Today?!

Shrove Tuesday.  How did that come round so quickly?

I made American Pancakes from “Nigella Bites”.  Sometimes, I have bacon and maple syrup on them but today it’s blueberries, raspberries and Greek yogurt (other yogurts are available).

We used to go to the dentist in Dorking (a squash plyaing friend started his practice there) and afterwards had brunch in a cafe where the pancakes were dressed with fresh orange segments and cinnamon.  Deeelicious!

As a child, we couldn’t wait until after school, and for Mum to make the pancake batter which we would take it in turns to toss them.  The first one was always rubbish and Mum used to put that to one side for herself once we’d all eaten – typical of Mum putting herself last to her family.  Dad always had the first ‘proper’ one.  We then had to take it in turns.  It was always disappointing that Pancake Day only came once a year.  When you think about it now, why could you not have pancakes every day?!

We only knew about pancakes with sugar and a squeeze of lemon.  What are your preferences?  Nutella & Banana?  Peanut Butter & Banana?  Chocolate?  Bacon?  Sausages?

Do you still make and toss pancakes even if you live on your own?  There’s nothing wrong with that (and no one else can see if  you make a dreadful mess and it goes on the floor!)


PS  Vaccine booked for Thursday morning at Harlequins.



    • Dawn Slaughter says:

      Ooh. Never tried Golden Syrup instead of caster sugar.
      Have you tried making an ovenproof dish of stewed apple, make up Yorkshire Pudding batter to fit over the apples and bake till cooked. Remove from the oven, carefully slice the Yorkshire Pudding and drizzle Golden Syrup over and top with cream or ice cream to serve. Two days’ calories in one dessert but it is delicious!

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