Butternut Squash for Brenda D and Not the Slugs!

I received a nice email from Brenda D with her updates.

Despite the lock down, time still seems to pass quickly. My garden has certainly benefitted from some attention and I’ve had a go at growing plants from seeds. Butternut squash  have been the most successful. I hope they will provide groundcover for the bottom of the garden and not a feast for the slugs!
Have only been out for shopping but have kept in touch with family and friends by phone. We all seem to agree that staying at home means less washing and ironing, which is appreciated and also, when the bank statements arrive, they include fewer items. So I think we’ll all be having a big spend up when this is over.
You and Angie are doing a great job for club members and it is very much appreciated.  (Ed.  Thank you) If Angie ever does one of  those wonderful Greek dishes we discussed, can I be first on the list?!!!
Well, Brenda, you’re wish is our command and Stifado will be on Ange’s delivery list next week.  Ange said “Yes, great.  I make a mean Beef Stiffado!”  At some point I might have to join in with Rice Pudding deliveries.  Eek!
Brenda has been chatting with the Colin and Carole Mackie who think that everyone’s ironing pile is greatly reduced (YES!!) and we will be much healthier with less access to junk food.  Brenda wholeheartedly agrees but confessed she had bought lemons to make Limoncello Vodka to a recipe her sister sent.  I might be wrong, but I would think there are a few calories in that!  Not to worry, when we get round to have a re-opening party, I don’t think anyone would mind if you brought a bottle down, Brenda!  Actually it sounds delicious! and you’ve got my tastebuds going despite it being 8.15 am!
Any more gardening stories or recipes to share from you all?
Don’t forget there are a few more tomato plants next to the steps at the club entrance from Dave W. if you can get down there on your daily exercise.  They will grow indoors or outdoors but will need to move to a larger diameter pot – approx 10″




  1. Ange says:

    Hi everyone.
    Yes we are going Greek in the Cumine kitchen next Wednesday!
    My assistant chef Scott will be helping with the delivery route. Enables a quick chat ove the fence… then onto the next!!!
    So far I have 7 requests for beef stifado and baked potatoe!!
    Will need to know by Monday please!
    Just need your address!
    Take care and stay safe!

    • Dawn Slaughter says:

      Well done, Ange! Orders have gone up to 14 as of 9.00 pm last night!

      If any of you have already ordered or wish to order, do it by Monday morning. This is the FINAL time Ange will be cooking and home-delivering this year! She is retiring from chef duties on Wednesday 12th May!

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