Monday is Washday and Left Over Sunday Roast Day

I’m sure Monday was washday or was it Friday?  The mangle eventually being replaced by the twin tub, hauling the soggy washing out of one bit and dropping it into the other.  The machine creeping off its spot due to the vibrations; putting your hands on the lid and talking and it made your voice very funny.  What a difference that made to our parents’ (but more likely our Mum’s) lives!

A plate of left over from Sunday’s roast for dinner or Monday.  I don’t remember my Mum making bubble and squeak but it was and still is very popular by the reminiscences of other bowlers.

How life has changed from then, from 12 months ago to now!  WOW!

Fantastic news on the vaccine stats yesterday.  It is said 2 weeks for it to start being effective from the first dose, then the waiting game for the second dose.

Isle of Wight Ron was looking for some exercises to improve fitness levels.  Most of us want to do that so it’s a good time for lots of people to start getting their bodies ready for bowling again, or even just getting out a bit more and building up the stamina levels.

This is a link that came through via one or two clicks from the website.  Lots and lots of exercises you can do from yoga, pilates, sitting down leg strengethening and more .  Start in small chunks – maybe only 5 minutes a time and build your strength up.  If you live on your own and doing standing exercises, make sure you have a chair nearby for balance.


How did you get on with the Garden Bird Watch?  My list was slightly disappointing compared to the snowy Sunday.

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