News from the Towpath!

Bumped into Terry and Ann yesterday.  Terry said he hadn’t yet been over run with volunteers for ditch cleaning/clearing and rubber cleaning yet … but he would like some help as he’s cracked some ribs following slipping down a slope in Kingston.  If any of you have cracked or broken ribs, you will know how unbelievably painful they are!

Following on from Ann & Terry’s Sausage Bap recommendation, others have reported that the ice creams at the cafe on the river are also good!

Some of our ‘youngsters’ have now had their first jabs.  Well done to the NHS Vaccination Centres who are working flat out to get as many people inoculated as quickly as possible.

Richard H was heading off to Bushy Park for his walk and has promised to send in some photos.  He’s a real whizz with the camera so they should be tiptop!

I’m off to Kew Gardens with my phone, so the shots will be ok but not as precise as Richard’s.  Camera phones are brilliant though. Temperature seems to be dropping back to 2C – maybe it’s to stop us all going out in large crowds before lockdown is officially eased?!

The EIBA have sent out Competition Forms for 2021-22.  I’ll get these posted up in the next couple of days.


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