Socks and Social Distancing

Where is this going?  Well, I woke up at 3.00 am and all I could think of was socks!  I’m guessing this is because my sock draw needs sorting.  When it boils down to it I really only need white socks, because under normal circumstances, I would be bowling 5 times a week so I might as well wear white socks for the other two days, unless I’m wearing a skirt!

So, following the “Stay at Home” orders last night, this would be a good time to sort out the sock drawer, wouldn’t it?  When we get back to normal, ask me if I’ve done it!  As someone commented yesterday, all those “I haven’t got time” excuses have now gone right out of the window!

I know several of you will be on lockdown for 12 weeks whereas a lot of us might only have to do this for 3 weeks.  Everyone we’ve spoken to so far is in good health and all have said family members are keeping in contact and the neighbours have been wonderful doing the shopping and checking up.  However, the whole business can seem overwhelming at times to each of us and we get frightened.  It’s normal human instinct.  Pick up a phone and ring someone else and chat about anything.  It really helps get things back into perspective.

If the 3-weekers all follow the guidelines we’ve been given, you never know, it might reduce the 12 weeks into less.  Check out this graph courtesy of Global News.  We need to do this for everyone.  Our families all need to do this too.  This is being positive and going forward.

Stay safe.  Keep hand washing (nag, nag, nag!) and keep smiling, talking and sharing.  (If you can check out our Facebook page, I’m copying across various bowls videos and on bits and pieces on there.)


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  1. John Quinn says:

    Hi Dawn

    I love what you’re doing to keep your members informed and in touch with the club.

    I shared a link to your site in the Bowls Central Sunday Newsletter this week to hopefully encourage other clubs to follow your lead…well done!

    Just for the record I have at least 20 pairs of identical black socks, so my drawer never needs sorting!

    Having such an organised sock collection has left me more time to add updates to the Bowls Central site and Academy so that Academy Members can hone their greenkeeping knowledge during the lock down. Once it’s all over we should expect to play on a lot of very good greens!

    All the best to you and the members of Cambridge Park BC, stay well and look after each other (from a distance)



    • Dawn Slaughter says:

      Thanks, John and thanks for the link in the newsletter. A lot of clubs are keeping their members in mind and posting things. We have to get through this together.
      I’m glad I never got into fishing – I’ve been watching Back To The Corner Shop. I can’t remember if it was last week or a catch up edition when they started selling maggots – eyuk! I’ll stick to bowls when we can get out there again. Green is looking brilliant!
      I hope you’re staying well too.

  2. Angela Cumine says:

    Not quite into socks!!
    Clothes washing, bed linen done!
    More importantly dug up the raised beds. Put the tomato seeds in, peas, chilliest, peppers next! What a beautiful day!!!
    Goats, sheep on the green would be interesting!!! Scott has mowed the lawn!!
    So next he will be painting the fence… Autum Gold!!!
    Sitting outside in the sun is a nice surprise so let’s get out there before the rain at the weekend!
    Don’t forget We are all in this together. Happy to shop or talk any time !!
    Take care, stay safe but positive…. Ange

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