Wonderful Wednesday Technology …. Not

I think a little bird was tying nots in the internet connection yesterday as I couldn’t get online on my phone, the laptop or my work destop.  It was really annoying as I had a pile of work to get through and lost over 2 hours. Grrr.

On a similar vein, Nigella Lawson tweeted that she hadn’t left the house since March and found a note on  her doormat  “We tried to deliver your parcel but you were out”.  Doyou think delivery men hide behide round the corner so they know your more than 2m from the door, then try?!  To be fair our delivery men coming to the office have been brilliant.

Anyway, Kevin K has been in touch with all the Hampton crew and all is well.  No more paintings from Steve H this week alas.  It probably means he did his his guitar out and start playing again.

Anyone found a instrument gathering dust which they’ve started playing again?

Strawberry Hill are also all doing well.  If anyone walks past their green in the daytime, can you check that no one is playing football on it please?  Ange was sure two men and two boys were, but there was nowhere to stop the car quickly to check.

Ann M, Ange and I have no-longer wanted sheet/duvet sets so they will heading off to Jill G for her U3A group to make scrubs.  Patterns are good.  They don’t have to be plain.  If you have anything suitable, please let me know and I can collect if that helps.

Ann’s headbands for nurses were very well received indeed.  For those of you who prefer crocheting,

Crotchet pattern is with do yarn, size 4 hook, chain 16-20 stitches depending on size you want, single crotchet first row to end and turn round the corner. Single crotchet the other side and turn round the corner. Increase stitches at the ends to avoid pulling. Do about 5 or 6 rounds depending on SIZE.

Right, must dash.  Need to get my lunch prepared then it’s off to the office with my first duties being disinfecting handles, light swtiches, kettle handles, bathrooms, etc etc for the three of us who are so socially distanced, even a megaphone wouldn’t help – but we do have phones! Never expected to become the office cleaneras well as a PA!

The travel industry has had a bit of a rough press but if your tour operator is ATOL and ABTA protected, then a Refund Credit Note which can be used to book a future holiday or returned for a cash refund a bit later on is a good option.  Just ensure you have had an ATOL certificate from when you made the booking.  That means your money is protected by the CAA and is safe.   Even if the company went bust (heaven forbid that happens to any agency/tour operator), you would still get your money back.  It’s tough out there but we are all working hard to help our customers across the industry.


Don’t forget to keep washing those hands “Happy Birthday ……”, stay safe, stay well and phone a friend!


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  1. Shirley Oakes says:

    Hi Dawn

    I have a friend who lives in the road opposite Strawberry Hill BC and she has seen people playing football on the green quite a few times, she told them politely it was a ‘bowling green and not a football pitch’ and people work hard to make sure it is in a good condition. They replied ‘but people walk on it so what is the difference’ she reminded them you have to wear special soled shoes when bowling. She did say though that they did not give her a load of abuse which surprised her
    She does not know the ‘footballers’ and did not take it any further.

    • Dawn Slaughter says:

      Thanks, Shirley and thanks to your friend for trying with the footballers.
      Ann B said their Secretary has been in touch with the Council about it but the Council are not keen to fence it off. Surprising, as they maintain the green and it’s Strawberry Hill’s Centenary this year.
      Ann also said they had reported someone was doing dog training on the green *sigh*. I guess unless you understand what a mammoth task is involved in keeping and protecting a green for bowls, it would be hard to realise what damage you are doing. It’s not as if there isn’t a large open green park space right next to it!
      Anyway, the Secretary will contact the Council again, so thank you.
      Dawn x

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