Author: Dawn Slaughter

Two Silver Medals and Two ‘Adopted Golds

A bit like Friday, when we didn’t win eitherr Fours, on Sunday the men had a jolly good go at the County Senior Fours Final, but alas came second.  They were catching up after a slow start but ran out of ends.  Well done to Gym for stepping in as Gordon (who had been in the team for all the previous rounds) was sadly having to quarantine after returning from holiday in France.

Sarah & Lucy started comfortably in the Middlesex Two Bowl Pairs semi-final and then their opponents from Bush Hill Park started creeping up the scoreboard.  Our girls are tough and held their nerve to win putting themselves into the afternoon’s Final v Winchmore Hill.  Pam & Sandra had had a convincing win v Marion & Anna from Ashford in the semi.  It was Pam & Sandra’s day though and they won 15-9 after 17 ends.  Another great effort from Sarah & Lucy.  They have a great bond on the green with good communication between them.  Vital.  Let’s hope they go on to win some competitions over the next seasons.  They certainly deserve to!

On to the adopted Golds!  Dave Pitt was skipping the Senior Fours that beat our chaps, so a gold for him and his team, but an even bigger Gold as he won the Men’s Championship v Glen Adams in the afternoon.  Dave was behind the whole game until an excellent end put him 20-18 – into the lead for the first time!  In the next end, despite great shots from both players, Dave managed to keep shot to take the title.  A very worthy final and both Dave and Glen head off to Leamington to represent Middlesex in the National Championships.  Good luck to them!


Semi-Finalists and Finalists

Good luck to Steve G, Norman, Laurence & Gym playing Dave Pitt & Co in the Middlesex Senior Fours Final this morning at 10.00 am at Hendon and to Dave Pitt in the Championship Singles this afternoon.

Nearer to Cambridge Park, Sarah & Lucy start the day at 10.00 am at Ashford with the semi-final of the Middlesex O55 Pairs.

May you all perform the equivalent of Charlotte Worthington’s back flip 360  and win yourselves gold medals!

Well done to the ladies yesterday for winning both home and away in the Middlesex Double Rink v Brentham.  Next up is the semi-final v Grovelands at Fordbridge Park on 14th August.

For those of you unable to get to watch at either Ashford or Hendon, enjoy your Sunday, whatever you’re doing.



A bit late as I mistakenly thought George’s 90th Birthday was coming up on 3rd August.  Wrong!  It was last Wednesday 28th July so belated greetings from all of us and thanks to everyone who signed his card.

George’s daughter who lives in the UK (as opposed to his one that lives in California and couldn’t escape over here for the occasion) organised a Surprise 90th Birthday Party for George at Moor Park Golf Club.

When he visits Amanda, it is not unusual for George to take Amanda and Chris to the golf club for lunch which is what he thought he was doing today.  Imagine his surprise when he walked into the room and there were 30+ family and friends there including those he worked with at BHS over 20 years ago!  They had travelled from as far as Bath and Derbyshire to be there.  What an tribute to how much George has meant to them over the years. ( I felt very priviledged to be included in the guest list representing Cambridge Park.  Unfortunately some other club members were unable to make it.)

When I joined Cambridge Park, I was told that George was a solicitor’s clerk, but, apparently he took that job after he retired from being a (the?) top designer for BHS store windows.  WOW.  How amazing is that?  Did any of you know?

A few years ago when he moved from his house, George gave me two part rolls of red and green fabric for our amdram group.  “They’re very good quality” he said.  I couldn’t understand why a solicitor’s clerk would have rolls of fabric and said “Thanks very much”.  He didn’t.  It was from his previous job!

Anyway, this afternoon was a wonderful event and George rose to the occasion.  It is so difficult to believe he is 90 years old. He was very touched and spoke briefly but eloquently with genuine thanks to everyone when he cut the cake – which was a tribute to his love of football, cricket and bowls.

Amanda had done a brilliant job keeping it a secret and it was clear to see how much George is loved by his family and all those who have come into his life over the years.

When his daughter and husband sang Happy Birthday on the video clip, it had George reaching for his hanky.  To be truthful, it had all of us reaching for the Kleenex. A truly moving moment.

There should be some cake coming back to dish out at the Monday League.  George is off to Lords tomorrow to watch the cricket. Fingers crossed the weather stays dry for the cricket as well as for our bowlers in their semi-finals and finals.


Olympics News – Badminton

Following yesterday’s post, I had an email from Tony & Shirley O who have been avidly watching the badminton.

Toby Penty …

“The son of a good friends of ours is competing and having won various rounds was playing against the No: 3 seed on Thursday.  Sadly he was beaten but we are all very proud of Toby and how far in the Olympics he got.  Needless to say like every other competitor he has worked very hard to get there.  It is a shame that lesser popular sports do not get the same coverage as others.”

If you look up Toby Penty on BBC Sports – Olympics – you can get the link to re-watch some of his matches – or search on iPlayer.
Thanks, Shirley.  It’s great to know someone playing at that level.  His family must be really proud of him.
I caught the final of the Table Tennis last night.  It’s a different game now to when I was a youth!  WOW!
What else have you been watching?


Fall Flat Friday

After all the highs of the last few weeks, it was a bit of downer yesterday.

However, congratuations to Cathy who had a comfortable win in the Middlesex Champion of Champions.

Sadly Laurence lost his Senior Singles and Jacquie, Marie, Janice & Rita McD succumbed to Ashford.  On Sarah, Tricia, Ange & Dawn’s rink, we took a good lead starting from the 5th end and were ahead after 14 ends, although Liz’s four had played well to catch up and we went into the final end 14-12.  Probably not the best time to drop a 5!  It was a great shot from Sally taking the jack back and Sarah’s closest bowl was knocked out of the head.  Unfortunately Dawn didn’t manage to cut the 2nd/3rd bowls out but Liz put another couple in.  C’est la vie.  You learn more from losing than winning.

Chin up girls!  We’re back to play Brentham in the Double Rink this morning.  One rink at home and one away.   We’re missing a couple of key players so we will have to try even harder.

THis afternoon, Kevin L leads our Club team out in the South Middlesex League v Hounslow Cons.  Supporters welcome. The club is in Gresham Road, Hounslow.  If you’re heading up from Isleworth towards the Great West Road, Gresham Road is off Spring Grove Road.

Good luck to all those playing.

We will try and find another date for the Club 75 Shot Competition which has had to be postponed from tomorrow.

It was good to hear from Reg yesterday.  He hasn’t been around at weekends for the last couple of weeks, but is making good friends with the NHS keeping his diary full!  Gerry is hoping to see you all better after his eye op.  We hope so.

We learned mid week that Ron Searle had sadly passed away.   At teh beginning of the week, he had told one of his fellow members how much he was looking forward to the indoor season.  Ron was a former Middlesex President and I’ve a feeling he was a member at Cambridge Park indoors a while back.  He was a member of Ashford BC and Egham IBC and was a regular visitor to all the surrounding clubs in various matches and competitions.  He loved his bowls – and not just the numerous sets he had accumulated over the years!  Condolences to his family and friends.  RIP Ron.



Anybody keeping up with the Olympics?  Team GB are doing well aren’t they?

I’m only catching up on the BBC Highlights in the evening.  The two Irish boys whooshed over the line in the rowing or was it sculls?  Brilliant.

I confess to not understanding a thing about the sailing.  Maybe Isle of Wight Ron has a clue on how this all gets scored?

Have any of the events caught your interest?  Diving, dressage, swimming, hockey, tennis, skateboarding, cycling?  Let us know!

Don’t Tell Me it’s Friday again!

Where are these days and weeks going?!  Another day where rain is forecast this morning, anyway.

This morning, there’s the usual roll up 10.00 – 12.00

1.00 pm  Laurence V Attilio C in the Middlesex Area Senior Singles Final at Hampton.  Supporters welcome.  The winner goes through to the Nationals at Leamington, so this is a big match.  Good luck, Laurence!

Friday Night Roll up – Apologies, but only Rinks 5 & 6 will be available for this (if you’re starting before 6.00 pm) because we have to re-start our Fours matches on the same rinks that we started on on Wednesday and Cathy is playing her Middlesex Champion of Champions match and has to offer her opponent two rinks to choose from, which will be 1 or 4 as the rinks are playing parallel to the clubhouse.

6.00 pm  Rink 2 – Sarah, Tricia, Ange & Dawn v Jackie, Sue, Sally & Liz from Fordbridge Park

6.00 pm  Rink 3 – Janice, Marie, Rita McD & Jacquie v Marion B & co from Ahford

6.00 pm  Rink 1 or 4 – Cathy v Ann T from Sunbury

Hard luck to Audrey who lost her Middlesex Over 55s Singles match v Nikki from Sunbury last night.  Well done to Marie for marking as the match was over 2 hours long!  Ange played her match a week ago and now faces Dot from Staines.

Oh Dear, Wet Wednesday

The Covid case numbers seem to be coming down again, many countries should be on the amber list allowing us to travel again without having quarantine (providing both doses of vaccine have been received), so we can go back to talking about the weather again !

As per usual when playing competitions v Ashford this season, the heavens opened at approximately 4.00 pm.  On arriving at the Club at 5.30 pm for our 6.00 pm start v Fordbridge Park, it was raining but not too heavily.  By 5.50 pm, it had stopped, the skies were clear and it was looking sunnier.  An inspection of the green and a quick swish to remove the debris that had fallen from the trees and we stepped out.

Sarah, Tricia, Ange & Dawn playing Liz, Sally, Jackei & Sue on Rink 2 whilst Jacquie, Marie, Janice & Rita McD headed onto Rink 3 v Marion, Anna and team.




By the time we started playing the fourth end ….

and we all came off drenched, huddling in Cathy’s Cottage, the shed or the Clubhouse, the few spectators beating us to it!

Within 30 mins, this appeared  …

but, alas, the green was too sodden around the mat area to allow play safely, so we all had to retreat inside with our diaries and enjoy an early libation.

So, play is rescheduled for this Friday at 6.00 pm for both matches with the addition of Cathy playing Ann T from Sunbury in the Middlesex Champion of Champions match.  Of course the Friday night roll uppers will also be there, so plenty to watch if you are not playing yourself and the bar will be open.

Has anyone dare check the weather forecast?!

Two Big Matches Became THREE Big Matches Yesterday!

First up were Jean & Nadine playing Sue Apperly & partner (apologies, not sure of the name) in the area Senior Pairs FInal over at Ladygate.  A very close match resulting in a 17-14 win for the Bush Hill Park duo.  We wish them well at Leamington.  Jean & Nadine still have the Middlesex Pairs Final to look forward to – on 8th August at Ashford I believe.

Next was the home tie between Steve G & Norman and Laurence & sooper sub Gym (Gordon being in France).  Another tight match in which each pair took the lead then the others caught up.  In the 18th end, Laurence said he had a shot for 4 which he missed  but “not by much”.  This took it into an extra end – told you it was going to be a close game! – which gave Laurence & Gym a 17-16 victory with Laurence admitting to a ‘glide off a wide-ish wood”.  I’m sure Steve & Norman gave out an audible “ouch” or some such word.  You have to accept that over the years these shots happen as much for you as against you, so although victory was sweet for Laurence & Gym the defeat was cruel to Steve & Norman.  As one of CP’s bowlers who will be 90 next week once said to me (and no doubt others) on wicking in for shot “You’ve got to be in the head”.   That’s true.  No good being 2 yards short, is it?!

Anyway, the boys are all back on the same team again this Sunday 1st August in the Middlesex Senior Fours Final, so we wish them well whether there are wicks or slides accompanying their other standard draws, fires, tap and lay shots!  They play at 10.00 am at Hendon kicking off the County FInals Day alongside the non-senior Fours.

A match of which I was unaware until late morning yesterday was the Middlesex Area Champion of Champion Semi-Final between Cathy T and Sue Butcher played at West Ealing last night.  Cathy reported  “super game” achieving a 21-19 win. Congratulations!   She now plays Hannah H from Bush Hill Park in the Area Final on a neutral green on a date to be advised.

More fun tonight when Jacquie E & team take on Marion B & co from Ashford in the Middlesex Fours.  The match is at Cambridge Park at 4.00 pm, followed at 6.00 pm by Dawn’s team who take on Liz D’s four from Fordbridge Park.  Both opposing teams must have played as much as CP as they have at their own clubs this season!

Have any of you any other news?  How are your gardens coming along with the dramatic changes in weather recently? Have you been to the theatre or cinema?  Have you visited anywhere you think others might like?  If so, please let us know!  There is life outside of bowls, so it would be good to have some other news for you!

Gordon has been away in Italy and France.  Unless the traffic light turns from Amber Plus to Amber in the next 3 days, he will need to have 10 days’ isolation at home having come from France and will miss the Senior Fours Final.  I am sure he will have had a good time though – still waiting for a postcard to find out!

TWO Big Matches Today – Tuesday 27th July

11.30 am at Ladygate BC

Jean & Nadine play Sue Apperly & partner in the Middlesex Area Final of the National Senior Pairs.  The winning pair go on to represent Middlesex in Leamington in August.  Supporters welcome.  Good luck, girls!   (Apologies I left this match off yesterday’s post.)

2.00 pm at Cambridge Park BC

Steve G & Norman face Laurence & Gym in the Middlesex Area Semi-Final of the National Senior Pairs .  Play well all four of you!  It’s brilliant that we have two pairs reaching the semis, but a shame that only one can through to the final to play Dave P & Attilio C.

Supporters and spectators welcome at CP too.  It should be a great match.  (WIsh I could be there and Ladygate, but alas work prevents me!)

Tuesday 10.00 – 12.00 – Indoor roll up as usual