Author: Dawn Slaughter

Friday 9th July – Happy Birthday Gym!

We hope you have a lovely rain-free day and a good roll up this morning – if you’re going!

Well done to Steve G & Norman who had a nail-biting 21-20 win in the Senior Pairs V Kevin K & Bill from Hampton, putting them into the Middlesex area Semi-Final.  They go on to play the winners of Laurence & Gordon v Paul Cater and partner at West Ealing at 10.30 am on Sunday.

Congratulations also to Nadine & Jean for their 15-11 win over Ange & Tina in the Ladies’ Senior Pairs.   That puts them into the Middlesex area final v ?  Possibly Sue Apperly from Bush Hill Park unless Elaine from Hurlingham Park can find a sub as she has broken her toe.

There’s a very nice apology on the website regarding Kevin L and the Unbadged Singles.  Worth a read!

Caught the highlights of the Ladies’ semi-finals last night from Wimbledon.  Good to see Barty through but not without a real battle from Kerber.  The other semi seemed to be between two extremely tall, powerful women with Pilskova taking a 2-1 win over Sabelenka.  Looking forward to today’s Men’s Semi-Finals.

No football but there is probably cricket and golf on somewhere.


I’m Typing This Very Quietly

… in case you stayed up late to watch the football!  WOW Well done England!  I’m not a footie fan, but that extra time was nail biting.  Thank goodness Harry Kane followed up that penalty shot!  I don’t think I’ve ever seen Gareth Southgate smile so much.  He must be so proud of the whole team, who have got better as the tournament has progressed. To see all the hours of work and dedication come to fruition is what we are all aiming for regardless of our sport/hobby/work.

I didn’t see much of the Wimbledon highlights.  I’m not sure I wanted to see Roger Federer go out in such a dramatic fashion.  Hubert Hurkacz has certainly made a name for himself.  Keep it in mind for a pub quiz in a year’s time!  Djokovic had a good win against the unseeded Hungarian Fucsovics (he’ll be returning home a hero having done so well) and will now face Murray’s victor, the Canadian Shopovalov.  (For those of you rought up in the era of Bill & Ben the Flowerpot Men, Shopovalov is going to be an easier name to remember!)  His post match interviews have been eloquent and full of dignity.  I’m impressed.

Ashleigh Barty takes on former Wimbledon winner Angelique Kerber.  Barty has only dropped one set at Wimbledon – in the first round and Angelique only two.  It should be a good match.

Back on more familiar home territory, Sarah & Lucy had an excellent 17-4 win over Staines’ Rita & Wendy in the Middlesex Over 55s Pairs.  Their opponents conceded and weren’t happy that they couldn’t find the green. They said they never play well at CP.  Some greens are like that and you need to employ mind over matter that a piece of grass won’t defeat you.  It’s not easy when it’s got inside your head!

Today, Steve and Norman are playing their pairs game and Jean & Nadine play Ange & Tina at CP at 2.00 pm, alongside the friendly v Ashford, starting at 2.30 pm  Ashford’s boys had two entries in the Middlesex Mens Two Rink Competition and both won last night, so well done to them.  This puts them into the semi-finals but, fortunately not against each other.

Tennis or Football for You? or Bowls?

I am sure loads of you will be supporting England tonight.  Let’s hope they win.  Predictions on the radio this morning seem to think that there will be only one goal in it with England coming out on top!  What do you think?

However, there are some great tennis matches coming up at Wimbledon too.  Difficult decisions for some of us!

Update on bowls (because my memory failed me this morning!).  Sarah & Lucy play an Middlesex Over 55s match v Staines tonight at 6.00 pm at CP.  I don’t think the men have any matches – let me know.  With a dead pan expression, Dave P said Masonians had cancelled their match tonight but he couldn’t understand why!!!

Looking like a forensic scene from a Scandi murder episode with everyone in full white waterproofs to bat off the torrential rain, the National Mixed Fours match last night between Kevin, Gym, Sarah & Dawn v Dave P, Ann H, Ange & Ron E was soooo close.  After 2 ends, the score was 3-3.  At the completion of 14 ends, Kevin’s lot were 12-10 up going into the final end.  When Kevin and Dave went down to play their bowls, Dave was 2 up.  So Dave needed another in and Kevin needed to take one of theirs out!  Dave’s first bowl landed in a good collection position a foot behind the jack to the left.   Kevin’s slightly overdrawn shot was slightly side.  No change.  Dave’s next bowl went up with no change, leaving Kevin to play a very high pressure shot to avoid an extra end.  The other 7 players held their breath as the bowl came up the green on a great line.  It nudged Dave’s 2nd bowl through and became an almost ‘tap and lay’ shot as Kevin’s bowl crept in just behind the shot wood.  12-11.  What a great game!  Ignoring the first two ends, there were only 17 scoring shots over 13 ends which just goes to show how close a match it was, which could have gone either way.

Kevin’s team now face Rob Hackwell’s four from Ashford, who had put out Steve G’s four in the previous round.  At least we’ll be at CP.  Trying to find a date when 8 people are free between now and 22nd July won’t be easy with all the other competitions working alongside.

Have a good day.  More brolly weather by the looks of it.


Rainy Clouds with Silver Linings

Some really good news for Kevin L in that he played in three Home Counties matches in 2019 whilst based at North Greenwich BC, which means he earned his Middlesex County Badge.  However, this  brilliant news was never conveyed to Kevin.  Doh!

Thanks to Covid, the communication system also had a year long break and it only came to light last night with a very apologetic call from the County that Kevin was in fact ineligible to enter the Unbadged Singles event.  This is not only tough on Kevin but also on the chaps he had beaten to reach the semi-final as, through no fault of his own, Kevin has had to withdraw from the competition.  He obviously has very mixed feelings about the situation.

Kevin will be awarded his County Badge at the Home Counties match v Hampshire on 17th July – 10.30 am start at Bannister Park.  Since joining CP in 2020, Kevin has been a great asset to Cambridge Park, regularly joining the morning sessions and playing in as many matches as his work schedule will permit and we are very proud of him!


Wet Tuesday but Happy Birthday to Joan O’N!

Happy Birthday to Joan.  She does not have internet, so if any of you know her and can give her a quick birthday ring, that would be lovely.

It stayed dry for almost all of Monday, but unfortunately it didn’t help the boys at Bishop Duppas, who lost their Triples.  Well done for getting to the last 16 though.  It’s been a fair old time since any of the men have gone so far in competitions, so to have the Senior Fours in the County Final and Kevin to battle out his Unbadged semi-final as well, has been a great success.  We’re proud of you all!

I mistakenly put the weekend’s fixtures the wrong way around.  The Saturday South Middlesex League match is away at Stanwell.  The 490 bus from Richmond goes 95% of the way but I am sure there will be drivers going from the club.

The Sunday South Middlesex League match v Hounslow Cons is at home, 2.30 pm start.  I think we need more names for both games.

Did anyone watch the tennis?  Did anyone not watch the tennis?!  The Canadian, Felix Auger-Aliassime, who beat the 4th men’s seed seemed to be in phenomenal form.  I would be surprised if there was any ‘fur’ left on the tennis balls by the time they changed them every 7 or 9 ends!

‘Our’ girl Emma has had an amazing run.  She seemed to be right in with a 50:50 chance until that very long game which Ajla Tomljanovic won and Emma started flagging.  As someone who had virtually not played any matches, maybe it was the fitness stamina that caught her out?  It happened to Murray early on in his career.  The cause for her withdrawing has been a bit vague, but she is a gutsy girl and should go on to do really well on the circuit.   Good luck to her opponent who had to dig deep just to keep in the first set.   Ashleigh Barty is on form, so Ajla is going to have her work cut out this afternoon.  Murray’s victor is not on court again until tomorrow afternoon.  With the rain, it’s going to be tough for those scheduled on the outside courts with no roof.  Organiser’s nightmare – rain in the second week!

Live football, tennis and bowls tonight – I know our National Mixed Fours won’t be appearing on a screen near you, but it will certainly be live in East Twickenham, and probably damp!

Diary w/c 5th July

On Sunday, there was success for both the Senior Men and Ladies in their respective County semi-finals.  The girls had to play their final in the afternoon and after a slow start, crept up to take an 8-6 lead.  Unfortunately, when the North London girls got the mat, they put up full length jacks and our girls were just not quite there, despite best efforts, and they conceded after the 14th end 9-21 down.  With the fours matches now being only 15 ends, it’s very hard to claw back when you’re behind.

Our Old Codgers now will face Dave Pitt’s Old Codgers (I’m going to get some stick for this!) in the Final at Hendon on 1st August.  The winners will go on to represent Middlesex at Leamington in the National Championships.

So on to this week.

Monday at 12.15 pm, Norman, Steve & Kevin are off to Bishop Duppas to play in the last 16 of the County triples.

Monday at 13.45 – Monday League, as usual

Tuesday – Friendly match v North Sheen cancelled

Tuesday at 6.00 pm, Kevin L, Gym, Sarah & Dawn face Dave P, Ron E, Ann H & Ange at CP in the National Mixed Fours

Wednesday – anyone watching football?!

Thursday:  2.30 pm – Mixed Friendly v Ashford at Cambridge Park.  We need some more names, please.  We don’t want to cancel.

Thursday, Steve & Norman face Kevin K & Bill R in the Senior Men’s Pairs Middlesex Area quarter-final over at Hampton and Jean & Nadine take on Ange & Tina in the Senior Women’s Pairs Middlesex area semi-final at CP.  No times for either of these matches yet.

Also on Thursday it’s the Masonians Centenary County Bannerette game.  We hope it goes well for them and stays dry!

Friday night is a club roll up.  Brian C is in charge!

On Saturday, Ange, Ann H, Cathy, Jean, Nadine & Dawn play in the Johns’ Trophy match v Kent at Suttons BC at 1.30 pm and Dave P plays in the Middleton Cup match also v Kent at Essex County at 10.00 am.  Early start for all the boys!

AND  Kevin L plays in the County Unbadged Singles semi-final at 10.30 am at North London BC.

Saturday – at 2.30 pm  – South Middlesex League v Stanwell at Stanwell BC, 7 Hendon Way, TW19 7LH.  It seems to be on the Southern Perimeter Road near Terminal 4 at Heathrow.  The 490 bus from Richmond takes you most of the way, with a 10 minute walk at the end.  Hopefully some players will be able to offer lifts.

Sunday at 2.30 pm – South MIddlesex League v Hounslow Cons – Home.

Good luck to everyone playing this week.  Enjoy your bowls from roll ups to friendlies to comps!

Sunday 4th July

10.00 am   Ladies Senior Fours Semi-Final followed by Final at Hayes BC.  Good luck to Ann, Nadine, Ange & Audrey

10.30 am  Men’s Senior Fours Semi-Final at Hendon BC.  Good luck to Steve, Norman, Gordon & Laurence

Match v Brentham cancelled as is Tuesday’s match v North Sheen

The ladies had wins in all four disciplines yesterday morning in the Top Club.  Well done to them and thanks to everyone who came along and supported us.  It was really appreciated.

Unfortunately, we didn’t come out top after playing Teddington in the Richmond & Barnes League in the afternoon!  They knew their green well and we all struggled to find it.  Norman’s boys had the best result losing 15-17, then Kevin’s who amassed a whopping 5 on the last end (which at least put us into double figures), then Steve’s team were up against Colin Hammond’s on-fire team led by Chris C.  Well done to Teddington!  Hopefully our turn next time!

Saturday 3rd July – Home This Morning ; Away This Afternoon

Starting at 10.00 am is the Ladies Top Club v Bishop Duppas at Cambridge Park.  Singles, Pairs, Triples and Fours make up this competition.  Supporters welcome.

This afternoon, it’s the Richmond & Barnes League v Teddington – away at 2.30 pm  Supporters welcome at Teddington too!

Last night, Dawn playing with Paul Cater in the National Mixed Pairs, came from 3-10 down to win 15-13 v Paul & Elaine away at Hurlingham Park.  This puts them into the Middlesex area semi-final v Rob Hackwell & Anna Mays from Ashford.

Tomorrow morning:

10.00 am at Hayes – Ann H, Nadine, Ange & Audrey play in the semi-final of the MIddlesex Senior Fours.  Hopefully they will get through to the final.  Winners go to Leamington.

10.30 am at Hendon – Steve G, Norman, Gordon & Laurence play in the semi-final of the Middlesex Senior Fours v Kevin L’s old club, North Greenwich, whilst Dave P’s Masonians Four play Poplar.

Supporters very welcome at both venues.

Thursday 1st July – A Real Centenary Celebration!

We had an absolutley brilliant day against the Friends of English Bowling yesterday!  For a start it didn’t rain!

To see the green full with 6 rinks, 48 people bowling, is something we haven’t seen for a long time and the place was alive.  We played a mixture of good bowls, bad bowls, wrong biases, brilliant saves and ones nearer the mat than the jack but it was a great game with lots of fun and banter adding to the occasion.  Great to meet so many bowlers from 10 different counties – Somerset to Hertfordshire and and the other 8 inbetween.  Good toshare the occasion with Paul Robson, the current President of Bowls England, Adie and Marcia both former Presidents of Bowls England, Charlotte President of Surrey Ladies and Babs, President of Wiltshire Ladies

Top rink were Steve G, Tricia, Scott & Gym; second were Janice, Ange, David H & Norman.  Without those two teams, we would not have had a 126-123 win!

Many thanks to Adie, Match Secretary for Friends of English Bowling, Marcia (Match Captain) and Kath (Treasurer) who enabled this match to go ahead.  On our side, thanks to Ange, Scott, Jane, Jacquie, Terry, Ann and Roy for the before and on the day help and to Daivd H, Janice and Kevin K for coming in the last minute (an hour!!) when we had some dropouts.  Thanks also to Debs and Marius who gave us a brilliant meal – seconds were had by many!

Ann would like to report she made nearly £300 on the raffle – so thanks to all members and guests who bought tickets.  FoEB won the raffle!

Of course thanks to everyone who played and Gerry, Shirley, Beryl and others who came along to spectate from both sides who made the day so enjoyable.  A Centenary event to remember.

Cambridge Park v The Friends of English Bowling – 1st July 2021 – Centenary Match