Author: Dawn Slaughter

Saturday 22nd May – Richmond & Barnes League v Mid Surrey – Away at 3.00 pm

1. Gordon Macleod 1. Sarah Hall
2. Ray Verralls 2. Dawn Slaughter
3. Norman Chart 3. Lucy Horan
Skip Teresa French Skip Gym Brown


1. Roy Ebinezar  
2. Ange Cumine  
3. Kevin Liffen  
Skip. Jean Staples  



Match Captain:  Dawn                 

Match Fee: 

Dress:  WHITES with Club Shirts

Other Notes: 264 Kew Road, Richmond, TW9 2TN

Friday 21st May – Centenary Match – Home at 2.30 pm

If you are playing or spectating and would like sandwiches, please sign up on the sheet at the club – might be in the lobby or on the noticeboard – have a look around!  Ange will put it up this morning


1. Sarah Hall 1. Margaret Barnes
2. Ange Cumine 2. David Hale
 Skip Norman Chart Skip Steve Gibson
1. Tricia Green 1. Corale Canard
2. Teresa French 2. Nadine Mullins
Skip Kevin Liffen Skip Jean Staples
1. Joan O’Neill 1. Roy Ebinezar
2. George Hughes 2. Scott Cumine
Skip Gym Brown Skip Gordon MacLeod


Reserves: Bernard, Dawn, Barry & Stella

Match Captain:   Norman                

Match Fee:  £3.50

Dress:  WHITE SHORTS/TROUSERS/SKIRTS with CENTENARY Shirts if you have them.

Other Notes:

Wednesday 19th May v Bishop Duppas



AWAY at 2.30 pm


The following have been selected to represent the Club.  


1. Bernard Chapman 1. Ray Verralls
2. Joan O’Neill 2. Janice Martin
3. Marie Curry 3. Ange Cumine
Skip Norman Chart Skip Jean Staples


1. Sarah Hall 1. Tricia Green
2. Dave Willson 2. Margaret Barnes
3. Laurence Gatfield 3. Gordon MacLeod
Skip. Kevin Liffen Skip. Teresa French



Match Captain: Norman                  

Match Fee: 

Dress:  GREYS with Club Shirts

Other Notes: Bishop Duppas Park, Shepperton TW17 8NR

Richmond & Barnes League v Teddington

Another afternoon of sunshine and showers with waterproofs coming on and going off.  Unfortunately, we lost despite best efforts.

In the meantime, Ange, Scott, Sarah in the morning and Duncan and I tackled some of the flowerbeds.  Thank you for your help.

Teams for this week will be posted up later.  I haven’t been given the Bishop Duppas one yet.



Richmond & Barnes League v Ashford

Well done to everyone who played yesterday.  2-2 is a great result against a strong Ashford team (who didn’t have any ladies playing!).  1 point per rink win and 1 point for the team who has the most overall shots.  So, it’s important we all fight for every shot over those 21 ends.

Roy E, Scott, Lucy & Gym came in as top rink and Tricia, Gordon, Norman & Steve also won.  Audrey, Ray, George & Kevin played their best but were outplayed by a very strong Ashford four.  Forced to watch from the sidelines, due to a squashed thumb, everyone on the green played with real determination and commitment.

Thanks to Gordon and Lucy who came off the subs bench during the week and to Scott who replaced a poorly player at the last minute.

Thanks to those who set up the rinks pre-match, tidied away post match and to Jane for working the bar.

Today, it’s another R&B match v Teddington.  Good luck to all playing.

Team Selection Seems to be a Hot Topic!

Cambridge Park is enjoying the start of its Centenary Year and we are so pleased to see many members whom we haven’t seen for the last 12-14 months come along to play and enjoy the bar facilities.  Tomorrow, being 17th May and Roadmap Step 3, I am sure it will warm up considerably and we won’t want to be inside with our drinks unlike the last 4 weeks when it’s been bitterly cold in that wind!

Members come in all varieties – indoor, outdoor, combined and social.  Of the playing members, some want to practise on their own, some want to play with a friend, some want to roll up, some want to play competitive games, some can only play midweek, some can only play evenings and weekends due to work.  This is great because it means we are a club of human being members and not a factory of robots!

So, on to matches.  Teams are selected from those who sign up to play.  For the ‘big’ games, we will select the strongest team similar to football, cricket, rugby, hockey, golf, tennis, rowing, bridge, etc.  This does not necessarily comprise the best players as there is no point putting 4 skips on one rink which, on paper, looks strong but, in fact, has 3 players not playing in their strongest position, and leaves the other rinks without a ‘normal’ skip.  Similarly, a football club manager wouldn’t put his 11 best players on the field if 10 of them were forwards, leaving the goalie trying to scoop up at the back!

For League matches, there are restrictions.  Both R&B and SM have only recently allowed ladies to join the teams (pushing bowls a bit further into the 21st Century, weyhey!) and, not necessarily, in equal numbers to the chaps.  We have a happy band of ladies who are itching to play in these games but won’t be selected due to League rules  (grrr!!)

For club friendlies, teams are still selected from those who sign up to play.  We are trying to select them a week at a time to ensure that everyone who signs up in that week will get at least one game and not be left on the subs bench regularly.  We all have to take turns on the subs bench.  It’s only fair.  (Yesterday both subs were called in to play and we then had to get another at the last minute when a player dropped out sick!)

Bowls England have relaxed the rules for numbers on the green from tomorrow and we could have 48 playing.  When we set up Friday’s “Centenary Match”, we were restricted to 5 triples only, totalling 30 players.  We have 21 signed up, so I have asked Norman if he could ask our opposing teams if they could bring 4 players rather than 3 and we play rinks.  If they can’t, 5 x CP triples will play 5 x opposing teams and 2 more triples from Cambridge Park will play each other, so everyone gets to play.

Going forward, Richard H and Gordon have offered to help with team selection.  Great big thanks to them.  It is not an easy task when you’re juggling how many are required from how many who have signed up and who plays best in each position and personalities on the green.  Anyone who has had to select teams for any sport will know how difficult it is whether at school, club, county or national level.  They have to have a very thick skin!

“Why haven’t they put X in?  It’s ridiculous leaving  him/her out!”  I very much doubt I am not the only one who has made those comments more than once and will probably make them again.  Oh, I must be  human!

Anyway, I hope this explains a bit more on how it works.  If we get it wrong occasionally, I apologise.  We are all doing our very best for you, our members, without whom we would not have a club and that doesn’t bear thinking about!


Matches and Gardening

Looking forward to the Centenary Event next Friday, we are hoping to get 6 x Triples out instead of 5, which would be great.

We have plenty of names for that but could do with just a few more for the Imber Court match at home on Tuesday 18th and just 3 more for the rinks match away at Bishop Duppas on Wednesday afternoon.  you will know quite a few of the Bishop Duppas team as thry play indoors with us.  In fact we are getting the opportunity to play against Ann B, Bob & Frances D.

Put your name down and join us.  All the best players were new to bowls and matches once.  On my first game, I hardly had anything near the jack and remember thinking that at least I wasn’t in anyone else’s way!  I think on several occa\sions I was nearer the head on the next rink!  However my skip – Maurice Tate – was really kind, never criticised and gave me encouragement when I did have a bowl within a yard of the jack!   So, come on, take the plunge and sign up.  We have lots of games so there will be plenty of opportunities to improve your game and get to know members better too.

For those of you who a\re green (or any colour) fingers, we need help to plant £100 worth of bedding plants donated by Squires Garden Cente before our match next Friday  If you can wield secateurs to help clear the ivy and a fork to lift some of the whitebells to a new home on the opposite side of the green, that would also help



Centenary Shirts Latest Order Has Arrived … read on

Good luck to those playing in the first South Middlesex League game v Staines this afternoon.  Play well but, more importantly, enjoy it!

Norman will be there from 2.00 – 4.00 ish with the latest order of Centenary Shirts which arrived last night (after our match – doh!)  We had a great of colour on the green with red and sapphire blue enhancing the white shirts.  These shirts can be worn for roll ups, down the pub, at the golf club etc.  They are very good quality, wash and dry well without losing colour or texture.  £25 each.

The Centenary pens also arrived after arriving home last night – another doh!

Re matches.  We have plenty of them and we would like as many members to enjoy the competitive bowls. Playing at other greens takes us out of our comfort zone but they are a great way of improving as you learn to ‘read the green’.  The team selectors have a difficult job but if people don’t sign up for games, they definitely won’t get picked.  If people only sign up for home matches, our opposition might decide to drop us from their fixture list.  Why should they travel to us, if we can’t make the effort to travel to them?  Come on, sign up for a few more games.  There are plenty to choose from!



It Was a Win All Round!

Well done to everyone who contributed to the Middlesex Bannerette from Terry & Ann, Ange & Scott, Norman, Gordon, Sarah, Audrey, Jane for their pre-match work to everyone who played and those brave spectators who stayed to the end, despite the drop in temperature to the samosa and pakora donation from Lynde House.  On top of that, it did not rain!  We arrived in sunshine but the cloud appeared by the time we got onto the green.

It was really good to be on the green with friends and fellow county players who we haven’t seen for over a year.  We all like competitive bowls!  Tricia, Gym & Dave who went into the final end 16-16.  Although I didn’t see it personally, I gather Dave’s final bowl was a triple wick giving Cambridge Park a win.  We’d like to think he played for that shot (he is certainly capable), but he gallantly admitted it was lucky!  They were up against strong opposition, so well done.  Top rink was Ann H, Kevin  & Audrey who not only won our ‘prizes’ but, as Middlesex didn’t have a winning rink, Brian Hearn (the Middlesex President) awarded our three the Middlesex top rink prizes.  As we won the match, we will be invited to the end of season dinner to receive a wooden shield marking the occasion.

Scott was busy clicking away so we should get some great photos in the next couple of days but Norman (in his Cambridge Park Centenary shirt) and Brian Hearn welcoming everyone to the match and a photo of our spectators going wild with the excitement of the game!  Joking apart, it was lovely to see Jean, Nadine, Margaret, Beryl, Jacquie, Marie, Corale, George, Lucy, Tina & Mike as well as Ann & Terry silently cheering us on.  Ann had a brilliant idea of getting fish and chips for those spectators who wanted and I’m sure that helped keeped them warm.  In between doing that, Ann also raised £20 for the club when she ran two of the football cards.

Norman & Brian, the MIddlesex President, Welcome the Teams to the Bannerette


A Happy Band of Spectators!