Author: Dawn Slaughter

Day 26 – National Lockdown Countdown – Sunny Saturday

I seem to have been out all day so apologies that this come so late in the day, although I am sure you’re not all sitting around waiting to see what pops up next.

Hasn’t the weather been brilliant today?  It wasn’t busy in Richmond at 9.00 am but I have just returned from walking through Syon Park around Brentford Lock and back and there are lots of people out walking, on bikes and in groups of more than 2 – how does that work out under current restrictions?  Is it me?

The outdoor green looked lovely and most of the worms must still have been in bed by the lack of multiple worm casts and birds, although it was about 8.30 am.  I presume the indoor green looks the same as it always does.  Shame we can’t have closer look with bowls!


Day 27 – National Lockdown Countdown – Cambridge Park Centenary Looming!

One day down and only 27 to go of the National Lockdown and 197 days to the Anniversary of the first ever match at Cambridge Park!

So, thinking ahead to our Centenary next year, I opened the photos that Paul Reynolds had dug up from the Middlesex archives.  This included details of the opening match on 21st May 1921.

One of the teams playing in the match came from Richmond Bowls Club with a Mr Staples in the team !

(You will probably need to enlarge the photos to read them properly)

Do you remember your first match at Cambridge Park?

I had a coaching session with Margaret B on a Wednesday afternoon in May 2011 and she thought I had an aptitude for the game and if I practised I would be able to play in the odd friendly match “in 2-3 weeks time”.  About 15 minutes later, she said “Are you free on Saturday afternoon?” !  I don’t remember too much apart from the excitement and nervousness … and my bowls not exactly being near the jack!  Maurice Byron was my skip for that match and Ron Petch the skip for my first indoor match.  Margaret, Maurice and Jane and other club members were really kind to such a complete beginner.  If it wasn’t for the way they looked after me, I probably wouldn’t still be playing!

Anyone else like to share their memories?



Day 28 – National Lockdown – 2nd Post – Save our Sport Petition

This arrived in my inbox from the EIBA last night.  Please check it out and sign if you feel you can.  (It’s not compulsory and I appreciate that not everyone likes to sign petitions.  You have the right to choose whether to sign or not.)


In light of the second national lockdown which will bring a full closure of grassroots sport, fitness and leisure, without emergency government support, like that given to the arts sector, community sport and physical activity faces a bleak future that will be difficult to recover from, impacting the nation’s physical and mental health and damaging Britain’s ability to Build Back Better.

That’s why we are supporting the Sports Recovery Fund petition which calls on the government to instigate emergency support to ensure sports clubs, fitness and leisure facilities – the lifeblood of communities across the nation – can remain open and survive the difficult months.

Join us and support the petition to save grassroots sport, fitness and leisure by signing the public petition and forward onto your members, family and friends.

 This has also been posted on the EIBA website


Joanne Shore

International and Communications Administrator
English Indoor Bowling Association Ltd
Tel: 01664 481900
Facebook: englishindoorbowls

Day 28 – National Lockdown Countdown!

I thought it would look better if we counted down the days rather go upwards this time.

I have copied this from the TOG’s (Terry Wogan’s Geezers & Gals) Forever Group Facebook page (permission was given) …

Pooh woke up that morning, and, for reasons that he didn’t entirely understand, couldn’t stop the tears from coming. He sat there in bed, his little body shaking, and he cried, and cried, and cried.
Amidst his sobs, the phone rang.
It was Piglet.
“Oh Piglet,” said Pooh, between sobs, in response to his friend’s gentle enquiry as to how he was doing. “I just feel so Sad. So, so, Sad, almost like I might not ever be happy again. And I know that I shouldn’t be feeling like this. I know there are so many people who have it worse off than me, and so I really have no right to be crying, with my lovely house, and my lovely garden, and the lovely woods all around me. But oh, Piglet: I am just SO Sad.”
Piglet was silent for a while, as Pooh’s ragged sobbing filled the space between them. Then, as the sobs turned to gasps, he said, kindly: “You know, it isn’t a competition.”
“What isn’t a competition?” asked a confused sounding Pooh.
“Sadness. Fear. Grief,” said Piglet. “It’s a mistake we often make, all of us. To think that, because there are people who are worse off than us, that that somehow invalidates how we are feeling. But that simply isn’t true. You have as much right to feel unhappy as the next person; and, Pooh – and this is the really important bit – you also have just as much right to get the help that you need.”
“Help? What help?” asked Pooh. “I don’t need help, Piglet.
“Do I?”
Pooh and Piglet talked for a long time, and Piglet suggested to Pooh some people that he might be able to call to talk to, because when you are feeling Sad, one of the most important things is not to let all of the Sad become trapped inside you, but instead to make sure that you have someone who can help you, who can talk through with you how the Sad is making you feeling, and some of the things that might be able to be done to support you with that.
What’s more, Piglet reminded Pooh that this support is there for absolutely everyone, that there isn’t a minimum level of Sad that you have to be feeling before you qualify to speak to someone.
Finally, Piglet asked Pooh to open his window and look up at the sky, and Pooh did so.
“You see that sky?” Piglet asked his friend. “Do you see the blues and the golds and that big fluffy cloud that looks like a sheep eating a carrot?”
Pooh looked, and he could indeed see the blues and the golds and the big fluffy cloud that looked like a sheep eating a carrot.
“You and I,” continued Piglet, “we are both under that same sky. And so, whenever the Sad comes, I want you to look up at that sky, and know that, however far apart we might be physically…we are also, at the same time, together. Perhaps, more together than we have ever been before.”
“Do you think this will ever end?” asked Pooh in a small voice.
“This too shall pass,” confirmed Piglet. “And I promise you, one day, you and I shall once again sit together, close enough to touch, sharing a little smackerel of something…under that blue gold sky.”
We all need a piglet in our lives.

Day 18 – Tier 2 – Today is Tea, Coffee & Hot Chocolate Day

Why is that, you ask?

Well today, you can go out for elevenses and sit socially distanced with friends at a table.  From tomorrow (assuming the lockdown is formally approved in the Commons this afternoon), you will only be able to get take-aways and have to stand somewhere to drink and/or eat with only one other person, if you are outside.

If you’re near the club, pop in and make a donation for a Mars Bar, Nature Crunch Oaty Bar or a 2-biscuit pack to go with said hot drinks!

The sun is shining and it’s definitely several degrees cooler, so wrap up and dig out the gloves.  I had a distinctly chilly walk back from the club this morning but it was really beautiful!

Day 17 – Tier 2 – EIBA Statement

COVID-19 National Lockdown Statement

Following the Government’s announcement on Saturday 31st October, it is with regret that all Indoor Bowls Clubs will have to close from 00.01 on Thursday 5th November 2020.
This will mean that Clubs’ last permitted sessions will be the evening of Wednesday 4th November. The National Lockdown will be in place until Wednesday 2nd December 2020, at the earliest.

We will provide further updates to our Member Clubs, Counties and bowlers as and when new information is available during the National Lockdown.

Peter Thompson
Chief Executive

2nd November 2020

If you like Pepsi Max – or your family do – there is a whole 24 can case available which will be going out of date soon.  There are individually wrapped biscuits in packs of two, Mars Bars, Nature Crunch oat bars, lime squash and a few bottles of Highland Spring available – they’re on the dining room tables.  Yours for a donation – cash this time – as the bar is not open.


No further updates from the hospital boys yet.  Hope to get more news today.



Great British Bake Off tonight – yippee!

Day 16 – Tier 2 – Updated – Mars Bars and Drinks!

The EIBA are going to update the clubs later but I think from Thursday, it will be pretty obvious!

We will close the club from Guy Fawkes Day until Wednesday 2nd December and will update you should things change.  There are all four rinks available today, tomorrow and Wednesday, so if you want to play, check out the rink booking tabs on the Home page and see if you can fit a session in.  If you do, there is a good selection of drinks, Mars Bars and snacks on offer for donations as they are at sell-by date – or will have passed it by the time we return in December.  I bought a Mars Bar on Friday and am still alive, so they’re ok!  Go to the round table in the dining room – I know you will be pleased to pay with cash on this occasion!

If you’ve recently had a look on the calendar pages, the updates are … all November matches are cancelled but we will play Bishop Duppas on Saturday 5th with Triples if we’re allowed to.

Indoor Competitions – 2019/20 and 2020/21.  All the dates will change again, so watch this space!  We’re not going to be defeated over this setback!

There may be a once-a-week delivery of a home-cooked two-course meal but we are still in discussion about this.

I unexpectedly (and briefly) was able to see George H in West Middlesex last week.  His legs are swollen and he has to spend his time between walking up and down the ward and resting them up on pillows.  He was awaiting the doctor’s visit and I have had no further news since.   He said it was unlikely he would bowl this side of Christmas.  I said they way ,things were going, we could all be saying that!  He said hello to everyone, anyway.

Meanwhile, Laurence is in Kingston Hospital on antibiotics possibly waiting surgery.

Neither of our chaps have the virus, so at least they haven’t got that to cope with as well.  Phew!


Day 15 – Tier 2 – Today is Sunday not Thursday

OK, so it was pretty depressing hearing the PM’s announcement last night.  Whatever your views, let’s hope this is a joint effort for the good of the country.

Today is Sunday and from today until Wednesday evening, all 4 rinks are available for booking for solo and singles (couple/partner/bubbles) play.  If there is someone else booked on the rink after you, please be prepared to finish a few minutes early and new players start a few minutes late allowing time to clear and disinfect the changing destination tables in time.

Best foot and bowl going forward.