Author: Dawn Slaughter

Sunday Morning

There are a few pairs playing this morning form 10.30 am.  Jane will be opening the bar around midday so if anyone passing by would like to come and watch and have a drink on this warm, late summer morning, you will be very welcome.

If you haven’t signed up to help with the Wednesday Working Party to prepare the outside area for hte autumn, please have a think and see if you can help.  Thanks.


Congratulations Mike Brown – 50!

A little bird aka Gerry Swan (not a pun!), whilst out on his daily walk, has been passing Mike Brown as he tends the woodlands in Bushy Park each day.

Mike has just completed 50 years working as man and boy for the Royal Parks since leaving school.  His employers had a socially-distanced celebratory occasion which involved two practical gifts as well as cake.  (That’s practical too!)

50 years is a long time.  Not only will he have seen and been involved in many changes in the way the parks are used by all but some of those trees would have been saplings when he joined and now they’re humongous!

Is he thinking of retiring?  Not a chance!  Well done, Mike, that is really great news and worth a golden celebration!


Cheers, Jack Bache & David Bryant!

It was a pleasure to know Jack and enjoy his smiling face, quick banter and those dark red bowls which had knack of getting nearer to the jack than our bowls!

Cheers to you and David Bryant as your families celebrate your lives and send you on your final earthly journeys.

Photo from – Thank you

Thursday 10th September – EIBA Update

From the EIBA this afternoon: 

COVID-19 – Social Gatherings Update

Following the Government’s announcement that from Monday 14th September 2020 there will be restrictions on social gatherings the English Indoor Bowling Association can now confirm: –

All affiliated Indoor Bowls Clubs who have implemented COVID-19 secure protocols, based on the EIBA’s ‘Returning to Indoor Bowls’ guidance can continue to provide organised bowls sessions for members and visitors, from Monday 14th September 2020.

The current version 5 of the guidance issued on 26th August 2020 remains unchanged. To view please click here

In addition we advise Clubs who have a bar and or restaurant to click here for the appropriate updated guidance

As always, the EIBA will continue to monitor the situation and will provide appropriate guidance to its membership, as and when appropriate.


10th September 2020

Latest from Bowls England – Thursday 10th September

Good Morning,

Further to yesterday’s statement, we are delighted to confirm that our clubs can continue to offer organised bowling activity in a Covid-safe manner.

Sport England has announced, following clarification from Government, that people can continue to take part in organised outdoor sports when restrictions on social gatherings are introduced from Monday 14th September.

With the end of the season fast-approaching for the majority of our clubs, we trust players will continue to enjoy our sport in a socially-distant manner, particularly if wishing to play fours at this time.

We also encourage clubs to take this final opportunity to introduce new people to our sport through our ‘Let’s Roll’ initiative, which has already seen nearly 1,000 individuals sign up for a free trial session at their local club, and the Great British Week of Sport (Saturday 19th September to Sunday 27th September).

Click here to view the latest DCMS guidance

Click here to view the latest Bowls England guidance

In light of the clarification received, our guidance issued on 31st July 2020 remains unchanged.

To receive the latest Bowls England news straight to your inbox, please sign up to our e-newsletter.

Bowls England Update after new Government Social Gathering Restrictions Announced

Statement – Wednesday 9th September 2020



The Government announced last night that social gatherings of more than six people will be illegal in England from Monday (14th September).  The change will ban larger groups meeting anywhere socially indoors or outdoors but includes some exemptions including for organised sports.

We are seeking clarification from the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport on what this means for our sport, and will issue an update once this is received.

The current DCMS guidance (updated 19th August 2020) and our own guidance (issued 31st July 2020) should be followed until Monday 14th September.

We kindly request that all members await our further update at this time and continue to stay alert and stay safe.

To receive the latest Bowls England news straight to your inbox, please sign up to our e-newsletter.

Wednesday 23rd September – Bodies Wanted to Help the Green Get to Sleep!

Despite it being a very peculiar season, we have been able to get back bowling with thanks to everyone who has helped from admin, bar work, swishing, baking, BBQ-ing, chatting, and throwing themselves into bowling with all the social distancing measures in place.  A real team/club effort, which has been fun as well.

Gordon is now looking for a band of merry volunteers who could do all the preparation for putting the green to bed outdoors and letting Trevor do whatever is necessary to treat the green over the autumn months.  It has played very, very well this year, so thanks to Trevor for all the work he does maintaining it for us.

So please add Wednesday 23rd September at 10.00 am to your diaries.  Work will be varied from light disinfecting of equipment, hosing down the mats to get rid of trapped mud and drying them, lifting the rubber mats from the ditches and piling them up in the shed, removing the rink markers, so plenty of variable tasks for all to help from a little light cloth work to strong manual handling.  All of these tasks are much more fun if you have a team egging each other on with your usual line of banter!

There might even be a pint of Rebellion in it at the end … or a cup of tea!

Good Win!

Well done to everyone who played  yesterday v Isleworth.  A couple of tight rinks and a couple which were a bit more one-sided, although everyone enjoyed the afternoon.  The sun was out and we were bowling.   We also saw Graham D, George H, Gerry, Ann M, Suzanne L, Reg, Mitch and others catching up with each from the spectators’ chairs!  Thanks to Jane who manned the bar for the whole afternoon.

Top Triple went to Dave P, ‘new’ Steve and Dawn.  Well done.  We just pipped Lucy, Gordon and Terry!

Did you know that only 25% of outdoor clubs have opened this year.  We are very fortunate.  All down to Ange and Jacquie in producing a tight Risk Assessment, Trevor continuing the work on the green which has played really well, and Audrey getting some extra fixtures, Gordon and Laurence for welcoming new members and always ready to help out when not playing, not to mention David H who has been manning the Green Booking system from his home.

This morning (Sunday), we have 6 pairs playing from 10.30 am.  Jane will be opening the bar at midday, so if you’re out on your pre-lunch walk, we’ll be happy to see you.  Weather seems set fair again.