Author: Dawn Slaughter

Well Done – We’re Being Let In Early for Good Behaviour!

After a couple of trial runs on Thursday night and Friday morning, it has been agreed we can open on Wednesday 30th September, with a maximum of 24 players – 4 rinks of triples – per session.

You’d better make a cup of tea/coffee or grab a beer as there’s quite a lot to read and take in!  I’m not sure which is the best order to list everything, so please bear with me.

Indoor Subs for the season will be £90.   This is a slight reduction on the previous year.  It would be greatly appreciated if you could pay these as soon as you receive your invoice.  There has been a lot of preparation to get the club ready for indoor play now that the government, EIBA and CP Board have given their approval.   There has been loss of revenue and will continue to do so, so if you could help contriubte to keeping the club opening for play, it would be good for everyone!  You will need to complete a new Membership Form as well as a Self Declaration Form.  Hard copies will be available at the Club.

We have registered with the NHS Track & Trace system, so if you have a smartphone either Android or iPhone, please log in.

Bring spray disinfectant with you plus a cloth and please wear a face covering to enter the club, sanitise your hands and when you go to hang your coat up in the changing room, collect your bowls and shoes and go to the back of the rinks to change your shoes.

Changing Rooms:  No more than 2 at a time – be patient and no more than one person in each toilet area at a time.  Please do not change in the changing room!  You can remove your face covering to play or, if you wish, you can leave it on throughout.  (If you keep taking it on and off, you will end up flapping your germs to those standing behind you and you will need to sanitise your hands every time – who wants to do that 50 times per session?!)  it’s either on or off during play – no inbetween!

Roll up sessions will be Monday- Friday 10.00 am – 12.00 pm.  At the moment, please turn up in good time to play.  If there are more than 24, I’m afraid any extras will be unable to play.  The Monday, Wednesday and Friday sessions will be monitored by Gordon, Kevin C and Brian Cr, depending on who is there on which morning and on Tuesdays and Thurdays by Jane.

There will be a number of members who can advise on play e.g. handling of mats, jacks and the T at the far end of the green.

The second sessions will start at 2.00 pm and the final session (which will include leagues at the end of the month) will start at 6.30 pm

The Club will be cleaned every morning including disinfecting of mats and jacks before play.  There is a good Ventilation system in place which is a key factor in replenishing the air in an indoor space to reduce the risk of virus transmission.

You will see taped off Changing Stations with one table and six chairs behind each rink.  Please keep within the boundaries.  Please tuck shoes and bowls carriers under your chair to avoid trip hazards.  Nothing like stating the bleedin’ obvious (as my Mum would have said).

Hand Sanitisers:  Of course we know you all have your bottle of hand sanitiser in your pocket/handbag, but there will also be pedal operated sanitising stations at the bar end of each rink.  If you touch your face, please sanitise your hands.

Members’ responsibilities This is mainly to keep everyone, including yourself, safe.  At the end of your session, please disinfect the mats you used and jacks and place in a designated space (we are hoping to get rails).  There will be a fresh set of mats for each session as you cannot put wet mats on the playing surface without ruining the carpet.  Please spray disinfect your table and chair and return any glasses and water cups to the bar and wipe any surfaces on which they were standing during play.

Bar and drinking area  The bar will be ‘table service’ in accordance with government guidelines, which is the same for pubs and restaurants.  Jane, who will be wearing gloves and face covering, will serve drinks to your table in the dining area, where tables and chairs have been set for 6 and at the appropriate distancing.  Jane will disinfect this area when you leave as well as the front of the drinks machine.  (You will still need 60p for those drinks until we find an alternative way of paying)

Membership Cards and payments  As soon as your subs have been paid (or you can email Laurence to let him know you are definitely joining), you will be issued with a numbered Membership Card.  The card confirms your membership and will eventually be used to ‘swipe’ in to enter the clubhouse.  You can also load funds on your card and use that to pay for drinks etc. or alternatively use a debit or credit card.  We are following Bowls England, EIBA and other guidelines to become a cash-free venue.  We appreciate that not everyone is keen on this, but it is another way of reducing the risk of transmitting the Covid-19 virus or any other germs between staff, volunteers and members!

Green Fee Vouchers.  Booklets of 10 x 2-hour numbered Green Fee Vouchers and 10 x 1-hour Green Fee vouchers will be on Friday 2nd October and will be available for purchase behind the bar.   All 2 hour sessions (and matches when we have them) will be £3.50, so the booklets will cost £35.00.  I hear a lot of air being sucked through your teeth!  However, if you play in one or two roll ups plus a league, the 10 vouchers will last about 3 weeks.  If you only play once a week, the booklet will last you until Christmas!  If you come and roll up for an hour, then use a 1-hour voucher.  Sign your voucher and leave it on the table behind the rink and Jane will collect in the same way as she collected green fees.

The updated online green booking system will be updated for indoors at the back end of this week.  There is a “Green Bookings” link on the front page of the website.  We will let you know when it’s live, but if you do not have internet access, please ask a friend to book the session for you.

Sign in Sheets  For those of you without smartphones, you will still need to sign in for track and trace compliance.  For this week as well (until Green Fee Vouchers arrive), if you play, Jane will have a list of your names on the sign in sheet, so she can collect vouchers for these sessions when you have the vouchers in your hand.  I’m sorry if this week will be a bit ‘messy’ in this regard, but the printer can’t deliver before Friday and we know you all want to get going and play!

Spectators:  If you have a spouse/partner/friend who is not playing, there are spaced out tables and chairs along the walkway by rinnk 4.

Leagues  David Hale has been in touch with all the league captains to see who is keen to play.  They will not start before the end of the month but will be slightly different this year.  We think there will be just one afternoon league – either on a Tuesday or a Thursday and the on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings.  All 2 hour sessions and all triples!

Competitive Club Nights:  On Tuesday and Thursday evenings, anyone who is interested in improving their skills and representing the club in matches and competitions (when there are any) can come along.  We have many competitive club members who liked being pushed – playing with others not in their league teams.  These will start at 6.30 pm, so if you can arrive by 6.10 pm so the organiser can juggle the combinations each week – might be triples or pairs – that would help.

Club Competitions:  2019-20  The left over semi-finals need to be played by Sunday 8th November and the Finals will be held the following weekend 14/15th November.  The draws are still up on the board, so if you’ve forgotten whether you’re playing on not, go along and have a look!  2020-21  Ange is hoping to run competitions but we may need to wait until November/December.

Social Events:  Ann M is in charge of these but we are also looking at a Christmas Dinner – probably on two separate afternoons – with new highly qualified caterers, not Ange and me.  (Hooray!)

You’ve probably made two cups of tea or fallen asleep by this stage!   Everything has been put in place to keep you safe which is why there seems to be a mammoth amount of information to take in!   I am sure you will have questions and we will endeavour to answer them.   The Risk Assessment will be up in the lobby and a copy posted on the Members’ section here this week.

Of course, all this is in place starting now but as you all well know, the guidelines and lockdown areas, as announced by the government, change on a regular basis so if there are any major changes, we will update you on here.

If you have friends without internet access, perhaps you could print a copy of this post off for them to read.  We will leave hard copies at the club as well.

Dawn – on behalf of the Board and Indoor Committee

On a final note, Isle of Wight Ron B underwent surgery on Friday so please spare a thought for him for a good recovery as well as his family as they are still on the IoW.  Ron will be a social member this year as he will be unable to play.


YESSSSSSS! EIBA Update Just Now!


English Indoor Bowling Association Ltd



Following the Government’s announcement on Tuesday 22nd September 2020 advising that there will be new restrictions implemented for at least the next six months, the English Indoor Bowling Association, following a Board of Directors meeting today, wishes to advise it’s Clubs, County Associations and individual bowlers of the following.

All affiliated Indoor Bowls Clubs who have implemented COVID-19 secure protocols, based on the EIBA’s ‘Returning to Indoor Bowls’ guidance can continue to provide organised bowls sessions for members and visitors. However, from Thursday 24th September 2020 only up to 6 players per rink will be permitted. Multiple rinks in the club may be used, subject to appropriate social distancing measures, but players are not permitted to interact with the people on the next rink.

For clubs with bar and restaurant facilities, from Thursday 24th September these are only permitted to be open between the hours of 5am to 10pm with table service only. In addition. parties of up to six people are permitted per table and people are not permitted to interact with other people in the room.

The EIBA will be updating its ‘Returning to Indoor Bowls’ guidance and will re-issue over the next 24 hours.

National Competitions

With the implementation of stricter restrictions on people’s activities for the foreseeable future, the EIBA Board, whilst wanting to provide a National Competition programme, regrettably have made the following decisions:

The complete 2020-2021 National Competition programme is cancelled with immediate effect. All entries will automatically be placed into the 2021-2022 season. If any competitor does not wish for this to happen, please email  so that this can be actioned.

The 2019-2020 National Finals scheduled due to take place in November 2020 will be postponed. With the cancellation of the 2020-2021 programme the EIBA wish to stage these finals in April 2021, when hopefully the COVID-19 situation has improved in order for all outstanding finals to be concluded.

The EIBA are appreciative of the support and understanding of all Competitors, Clubs and Counties during this difficult time and trust that they can understand the decisions made.


Peter Thompson
Chief Executive

EIBA – Keep Your Fingers Crossed for Tomorrow – Wednesday 23rd September

EIBA STATEMENT – 22.09.2020
Following this afternoons announcement by Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, we would like to advise all member clubs, organisations and players that we will be reviewing the current situation, along with tonight’s expected announcement. We have a planned Board of Directors meeting tomorrow and will release a statement, with updated guidance following this.

Onwards and Upwards

Onwards:  The club had its deep clean yesterday and today Scott and Ange have moved most of the chairs that won’t be used (or so you can’t be tempted to use them!) neatly out of the way.

This is not Scott in disguise doing the deep clean but the man from Ontime Pest Control!

Upwards:   Thanks to Scott who spent a lot of time bending down from his great height to lift up the rubber mats out of the outdoor ditches!  He and Ange have done a lot of physical work in the last couple of days, on top of what they were already doing.

A big thanks to both of them.

Following this afternoon’s announcement from the PM, we are awaiting a statement from the EIBA.  Otherwise, we’re sticking to singles, pairs and triples per rink.  6 being the magic number.  We are not anticipating hundreds of spectators flocking to Cambridge Park to watch us bowling!  However, it’s not good news for organisers of indoor sports events and entertainment though.

Please be prepared to wear your mask as you enter the club premises.  The lobby is the nearest we get to a bottle neck as people have to come through the outside then the inner doors and stopping to sanitise their hands en route to the green.  Thanks.

A Grand Final Day of the Outdoor Season

We were very lucky with the weather for a start!  A great achievement by Lucy H, Sarah & Stella K with a victory over the Men’s ‘loaded’ team!!  The green was very fast and new bowler Stella, had a blinder of a game at lead which of course helped the girls and put pressure on the men.  Conversely, Dawn’s triple never really got going against Stormin Norman with Dave W and Terry, who outplayed us fair and square.  Well done to them.  Ange, Gill & Corale only lost v Steve G, Brian N & Peter C on the final end.  Ann H, Tricia & Joan O’Njust pipped Gym, Gerry/Tony O’B and Bernard, Jean, Nadine & Corrine lost on the last end to  Peter T, Steve P & Scott who picked up a 4 .

Ann M provided an excellent Ploughman’s meal so we thank her plus Norman for his scones,  Laurence for his Rock Cakes, Dawn  for  her  Trifle  and  Scott for  his slick  ‘runner’  job.  Jane kept  us  hydrated throughout  the  afternoon and   it   was  good to see our friends spectating in their groups of six (they didn’t dare move a chair!) to close the chapter on the season.  Beryl, Jill G, Tony & Shirley O, Eric, Dick & Di, Reg, George H, Ann B, Val F, Brian & Carol C, Jean’s d-i-l, John B, and a younger couple who I’m afraid I didn’t manage to speak to.  We’re very lucky to have so much space outdoors.

Ann’s raffle with surplus funds from the meal raised £400 for Macmillan Cancer Support, with Kevin C winning the hamper and prizes for Brian Cr, George H,  Ann B and Gordon.  Coupled with the number of wrong biases during the day, the Men had an overall win, although we consider that all the members won!  If it hadn’t been for Ange, Jacquie E, Laurence, Audrey, Gordon and Dawn,  we might never had had an outdoor season.  Thank you to everyone who played, supported and believed in us.


Saturday 19th – Men v Ladies – 1.00 pm (yes, 1.00 pm) Start!

We’re looking forward to the final game of the outdoor season tomorrow.  We’re starting at 1.00 pm and playing straight through finishing with the Ploughman’s Meal than Ann M is preparing.  Ann also has raffle tickets in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support and will willingly sell you more tickets tomorrow.

The club house is set up outdoors and indoors with socially distanced tables with 6 place settings.  Please do not be tempted to move another chair(s) to make 7 or 8!  6 is the magic number!  We ask you to stay at the same table for the meal and not to swap around between mains and desserts, however tempting it might be.

All the usual disinfecting procedures will apply and please bring your own hand sanitising gel and face masks – which I am sure you have about your person permanently now!   If you are spectating and want to bring your own chair, that’s fine.  Although the forecast is good, I believe there will be more wind swirling around, so please make sure you have something warm to put on.  The bar will be open throughout and Jane can serve hot as well as cold drinks.

Gordon and his diminishing band of merry men (by the look of the crossings out on the sheet) will be putting the outside green to bed on Wednesday, starting at 10.00 am  If you can spare an hour or two, it would be a great help.  There is some lighter work – like hosing down and drying the mats and removing the markers and numbers from around the green – to heavier task like bending down and lifting the rubber matting from the ditches.  Working together to get this done will make the job easier.

Remember Mary Poppins (who is not available unfortunately) ?

In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. 

You find the fun and *snap* the job’s a game. 

And every task you undertake, becomes a piece of cake. 

A lark, a spree.  It’s very clear to see ….

That a cup-of-tea-or-pint-of-beer helps the medicine go down etc.

There will be a lager or a beer or a cup of tea at the end for helpers!



Summer 2020 Three-Way Triples Competition

Audrey, Colin H and Ann B ran a very good Three Way Triples Competition with two triples from each of Cambridge Park, Strawberry Hill and Teddington.  They competed on three occasions, once at each club.  Audrey’s match reports are on the News page if you scroll down.

Yesterday, Dawn was pleased to award the Trophies to the 2020 Team Captains.  Which club will win next year?


Summer 2020 Three-Way Triples Awards


For Ann, it was her last year at Strawberry Hill – 11 years playing and the last 5 years as Captain, doing a great job.  It was such a shame that 2020 was their club’s centenary and of course all the wonderful line up of extra matches were cancelled.  The President’s Day is on Saturday and I’m sure all the Cambridge Park and Teddington members along with Strawberry Hill members wish Ann all the best for her outdoor bowling as she moves to Bishop Duppas, which is much nearer her home.  However, she will be back at Cambridge Park, as will the other two for the indoor season.

PS  Colin was very happy, honestly!  It’s a shame the position of the sun didn’t allow us to have a brighter photo

Update on Indoor Bowling from Thursday 1st October

Following on from recent posts updating you on EIBA guidance etc, we are still intending to open the Indoor Green on 1st October.  We know you are all itching to get back on the green but we cannot just open on that day and let everything happen as normal!!

We are an indoor sport (tick) and we have a bar (tick), so we have to follow several and varied government and EIBA guidelines to ensure the safety of members.

So for starters, here goes ……

The Risk Assessment for indoor play and clubhouse has been completed and checked.   The Club will have a deep clean throughout on Monday 21st September and the club will be closed all day. During the days that follow, there will be more internal work as the amount of furniture is reduced considerably and roped off.  We are purchasing pedal operated sanitising hand gel pumps for the bar end of each rink but each player will be responsible for keeping their hands clean and away from their face!  The ventilation system is being checked as we doubt anyone will want to play with an outside door open come November onwards.

Ange is arranging walk-throughs,  as we know we can use rinks 1, 3 and 4 for solo/singles/pairs/triples but using all four rinks could be more difficult due to no space on one side of rink 1 and no space at all at the back of all four rinks.

Due to the latter, the mats at the far end will be on the first dot, which will become the T.  (The standard T cannot be used as there is not enough space to safely socially distance bowlers waiting to bowl.)  There will be marks to show where players can stand when they are not on the mat.

Mats and jacks need to be disinfected between sessions which will be limited to three during the day and one evening one.  Wet mats and jacks cannot be placed on the green as this will ruin the carpet and we are not ready for the £40+k output for a new carpet!  We need to designate an area for the mats that are drying off can be stored ready for the following day’s play.  This can only be done once the extra furniture has been roped off and we can see what spaces are available.

The current green booking system has to be updated as well.

Players will need to arrive changed but may collect their bowls and shoes from their lockers and move immediately to the area behind the rinks to change their shoes.  No more than 2 people will be allowed in the changing room at a time and it is only to be used to remove items from lockers pre play and return post play.  It is advisable to leave your bowls/shoes in your lockers.  Only one person at a time will be permitted in the loo areas.

All the common areas will be cleaned and disinfected daily as well as extra disinfections between sessions.

The bar will be open as usual and the dining room area set up with tables seating a maximum of 6 within socially distanced spacing where you can drink and chat.

David H has emailed all league captains to check with their players if they are all available or undecided or holding back.  He cannot set the leagues in process until he knows how many teams there will be for each.  There will be friendlies v other clubs who wish to play but these will be restricted to 3 Triples – or 4 Triples if this can be managed safely.  There will be no post match food until after Christmas, at least.

You will have seen that along the EIBA and Bowls England guidelines, we are trying to make the club ‘cashless’ to avoid risk of transmission of germs handing cash between each other.  The new Membership cards have arrived and will be issued once subs (I don’t have the 2020-21 figure yet)  have been confirmed and paid.  We hope the new EPOS system will eventually allow you to swipe your card on entering the club to ensure we have an online track and trace facility.  At the moment, everyone needs to sign in by pen and paper (disinfected of course!).  You can pay for drinks with a credit or debit card but you will also be able to load money onto your membership card and that can be used for purchases.

Green fees will be standardised at £3.50 per 2 hour session and vouchers will be available to purchase in batches of 10 (preferably) or singly.  We are also looking at 1 hour session vouchers.

As you can imagine, all the above takes time and we have been working on it for the last couple of months.   It is all do-able but we cannot afford to cut any corners as regards your safety in an indoor area.  We are positive at what can be achieved and we will be emailing all the members with updated information in a more structured format than my ramblings above, which are not supposed to frighten you, but to let you know we are tackling this in depth!  The deep clean is paramount to give us the correct starting point, then all the next processes can slot in.

f.i.  The next Board Meeting is on Thursday 24th September and we will have more updates after that.


PS  You might want to know if you have to wear a mask to bowl in.  Keeping the social distancing in place and not wearing a mask whilst on the green is safer than taking the mask on and off between bowling and waiting to bowl (because you’d have to clean your hands every time you put your mask back on).  Also, if you wear glasses which can steam up, there’s more risk of losing your balance and falling.


Saturday 19th May – Men v Ladies – Home at 1.00 pm – A message from Norman ….

From Norman Chart:  To all gentlemen bowlers of Cambridge Park.This Saturday is the final game of the season versus the ladies,we know we are better than them we know we are stronger than them so we must to out there and prove it,show no mercy we want a resounding victory.I was going to say good luck but we do not need luck just our superior skill.

Dawn Slaughter says:

That’s a nice vote of confidence to your boys, Norman. *round of applause*
Nadine and her wonderful ladies will be doing their utmost to ensure that they come out on top on Saturday. Your boys maybe stronger physically, but we have added skill so your team will need all the luck it can get!!