Author: Dawn Slaughter

Congratulations to Ellen Falkner MBE and Maggy Smith MBE

Both lawn bowlers have been recognised for their work for lawn bowls.  It’s a shame the BBC (there are other news/sports channels) haven’t mentioned them in their various reports.  So now’s the chance to complete the Bowls England survey for our sport!

England’s three-time Commonwealth Games gold medallist Ellen Falkner has been awarded the MBE for services to the sport of Lawn Bowls in the Queen’s Birthday Honours.

One of the most decorated lawn bowls players of her generation, Ellen won Gold on her Games debut at Manchester in 2002, and went on to top the podium at Delhi 2010 and Glasgow 2014.

She also claimed a Bronze Medal at the Games in 2018, and was recently named in the England performance squad for Birmingham 2022.

In addition to her Commonwealth successes she has amassed six World titles and six British Isles Championship titles together with a total of 14 national titles, representing her home county of Cambridgeshire, and 33 county titles

Our Famous Four, on their run up to winning the National Ladies Fours in 2017, had to play Ellen in her team earlier-than-scheduled one morning in the quarter final or was it semi-final? as Ellen had 4 matches to play in one day.  And if you read that correctly, you will have realised that the Cambridge Park girls obviously won that match!

The DBE Charity Trust are pleased to announce that Maggy Smith has been awarded the MBE for services to the sport of Bowls for people with Disabilities in the Queen’s Birthday Honours.

Change in Procedure!

Having tried to work out the sign in and vouchers, the first go has appeared clumsy, so a small change.

When you arrive at the club (wearing your face protection of course), please sign in at the NHS Trace & Test QR code if you have the facility to do so.

Sanitise your hands as normal.

Once you’ve changed your bowls/shoes, please PRINT your name/contact details on the sheet on the round table near the bar and PRINT your name and date the Green Fee Voucher and put it with the sheet.  Players are numbered 1-24 and the Visitors details go on the back of the sheet.

With the backlog of vouchers, we’ve had to play a guessing game on whose name is on the voucher for a particular date.  Are you sure you weren’t all doctors in earlier life?!




Keep Behaving!

Local colleges and schools are back so reported cases of the virus have gone up in Richmond borough this week.

Keep doing what you’re doing – wearing your face coverings when you should both coming in and out of the club and in shops, on transport etc. ; washing your hands frequently or using sanitising gel if you’re not near a sink; and most importantly keeping your 2m distance.

Sometimes we all need a nudge as we’re humans and not perfect !

If you want to keep the use of single plastic down, try a snood – get a couple! – it doubles up as a scarf and you can alternate wearing one while the other is in the wash.


Oooh, wouldn’t want to meet the last woman on a dark night!

County Competitions Outdoors in 2021 – Forms Online Here!

Norman has copies of the Middlesex Outdoor Competition Entry Forms  and there are copies at the Club.

However, you can download the forms here.

2021 Middlesex Ladies Competition Entry Form

2021 Middlesex Mens Competition Entry Form

They have to be back to the club before 29th October with the fees, so that we can get the payment organised and the forms copied and posted, so the earlier you complete them the better for those in charge!



Updated Online Booking System!

David H and our web host John Q have now removed the 24 hour restriction on rink bookings and cancellations.

I know a few of you wanted to be able to go down to practise at the last minute if you had a spare hour, so you can now do this.  Don’t forget to leave your signed and dated Green Fee Voucher though!

Hope this helps!


The Vocal Votes Have Been Counted …..

From Monday onwards,

the morning sessions will use BLUE mats

the afternoon sessions will use YELLOW mats (thanks to Dave R who is jet washing them over the weekend)

the evening sessions will use RED mats


Hopefully this will help everyone use the appropriate colour and avoid any disinfected-but-still-wet mats going onto the carpet

Online Booking System for Indoors is Now Live!



The good news is that the current coronavirus regulations mean that we are still able to play indoor bowls at Cambridge Park. However, there are some restrictions and we are limited to 3 a side (triples – i.e. maximum of 6 players) on any rink, plus a number of other safety and cleaning procedures that we need to follow. (The rules and procedures that you need to follow are available at the club in hard copy sheets, which you need to sign to say you have read if you want to play this season).


To support these restrictions, we are introducing a indoor rink booking system via our website for you to be able to book a rink if you want to play. Just go to the Indoor Rinks Booking tab on the front page.


The benefit of this online rink booking system is that you don’t have to go down to the club to be able to book a rink, which is both safer and makes it easier if you are trying to arrange a game. If you do not have access to the club website, experience from our outdoor system has been that most bowlers can get a friend or other bowler to make the booking. If that is not possible, please either contact the club or David Hale if you are stuck.


Making Bookings

To book a rink, you just need to click ‘Indoor Rinks Bookings’ near the top of the main Cambridge Park website page. You will then be directed to the correct page where you:


  • Select one of the 4 rinks on the drop down menu
  • Choose a day and click an available time slot (Read on down for Monday – Friday morning sessions)
  • Write ALL the names of who is going to be playing (we have to keep player records to meet government rules)
  • Put your email address in
  • Then click ‘book now’


You will then get an email to confirm your booking. (Please note: unlike our Outdoor booking system you don’t have to select the number of players playing, but you do have to write down all the names of those playing.)


To help you find the available slots, the bookings page shows all the rink bookings for the next 7 days and there is a calendar at the bottom for seeing all bookings, including those later than the next 7 days.


Cancelling and Amending Bookings

Once you have booked a rink, you will get an email with a cancellation link on it to click if you should later change your mind or have made a mistake. So, please keep that email. Please also note that we have quickly developed a straightforward system, so it does not have any ability to amend bookings. If you just want to amend a booking, for instance to change the names of who is playing or add extra players, you have to cancel your original booking and rebook a new booking for the same time and rink.


Please also note that rinks have to be booked at least 24 hours in advance. Also, if you decide to cancel a booking, if it is within 24 hours it is too late and unfortunately you just have to leave it.


Available times

All bookings are just for 2 hours and the times that the rinks are available are 10am-12pm, 2pm-4pm and 6.30pm-8.30pm. To meet the need to undertake cleaning, no rinks can currently be booked between 12-2pm or 4-6pm.


Weekday morning roll ups and leagues

To facilitate the weekday morning roll ups, all rinks will be booked out from 10am-12pm on weekdays (Mon-Fri). If you want to play in a roll up, you just turn up and the first 24 people arriving will be able to play. You will have to sign in and print your name on a manual sheet, so that we can keep records of who is playing.


For the leagues, these will start from late October. Playing times and rinks will also be centrally booked out so you will just need to manually sign in when you have been picked to play.


So, please enjoy your bowls and follow the club guidelines to play safely.


David Hale – Online Bookings Administrator

Wet Saturday and Indoor Bowls Match

It’s good we’re playing indoors.  It is definitely too soggy out to bowl!  However, if you’ve got the waterproof gear, go out for a walk, jump in some puddles.  Laugh and return home for tea and crumpets!

Looking forward to welcoming Iver Heath this afternoon for 3 triples game.

Tina, Terry & skip Peter T (Match Captain)

Tricia, Barry & skip Teresa

Dawn, Gym & skip Steve G

Reserves:  Ange, Bob & Frances, Laurence, Brian N


We’re playing Shoplands Select at the back end of hte month.  When I’ve got the date, I’ll put a sign up sheet up.  Not all clubs are playing indoors yet, so the matches will be few and far between I think.  We’ll arrange something else at the weekends though.  Anyone else like Australian Pairs?




Membership Form and Self Declaration Form

These can both be downloaded on the Membership Form and Fees page!  Indoor Subs £90 for returning members.  New members (i.e. first playing season at Cambridge Park Indoors) £45.  Social Membership £5

Those members with email addresses will be sent the subs invoice over the next few days.

Numbered Membership Cards will be handed out once subs have been paid.  If you know you are re-joining or joining for the first time, please contact Laurence, so he can get your Membership Card ready for collection.

Board Meeting Notes on the Members’ Page (password protected)

Indoor Risk Assessment will be posted by 01/10/2020


Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head …

But there’s one thing I know

The blues they send to meet me

Won’t defeat me.  It won’t be long

Till happiness steps up to greet me

Altogether now    Raindrops keep falling on my head ….

Well it maybe raining today but tomorrow the indoor bowls club opens, and the leaks are sorted!

For the 10.00 am roll up and any other sessions, only the first 24 get to play.  Swapping in and out for a half a game is not allowed (because technically the magic 6 turns into an unlucky 7!).  Check out Sunday’s post on here with all the updates.  The method of play and moving around the green, the T etc. will be demonstrated, similar as we did when we started outdoors, and by Friday morning, you will have the hang of it.  Enjoy!

Isle of Wight Ron B (currently in London) has thanked everyone for their positive thoughts and good wishes.  One op down, recovery proceeding in the slow manner that it should be.  Take one day at a time, Ron!

And David H has reported that Del W is recovering and hopes to be back in action soon.