Author: Dawn Slaughter

Drip, Drip, Drip, Drip

This has nothing to do with a leaking tap more of a leaking body!  Gee whizz, talk about hot and sticky.  I came into work just after 7.30 am to do the cleaning but it was still hot work!  Drip, drip, drip, drip!

Did anyone sleep last night?

If you have a freezer and a fan ….. 3/4 fill your plastic bottle with water and put it in the freezer (water expands on freezing so don’t fill it right up); then place the frozen bottle behind the fan.  The fan sucks the air from behind it then blows it out onto you.

Keep your curtains drawn during the daytime and open them around 6-ish (although it was still pretty stuffy in my flat after opening the curtains).

What other “keeping cool” tips do you have?  It’s good to share as your tip might help someone else feel more comfortable for the next few days.

I think there are some tropical storms forecast on Thursday afternoon.  Short, sharp torrential rain and hailstones!  Galoshes at the ready!

The good news is that the forecast for Saturday and the BBQ Bowls is clouds and sunshine and early-mid 20s, so the only people getting really hot under the collar will be Ange and Scott doing the cooking!

Morning Roll Ups Now Start at 10.00 am

Having realised that people were arriving at 10.00 am then waiting for the 10.30 am slot, it seems much better to return to 10.00 am – 12.00 pm turn up and roll up mornings.

Please, please, please sign in on the Track & Trace sheets as most of you will not have booked rinks online and we need to keep records of who is in at the Club.

Keep up the hand washing and sanitising and if you use the accessible loo, please disinfect afterwards.  There is a disinfectant spray in there as well as hand towels.  (Seat, flush button, soap top and taps)


Saturday 8th August – Triples v Egham

A hot afternoon with hot bowls!

We managed to get a win overall and it was really good to see Martin & Kerry Payne again with their band of merry men and women!

Top rink was Peter T, Laurence & Ange – drat!  Kevin L, Gordon & Dawn were so close!

We had a good line up of spectators, with Brenda D, Corale, Nadine, Ann & Terry, Stella and partner (head like a sieve for names – sorry); Reg and George H.

Thanks to match captain, Gordon, and Jane who kept us hydrated.

Tomorrow morning (Sunday), there are 5 rinks of pairs made up from indoor and outdoor members.  10.30 am start, bar open at midday.  It won’t be quite as hot tomorrow.  Phew!

It’s Friday – HOT, HOT, HOT!

For us mere mortals, the heat will be excessive today.  Since when has it been 38C??!

Draw your curtains as they should reflect the heat away from the internal rooms which will make sleeping easier tonight

Drink plenty of water.  We can’t emphasise this enough!

If you go out, keep walks short, take water with you and wear suncream.  Don’t forget the usual hand washing and hand gel and phoning friends to make sure they’re ok.

Take heed of Baz Luhrmann!


Match report – 3-Way Triples – Wednesday 5th August

Summer Beach

Hi Dawn

A great time bowling, was had by all.
Once we got on track with social distancing and re organising the rinks as there is a COVID 19 ‘Peak’ in the Richmond area.  Ange was a trouper, organised/set up our rinks to ensure all who use our facilities are aware and follow the correct procedures..
On rink 2, Barry’s team: Lucy H, Margaret B, had a slow start but came through with a very reasonable win. On Rink 4 Gym’s Team: myself Audrey H & Corale. It was looking very promising until the 11th end, we were up by 9 points. Then Teddington got to grips with game and almost left us standing. We won by a small margin. On Rink 1, Teddington v Strawberry Hill, Ann B’ s scores looking promising, until on 4th end, Teddington scooped up the scores to a substantial win.
We are all looking forward to the next venue at ‘Teddington’ . All scores are rolled over from our last game . .
Summer Beach

Notes for All Members Following the Board Meeting on 4th August 2020

There was a meeting of the Cambridge Park Board yesterday and these are the highlights for all members to read.

  1. Members are advised that Ange Cumine has been welcomed and co opted onto the Cambridge Park Board

2.  Everyone entering the Club will be required to sign a Track & Trace form.  Forms will be held in the office at the end of each day and destroyed 21 days later.

3. The Board decided to make the Club cashless (see exception in 3 below) from Monday 10 August.

4.  Membership cards are now available and will be given out to all members. These cards can be loaded with funds by credit card or cash and can be used to pay at the till.    These cards will be available for collection from Monday.

5.  All drinks should be ordered and paid for at the bar which now has a safety screen fitted. The bar is scheduled to be open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 12.00 pm to 1.30 pm  and other times according to events and matches as required.   A one way system is in place.  Please follow the signage.

6.  The Board has approved an increase in bar prices which will take effect from 1st September. In general this will be an average across the whole range of around 10% to 11%.

7.  Members are permitted to use the dining area following safe distancing guidelines.

8.  All other areas of the clubhouse remain closed.

9. The Board decided to aim for starting date of the first week in October for Indoor Bowling.  This will give time to make necessary health/safety arrangements (e.g. a deep clean of the whole clubhouse) .

10.  Indoor and Combined Membership Subscriptions will be advised at a later date.

11. A booking system for indoor is being considered similar to that used outdoors.  For those not able to access the internet, a telephone number will be provided.  Roll up sessions from Mondays to Fridays from 10.00 am – 12.00 pm will be fixed.  Other playing slots must be booked in advance.

12.  Indoor play permitted to start with will be Singles, Pairs and Triples.   24 players maximum subject to all government and EIBA advice.

13.  The Board has agreed an increase in Indoor green fees for next season.  These are £3.50 for a 2 hour session or a full game.

14.  Members will be required to buy books of Green Fee Vouchers.  10 x 2 hour vouchers for £33.00 (£2 discount) or £16.50 for a 1 hour sessions. Visiting players will be asked to pay £3.50 by card payment.

15.  The Tree Company is scheduled to work on the Boundary trees from 19th to 28th August and members are advised that there may be restricted parking during this period.


If you have members on your phone-a-friend list who do not have internet access, please would you relay this information to them.







Cambridge Park-Teddington-Strawberry Hill 3-Way Triples

On Wednesday, we see the first of the 3-Way Triples games at Cambridge Park.  Start time 2.30 pm, spectators welcome.  Each club will provide two triples and a draw will made to see who plays who.

The second round will be on Wednesday 26th August at Teddington at 2.30 pm and the third round will be on Wednesday 2nd September at Strawberry Hill.

Small match fee will be collected by Audrey who will arrange prizes to be awarded after the Strawberry Hill round.


Well done to Colin Hammond from Teddington and to Audrey for organising this.

Sign up sheets for the second and third rounds will be up this week.


PS  Don’t forget to keep washing your hands, using gel and signing in at the Club as we have a Duty of Care for Track & Trace.  Thanks.