Author: Dawn Slaughter

Malcolm Peters RIP

It is with great sadness that we learned the passing of Malcolm Peters yesterday, 24th August, following his battle with Alzheimers Disease.

Malcolm was a former President of Cambridge Park BC, playing outdoors and indoors and probably best known to members who joined before 2010.  He moved down to Wimbourne, playing at Broadstone Wessex BC, a very picturesque club against whom we enjoyed matches whilst on club tours.

When she has more information, Margaret B will advise the funeral details and where to send cards/donations if any members would like to do so.

Our deepest sympathies to his wife and son and the rest of his family at this sad time.


And the Winners are ….


Not only were there really good bowls played, the BBQ was great and it was good to see our friends enjoying chatting and catching up over the day.

Quarter Finals:

Laurence & Gordon beat Audrey & Peter

Stella & Barry beat Jean & Norman

Ann & Gym beat Tricia & Lucy

Dave P & Dawn beat Brian & Dave W


Laurence  & Gordon beat Stella & Barry

Dave & Dawn beat Ann & Gym


After 42 ends of play over the day, Dave & Dawn beat Laurence & Gordon with all four players putting in some brilliant shots with the heads changing as each bowl came in.  (We also played some less-than-wonderful bowls lingering a couple of yards short but we’re human and not internationals! ) The quality of play was definitely worthy of a final and exciting as none of the spectators nodded off!
Personally, I would like to thank Ange for lending me Dave as a partner as, superhuman as she is, even she couldn’t manage to play and BBQ.

Many, many thanks to Ange who mastered minded the whole event from the initial idea, to putting it all together as well as doing the BBQ.  She couldn’t have done it without Scott who gallantly left the cosiness of his bed to be at the club at 8.00 am on both days, swishing the green, erecting the gazebo and helping with the food and setting up and clearing up throughout.

Thanks to Jane behind the bar keeping players and spectators hydrated and to Sheila H last Saturday and Jacquie E yesterday for being “the official”.  Jacquie was even called onto the green with calipers for that tight all-important semi-final measure!

But really a big thanks to all the club members who came along and supported the event as players and/or spectators.  It wouldn’t have been nearly as much fun without you.  Apologies there are no photos.  I seemed to be a bit busy all day!

Thank you!


Get the Washing Out!

Well, it’s very windy out there this morning so it looks like a good day for getting the washing out on the line – if you have the facility to do so.

It sort of feels like autumn is beginning to kick in. There were rosehips on the bushes in Syon Park.  Who remembers being fed rosehip syrup as a child?  It was probably 90% sugar and no wonder we all liked it!

It was warm last night as I walked back from Richmond but very dark at 9.15 pm  Lockdown and restrictions for the last 5+ months seems to have muddled the seasons in my head anyway.  We had fabulous weather in April and May and it has been pretty good all the way through apart from the odd day or two of rain and lst week’s tropical showers.

At the moment the forecast for tomorrow’s match v Chertsey is ok and you might need a fleece against the wind.  Sunday’s Club Pairs final rounds and BBQ seems to have an odd light shower forecast, so bring everything you might need to keep yourselves comfortable!

The sign up sheet for the final matchof the outdoor season with Men v Ladies on Saturday 19th September is up on the Board.  Please put your names down.  The whole of the indoor facilities will go through an intensive deep clean the week after, so we can start re-organising furniture etc. in preparation for indoor play at the start of October.

Saturday 22nd August v Chertsey – Home at 2.00 pm

Norman’s team v Peter Twell’s Chertsey’s team!

Bernard C, Joan O’N & skip Gym

Tricia, Lucy & skip Kevin L

Gordon, Jean & skip Norman

Great to see Joan & Bernard back on the team list again!


Meanwhile, Ange, Laurence and Dawn will be supporting Masonian’s Centenary game at Masonians.

Cambridge Park wish Masonians and Strawberry Hill well for their Centenaries – not the best year when so many celebrations had been planned.  Cambridge Park celebrate in 2021 – hopefully!

Wednesday – Triples v Sunbury Away at 2.30 pm

Good luck to the team playing Sunbury this afternoon.  Don’t forget to take your disinfectant, hand sanitiser and water to drink!

For those of you playing at home today, don’t forget about parking in the middle of the car park away from the trees.


We still need some more names for Saturday 29th August away at West Ealing, so please sign up if you can.



Wednesday 19th August – Trees and Parking

Just to give you the heads up that work is being done on the trees surrounding the club – especially where there are currently over-hanging branches.

Can you park in the centre of the car park either against the club house or the first of the middle rows.  We are not sure how much room they need or how long each lopping session will last.

If you can put your car registration by your name when you sign in, Jane can call you off the green to move your car if necessary.



Happy Birthday, Reg!

We hope you have a lovely day and manage to see your family.

Good to see you  yesterday, albeit from a distance!

If you happen to be near the club around midday today, please come down to the club and we’ll treat you to a birthday drink.



BBQ PAIRS – Quarter Finalists – UPDATED with New Timings

Big thanks to Ange for organising such a great competition and keeping us playing a total of 38 ends each AND in the dry!

No mean feat!


Brilliant to see old and new faces watching too and hear the chatter going on in the background.

Super BBQ by Ange and Scott – you’ll have another job next week and next year!  Thanks to both of you for setting everything up so social distancing guidelines were followed.

Thanks to Sheila C for being the official umpire and doing all the maths at the end to work out who the quarter-finalists will be.

Thanks to Jane behind the bar keeping eveyone hydrated.

The  bowls  had  a bit  of  a rough  time  in  the  opening  round  until the  green  dried  off  a bit!

BBQ Bowls – Saturday 15th August

Let’s see.  Besides hand gel,  bring parasols, suncream, waterproofs and umbrellas.  The weather forecast has done a complete turn around in the last 12 hours!  At the moment, it looks as if it will be mainly cloudy with an odd shower.

For those playing, there is no formal dress code.  For those spectators, come wearing whatever you want!

Players need to be there 9.40 am latest.  If there’s a problem on Saturday morning, please contact Ange.  Reserves in order that they signed up – Gym, John D & Steve G.

If you prefer to bring your own chair, please do so.

BBQ will be at approximately midday.