Author: Dawn Slaughter

A Drawing Lesson

My lucky shirt is being consigned to the bottom of the wardrobe!  It had worked awfully well in the previous round so that was disappointing

My opponent from Sutton allowed me 2nd bowl on the first end before drawing line and length in a neat cluster around the jack on subsequent ends and I was 0-14 before getting on the board!

I hit the head when she was holding match and took a 2. Up went another short jack from me but she had found that length as well by then. Doh! I managed to drive and knock shot bowl out instead of the shot and second bowl. Drat!  Her third bowl just beat mine so that was that!  Hey ho.
At one stage I didn’t think I’d get any points at all but clawed my way up to 7 which is better 0.
My opponent said Camberley was just like playing at Croydon. She had a fantastic game. I hope she does well in Nottingham. She will if she plays like that. Well done, Rita Fraser. Go on and win it, girl!

So Gold to Rita, Silver to Marie for her marking (thank you for giving up 4.5 hours of your day) and Dawn became an “also ran”!!

There is always next year.


(Mind you, I woke up this morning after I had been dreaming I was standing at the green edge and couldn’t remember if I needed to put the general anaesthetic on my bowls or whether I needed to spray the green with it. If anyone knows the answer ……)

0C Does That Make it too Cold to Rain Today?

I’m sure I’m not the only one who could with a rain break!  Gee whizz, haven’t we been drenched enough?  I hope nobody has any leaks

There’s a beautiful blue sky, the early garden daffodils are shivering down to their bulbs, but the sun is out so hopefully they’ll start raising their trumpets up to give a shout out to spring.
Watch your step if you go out early as parts of the pavements are slippy as yesterday’s wet starts to thaw out from the overnight ice.

Play well those that are playing – think there are some club comps going on – and enjoy the day and rugby and whatever else is occurring in your realms.

Peter J gets the Silver

Thanks for your messages of support.

Unfortunately I lost 16-21. It was a very tight game until the last 4 ends, when I went from 15-all to 16-21, despite saving a match lie on the penultimate end.

Credit to Ian, he just drew better than me over the last few ends – I think that nerves got to my arm. I almost got a 3 on the last end, but sadly the jack went the wrong way and didn’t trail to my waiting pair.

Just an inch!


Well done, for reaching the final, Peter, with some very good wins on the way.

Dawn’s turn next on Saturday in the National Over 60’s Area Final.  I’ve been playing like a drain for the last month, so hope all the rubbish has now been swept away and some sort of form returns!  Please keep your fingers crossed!

Alas, the friendly v Hampton has been cancelled on Saturday as we couldn’t raise a team but the friendly v Teddington on Sunday is still going ahead.  Play starts at 2:00 and supporters/spectators welcome.


Live Streaming Indoor Bowls featuring Local Players

From Laurie:-

I thought you might be interested in a new bowls live streaming service that will feature local players.

Martin Cory of Egham and Ashford has started a new service he has titled “About a Yard”

The service is in its infancy having streamed just two games so far.

However tomorrow (weds 21 st Feb )will see the indoor singles between Barry Jenkins and Mark Smith being streamed from Egham at 8.30 pm

Check it out on the “About a Yard” Facetime page

There is also a You Tube page that has the two games already featured.

Martin hopes to extend the streaming to include out door games in the summer.

These will primarily feature Ashford games and players.


Thanks, Laurie, for letting us know.

Updated Club Competition Draws

These are on the competition page.  There may be a couple of results missing from games in the last few days.

Well played everyone.  There have been some excellent wins.

Club Triples Weekend – see notice on the board re food for each day.

Thanks to Stella and Dave R for their background competition work!

GDPR Policy

For those of you who have collected your envelope with details of subs etc, it refers to our GDPR policy.  This has now been uploaded to the Updated Policies tab on the website.  You need to have read this to be able to tick the box on the Membership Form.

Other policies will go up over the weekend when I have a bit more time!