Author: Dawn Slaughter

AGM Presentation

The notes from the AGM Presentation on Thursday night are available to view on the Members’ page.  Click on the link to download.

Thanks to Ange, Norman, Gordan, Jane and Wendy for all their hard work over the last few years.  We wish the new Board members including Tony O’B, Sarah H, Alasdair McW, Karen G, Peter J, Julian deH, Shaf, Wendy & Jane every success as they take Cambridge Park through the next few years.

The Club Members are in safe hands!

Thursday 28th September – AGM at 7:00 Pm

Just a reminder that the AGM is tomorrow evening.
Come along for updates; to ask questions; to approve the new Board nominations; and to generally support the Club as we move forward for the forthcoming indoor and outdoor seasons


However, if you cannot make it, please could you let Jane or Ange know at the club.

And Autumn Work Did Indeed Start on the Outdoor Green


Meanwhile indoors Olive made a great start to switching to the different surface. It took a few ends (as it did with returning indoor veterans) but she did it!

While on the other rink, Paul was also getting to grips with the less-physical-more-mental idea of delivering a bowl.
We have assured them by mid October they will get used to the pace and not have time to go and make a cup of tea while the bowl is travelling to the other end of the green!  (It does feel like that at first. )

Corale – Bon Voyage!

At the end of all the proceedings on Saturday afternoon, it was sad to have to wave goodbye to Corale as she takes flight on Tuesday to start a new chapter of her life in Melbourne, Australia, returning to where most of her family are based.
It’s a huge move. On the plus side, there are bowls club all over Melbourne so we hope she settles into one soon and makes new friends.  Send photos!
Good luck! We will miss you at Cambridge Park after so many years as a member. Thank you for being part of our club, community and team and for your support at competitions.

Joan O’N, Corale & Jimmy P at our indoor tour to Potters Resort in 2017

It was a Grand Afternoon!

The weather stayed dry and mainly sunny and everyone was in good spirits before, during and after the game. Phew!
Great to have all 6 rinks full of bowlers enjoying the fun and trying their hardest to beat the opposition.
It was 3-3 rink draw – don’t listen to Norman!

The ladies had to borrow a couple of men to balance out the numbers and about 10 men volunteered. Ooh!

Thanks to Roy for setting up the green, to Sarah & Jacqui and Tony & Alasdair for meeting Ladies and Men’s Captains for the day. Thanks also to Jane behind the bar, to Ann Macey for selling more raffle tickets for the MacMillan Cancer fund-raising (draw on Saturday 30th at Race Night) and to all our visitors.  Last, but by no means least, thanks to all the players both old and new for making it such an enjoyable occasion to round off the outdoor season not only with your playing but also for taking all the ditch mats and rink markers up and tidied away so that the new green keeping company can get to start on the autumn work this week.

We should also give a big thanks to Ray Verralls who has been the Outdoor Fixture Secretary as well as Indoor Fixture Secretary for the last few years. For various reasons, he is standing down from both posts so we’re on the lookout for a volunteer to take on the Outdoor Fixtures for next season (and there’s no time like the present to get the calendar started!).

Saturday Sunshine – Hooray!

Looking forward to the annual outdoor men v ladies match this afternoon in the sunshine with a bit of warmth!

This will be the last time when the green has been in Trevor’s hands and we thank him for the work he has done over the last 4 years and wish him well for the future.

Please arrive by 12:40 (unless you’re rushing from a flu jab!) so final teams can be tweaked.
Post match light refreshments = Vegetable Samosas £1 each. Gluten-free also available.


Indoor play and roll ups start on Monday

Out with the Out and In with the In!

So the end of the outdoor season is upon us.
Friday Night Leagues tomorrow I bekieve

Saturday – the Annual Men v Ladies outdoor match. We should have 6 triples or 3 rinks and 2 triples. Fortunately one of the chaps signed up on the ladies side of the sheet, so we might nab him and a couple of others to balance the numbers. Match starts at 1:00 pm so please be there before 12:40. Whites and any coloured shirt. Light refreshments afterwards.

From Monday, indoors.
The usual midweek roll ups daily from 10:00-12:00

For those who can’t make the day time there wil be evening roll ups on Monday 25th, Wednesday 27th September, Tuesday 3rd and Thursday 5th October at 6:00-ish and Saturday 30th September at 2:00.
On Thursday 28th at 7:00 pm, it’s the AGM. It’s good to see the nominee names for the Board. Thank you to those who signed up.
On Saturday 30th, it’s the Race Night at 6:00 or 6:30 (Apologies I forgot to double check).
Also it will be the Grand Raffle in aid of MacMillan Cancer Support. Tickets are £1:00 per strip and available from Ann Macey or Jane behind the bar. There are some fantastic prizes so please support this cause, even if you can’t make the Race Night.
the first friendly of the season is on Wednesday 4th away v King George Field and our first National comp is Sunday 8th Top Club v Hounslow

So, let’s jump right in next week and get the indoor season party started!

Two Missed Events Yesterday

Belated happy birthday to Terry Macey. We hope you had a good day.

Unfortunately Sarah & Karen’s Aussie Pairs final was rained off so they are playing at Fordbridge Park tomorrow (Tuesday) at 2:00 pm

Kevin managed to not only squeeze his 75 shots in but also squeezed a 76-74 victory over Martin Payne who earlier had won the main Singles.
Dave Pitt is completing his Gillette Cup competition v Ashley Tanner today. Dave is 10-2 up when the match resumes.