Author: Dawn Slaughter

Thursday 10th August. Start Flag Waving!

By the time some of you will have read this, our Middlesex Four of Tina. Nadine.  Cathy & Ann H will have had breakfast, done a mile walk, spent 20 minutes doing stretches and, with adrenaline pumping, will be stepping onto E Green to play their first round at the National Championships in Leamington against opponents from the Isle of Wight, starting at 09:30.

The Ashford girls Kerry, Lou, Vicki & Lisa are the other Middlesex Four and, having completed a similar warm up routine, they play Hampshire on B green

Winners of this round go into the last 32 in the country playing in the afternoon.

At 1:30, Ashley from Ashford takes on Durham and Matt, also from Ashford, plays Perry Martin from Dorset (I think Perry used to play up in one of the London clubs). Both of these matches are on A green and the boys could be appearing on the Bowls England tv stream  – check out the BE Facebook page.

Good luck to all of you  we’ll be waving and cheering all your great shots – mainly from the Twickenham area but with you on spirit.

Knock ‘em dead!




Club AGM – 28th September 2023 at the Club at 7:00 pm

As we are a Club we need the members to step up and take on various committee roles, etc. and the AGM is the chance to do this as well as bring up any issues you may have.  Thursday 28th September at 7:00 pm – Formal notice below.

For those wishing to join the Club, please download the Membership Application Form on the Membership Forms and Fees page.

We’re not just about meetings – no way!  We love bowling outdoors and and indoors but also coming up …

Bank Holiday Monday 28th August – ‘Crown Green’ Bowls (minus the crown) plus BBQ by Ange. Time to be confirmed.

Friday 29th September – Race Night with food – All the fun of the races without getting muddy!

Friday 27th October – Bingo, Bangers & Mash – Come along and join in the fun with Peter Twells – our chief BIngo Caller!

Sunday 17th December – Christmas Event

If anyone is a good Quiz Organiser, please let Jane know – we need a social in the new year too!

More details of the above as the dates get closer.  However, keep checking out the sign up sheets for socials on the noticeboard nearest the indoor green.



Congratulations to the Club Team Today!

Well done to Jacqui, Karen, Steve, Tina, Mike, Roy, Shaf, Scott, Tony, Andy, Lucy and Dawn who turned up for R&B League match at Ashford when Storm Anthony was having a good go at annoying outdoor bowlers across the country!


Thunder and lightning with heavy showers at 2:00 pm and the Ashford green appeared unplayable.
The rain eased off 25 mins later and it was decided that the game be reduced to 15 ends in the hope that we could play all through.

Full wets on, the game commenced. Steve’s team got off to a good start – better than the other two rinks
45 mins later …

… the wets were off and sun was out and it felt warm.
20 mins later the wets were back on!

Andy’s team pulled back from a long way down losing 11-15 whilst Steve’s hung on to their lead and won 13-7.
On the other rink, Dawn’s team kept going down by 1 shot (grrr) but clung on and picked up a 4 which reduced the deficit. On the 14th end, one down, Roy went for the bowl … missed … and managed to ditch the jack following it for an unbeatable shot. Fortunately Dawn came in for second so headed into the final end 14-12 up and needed to keep the shots.
Shaf, at 2 came in for shot while Karen had put the back bowls in. Roy had a couple of good bowls then Dawn played a rubbish bowl and Ashford’s skip went for the split and nearly made it but they were still holding. From out of nowhere Dawn drew a perfect draw leaving the Ashford skip with a real pressure shot to get at least two. He took the jack back for 1.

Result: 2-1 in rinks and 36-33 in shots to Cambridge Park keeping us top of the league. Ashford could still overtake us as they still have to games in hand but think they need clean sweeps to pass us, which of course is entirely possible.
However Cambridge Park could be in the final and that hasn’t happened for many years. Well done everyone. Great result today! Thanks to Tricia and Corale for their support. Gold stars all round!

It was Lucy’s final match for Cambridge Park before she heads off across the sea to Ireland with Merve & Mabel on Tuesday. We shall miss you and wish you well at the start of your new adventure.

News from Companies House

Following on from the work done by Jane and the previous Board, we have now heard back from them.

So that’s good!  Well done to Jane and the others for relentlessly pursuing this and getting a resolution


There will be an AGM and a sheet with nominations for Board positions will go up as soon as a date is known – probably towards the end of September. We will get minimum 14 days’ notice. Ange will produce job descriptions for the various Board roles, so it will make it easier to know what each nominee will be responsible for.


Sunday 30th July

Firstly good luck to Tina & Cathy and Karen & Jacqui who are currently (at 09:20) limbering up their limbs, polishing their bowls and focussing their minds on the tasks ahead.
Both Karen & Jacqui are in the quarter-finals of the Over 55 Singles followed by the quarter-finals of the Over 55 Pairs playing together. Success in both puts them through to the semi finals this afternoon.
I am sure Karen has packed several hands of bananas to get them both through the day.

Our club match is against old friends – London Civil Service. Play starts at 2:30 and spectators welcome.

As an update from yesterday, Lucy & Dawn won their first Two-bowl Pairs match very comfortably against a less experienced pair from Sunbury and Karen & Jaqui won their first game v Hurlingham Park after picking up a very useful 4 on 13th end.
Karen & Jacqui then faced Lucy & Dawn which was a very close game going to the extra end which saw Karen leaping up and down in excitement as they took the win. They played well and deserved it! They are now in the semi-finals in 3rd September

Let’s hope that winning streak stays with them today.

Sarah couldn’t team up with Lucy yesterday as she had the Regional Final of the National Champion of Champions at Gerrard’s Cross. Alas, it wasn’t her time to get to Leamington this year but it was absolutely fantastic getting so far in the competition.

Lucy & Dawn are both moving and packing boxes like mad. Dawn is moving locally but Lucy is heading over to Ireland with Merve & Mabel. We shall miss them all but I’m sure they will be back to visit.
Lucy missed Sarah yesterday as her long term Pairs partner as they have been a very successful team over the last couple of years especially in all the county competitions. They started a trend and now Karen & Jaqui have picked up the baton and are following in their footsteps

For a final splurge, Lucy had teamed up with Jacqui & Karen in the South Middlesex Triples and they may be playing that this week. Steve, Tricia & Dawn are playing their game in 10th but at least it won’t be against our other triple!

Saturday 29th July

Another week flies by!


Good luck to Sarah playing the Regional Final of the National Champion of Champions this morning.

Good luck to Karen & Jacqui, Marie & still not sure, and Lucy & Dawn in the Middlesex Two Bowl Pairs at Bishop Duppas.

Alas, Springfield couldn’t get a team out today so the club match this afternoon has been cancelled. A chance to get some club comps played instead!

Not sure about the weather yet. Looks somewhat dull but this morning’s rain does seem to have stopped. Hooray!


Enjoy your Saturday.