Author: Dawn Slaughter

Monday 7th November – Filming

There will be filming around the clubhouse and Cambridge Park on Monday. The film crew will be using the back rows of the car park as well as the dining room.
Please park against the clubhouse and in the first row. It’ll be a bit tight. Any problems, please speak to Jane.

Sunday 6th November – National Triples and Coaching Exams

Busy, busy, busy in the Club today.

Steve, Norman & Ian take on John Carey & Co from Egham(!) in the National Men’s Triples at 10:00 am.

On the other three rinks, Scott, Sarah, Katharine, Dave P & Richard D and others will be taking their Level 1 Bowls Coach Exams.

Good luck to all of you. A win in the Triples and everyone passing their coaching exams would be brilliant!


For anyone venturing near the Club, there is rugby on at Twickenham, so allow plenty of time for traffic. Fortunately the temporary traffic lights in the centre of Twickenham have now gone!  Phew!

Yetton Plate Here We Come!

Great to have so many supporters at Cambridge Park this morning when two rinks took on two strong rinks from Egham.
Both rinks held their own for most of the game and were keen to keep going to put more shots on the scoreboard.
Unfortunately our away rinks were up against another two strong Egham rinks and, after 16 ends, the deficit was too great for us to continue And hands we’re shaken.
All credit to Val Noel, Carole Boisseux and Karen Griffiths in their first National Team competition. They settled in well and contributed to each team’s score.
Thanks to Ron Eden, the umpire, to Norman and Mike doing the liaising between the venues keeping the scoreboards up to date and for Jane behind the bar, not to forget Brian Noel washing up all the mugs!
Next up could be Hounslow or Croydon I think. The draw isn’t up yet.

National Pairs – A Win

Peter Judge and Peter Twells had an excellent win in the National Pairs last night v John Carey & Jay Head from Egham.
A tight game all the way through but left them 4 down going into the final end when the two P’s managed to pick up 5 giving them a 15-14 victory!

Next round is v S Tindall & partner who also had a one point win against their first round opponents.

Well done the P’s and good luck in the next round.

Cats & Dogs, Men, Stair Rods

Well it’s not literally raining any of those things but it was RAINing all night and still going strong.

All 6 lanes on the A4 were under a flood near the A30 junction and several other stretches of the A4 between Osterley and the A30 were only usable on the lane nearest the central reservation.

So, be careful if you’re driving and, if you’re a pedestrian, walk as close to the wall on the pavements (unless you have a man willing to get soaked protecting you!  What did happen to that bit of etiquette?).
Wellies might be the order of the day especially if you have to leave your car in the middle of the CP car park for this afternoon’s league.
Joking apart. Be careful.


PS. You could try singing today … or look up the Morecambe & Wise version of Singing in the Rain on one of the media platforms.  That will put a smile on your face!

Marigolds at the Ready? Yes please!

Karen is looking for a few volunteers to help finish off the kitchen deep clean, as the cupboards need emptying and hoovering out, a thorough wipe down disinfectant (food safe variety!).

Please report to Karen at the Club on Friday 4th November  – any time between 09:00 – 16:00.  She’ll be there all day.

If you can only spare an hour, that’s fine!  If 7 of you can spare an hour, that will give Karen an extra pair of fresh hands every hour!  You know what they say, “Many hands make light work!”

Marigolds and aprons provided.


Not Quite a Halloween Nightmare!

Actually not a nightmare at all, just a disappointing week as regards National Comps.

Peter J lost both his 4 bowl singles and 2 bowl singles to Egham players; Laurence lost his Senior Singles to an Egham player; and the Mixed Four RInk Egham Trophy team lost to Egham.  There seems to be a thread in there!

For the Mixed Pairs, Peter & Dawn came out as winners v Mike & Tina – good to have a Cambridge Park win, but, guess what?  Yes, we’re playing a pair from Egham in the next round as well as mixed four from Egham.

There must be other clubs in the area!


Anyway …

happy halloween spooky card in paper cut style

designed by Starline –