Author: Dawn Slaughter

Monday Morning and the Sun is Shining!

It is beautiful outside today – well so far!  It is almost rather chilly but there is a definite hope of spring in the air, which probably also means that the clocks are going to change shortly and we’ll be getting up in the dark again!


A couple of results from the weekend… Stella S & Jacqui had a close game anda win v Sarah & Lucy in the Ladies Pairs, and Ian Dale reached the Men’s Singles FInal with a win over Brian N.  Well done to them.  No news on the Ladies Drawn Pairs from last night yet.

Dave Pitt, Ray S, Colin H & Andy K have reached the Over 60’s Fours Nationals but leaving it late by winning on the extra end. Andy said it was the only end where he put one of his bowls in the jack! Well done to them!

This week sees the Mixed Friendly v Egham on Wednesday afternoon.  Kevin K is captain.

On Saturday morning, Andy plays Dave in the Middlesex Singles Semi-Final at CP and on a neighbouring rink, Tina & Ann H p lay Ange & Dawn in the Club Ladies Pairs Semi-Final.  Ange and Dawn meet in the Middlesex Ladies Semi-FInal on Sunday morning and Scott & Gordon take on Dave P & Peter C in the Men’s Drawn Pairs. On Monday night Ange & Dawn head over to Century to play Angela F & Jo W (?) in the Middlesex Ladies Pairs Semi-Final

Also this week, Teresa & Barry play Ange & Dave in the Mixed Open Pairs; Lucy & Graham have their Mixed Drawn Pairs Semi-FInal against Ange & Scott with the winners playing Ann B & Dave P in the Final.

Meanwhile there are roll ups and leagues as usual and some of us are lucky enough to be going on the Middlesex County Indoor Tour to Eastbourne.  Hope the weather holds!

Keep sending results through and I’ll update the website as and when news appears and try to get it correct first time!

Club Open Triples and Other Results

It was good to see the green full of club members yesterday morning, all up bright and breezy

Club Open Triples – Saturday 12/03/22

for the challenges ahead.  The teams were very strong across the board so we knew we all had to concentrate very hard if we were going to make it through to the semi-finals in the afternoon.

A triple of Dales (Ann, Ian & Graham) made a great comeback effort v Tricia, Barry & Teresa but didn’t quite get there by the final end.

Barry, Stella & Jacqui put up a valiant fight but lost out to Kevin K, Richard D & Peter J.  On rink 2, Laurie G, Tina & Mike took a win over Ann B, Wolfie & Scott, a match with lots of oohs and aahs as running bowls dic/dicn’t come off!; and Ange, Dave P & Dawn managed to beat Peter T, Andy H & Bob but it was a really tight game until a 5 on the 14th end (after two dead ends) put Dave’s team at an advantage. 

In the semi-finals, Laurie, Tina & Mike had a good win over Peter, Richard & Kevin K.  9 down with two ends to go was just too big an ask.  On rink 3, Tricia, Teresa & Barry played some great bowls but just didn’t get the rub of the green giving Ange, Dave & Dawn a comfortable win.

Lots of tired legs at the end of the afternoon.

Thanks to Ange for preparing the lunch with Lucy, Frances & Jacquie E getting everything laid our whilst we were still on the green.  Well done to Scott who gave Ange a big hand in clearing and washing up.  Thanks to Jane who kept players and spectators hydrated with various beverages.  Good to see Brian C, Dick & Di, Reg, Ann, Terry, Steve P and Nadine amongst the spectators during the day.

This morning (Sunday) sees a Ladies Open Pairs with Sarah & Lucy taking on Jacqui L & Stella S, whilst on an adjacent rink Ian D & Brian N battle it out for a place in the Men’s Singles Final v Peter J.  Later in the afternoon, Ann H & Wolfie play Teresa & Audrey in the Ladies Drawn Pairs.

On Friday, Teresa beat Ange 21-18 in the Club Singles; Tina went out 20-21 To Angela F in the Middleses Singles semi-final giving Mike a second nail-biter match to watch!  Back at CP Ann B & Dave P took a victory over Ann H & Peter J in the Mixed Drawn Pairs to reach the final.  They play the winners of Scott & Ange v Lucy & Graham.

Teams for Wednesday’s Mixed Friendly v Egham are up on the board.  Kevin K is captain.

Ann B is sorting out the teams to play Ember on Sunday 20th, once we know if it’s 3 or 4 triples.  The teams will be emailed out.  This leaves one more mixed friendly v Teddington on Saturday 26th March.

On 1st April, Peter T is calling out the BIngo numbers (hope he wasn’t watching Jack Whitehall doing that in the US!) – a goodly number have signed up – just under 50 and we’re happy for more!  Ann M is still selling  tickets for the raffle for Cancer Research and Jane has some behind the bar when that is open and Ann isn’t around.

Saturday 2nd/Sunday 3rd April is Finals Weekend and Ange will publish the schedule once all the semi-finalss have been played.

Advance warning that Jacquie & Ange are heading up to Pershore with bowls that need re-stamping.  Please let either of them know if you have bowls that need to go.  And on 8th May (when the Middlesex Ladies Trials on on) Bowlswear Direct will be bringing their Roadshow to Cambridge Park, so a chance to stock up on supplies.

Action Friday!

As predicted, it was a very tight game between Steve, Tricia, Tina & Mike against Ange, Dawn, Ian & Peter T last night.  The game could have gone either way until Peter T’s four managed to pick up a 5 towards the end of the game, which, as we all know, is really difficult to pick back up.  It was a game worthy of the Middlsex Final, not just the semi-final.

Tina heads over to Century tonight to play the Angela F in the Middlesex Ladies’ Semi-Final, whilst in the club competitions, Ange and Teresa play in the Ladies SIngles at midday and Ann H & Peter J play Ann B & Dave P in the Drawn Mixed Pairs semi-final at 6.30 pm  All of these games will be worth watching if you’re in and around the club vicinity.

Tomorrow, the Club Open Triples starts at 9.30 am, with the second rounds after lunch.  The bar will be open, so another time to come down and chat with friends.  If you want a jacket potato lunch, please let Ange know by midday today.

Good luck to everyone playing.  Enjoy your games!

We still need quite a few names for the mixed friendly v Egham at home on Wednesday 16th at 2.00 pm.  Kevin K is captain, so please let him know if you are available – if you can’t get to the club to sign up.

Competition Updates

Tonight (Thursday) at 5.00 pm sees the Middlesex Mixed Fours Semi-Final between Tina, Mike, Tricia & Steve v Ange, Dawn, Ian & Peter T. Should be a tight game!

Andy H plays Dave Pitt in the semi final of the Middlesex Singles – no date advised as yet.

Club competitions are nearly all at semi-final or final stages. Results as of Monday 07/03

Men’s Singles: Peter J v Brian N or Ian D

Men’s Challenge: Steve Harbud v Kevin K or Andy H

Men’s Open Pairs: a bit behind!

Men’s Drawn Pairs: Dave W & Laurence v Tony Briden & Ron B; Gordon & Scott v Dave P & Peter C

Two Bowl Singles: Peter J v Kevin K; Peter T v Dave P or Dave R

Ladies Singles: Ann H v Tina ; Ange v Teresa

Ladies Challenge: Ann B v Stella S

Ladies Open Pairs: Ange & Dawn v  Tina & Ann H; Sarah & Lucy v Jacqui & Stella S

Ladies Drawn Pairs: Jacqui & Dawn v Ann H & Wolfie or Audrey & Teresa

Mixed Pairs: Ann B & Peter J v Barry & Teresa or Ange & Dave P

Mixed Drawn Triples: Ange, Scott & Peter T v Ray V (Alasdair subbed in first round), Lucy & Dave P

Mixed Open Triples: to be decided this Saturday!


Club Open Triples – Saturday 12th March

The draw for the Open Triples on Saturday is below.  (There is rugby on at Twickeham starting at 16:45.

Ange will be doing Jacket Potatoes plus fillings following by cake or cheese and biscuits.  £5 per person.  Visitors also welcome!  Please let Ange know by midday on Friday 11th if you would like lunchtime food.  There are some ‘hot’ teams so the matches will be well worth watching, even if you only pop in for an hour or so.  The bar will be open by midday.

                                                                                CAMBRIDGE PARK IBC CLUB OPEN TRIPLES 2021-22
                                                                                                            MIXED OPEN TRIPLES
09:30hrs Start 14:15hrs Start

A Draw or Maybe a Win!

Well done to everyone who played today. Richmond & Barnes came with two teams from Putney Town, one from Ashford and one from Strawberry Hill.
it was a 2-2 draw in rinks , Cambridge Park did have the best overall score.
Well done to Karen, Frances, Tony & Dawn for top rink. Our opposition did have two new-to-indoors bowlers who were definitely getting the hang of it in the second half of the game. It was all played in a very good spirit with plenty of laughter and more than the odd wrong bias!

Dave P returned from the Over 60’s Singles Area Final with a runner-up card.  Well done for getting so far anyway.

Mark Smith from Ashford who skipped top rink from R&B, was part of the Surrey Liberty team who beat Devon in the semi-final yesterday so he will be off with them to Nottingham for the final. On the same day, Mark and his Egham team will also play in the Top Club final at Nottingham. We wish him and both his teams every success.

Warning – Boast Post (but Yippee!)

It’s not my want to push myself forward but I was really over the moon to win the Area 11 Final of the National Two Bowl Competition this morning 21-6.   This means I’m through to the last 16 in the National Finals event in Nottingham for the first time.  Weyhey!

I played like a drain as lead on Monday night (ask Steve G!) and I’m sure I will fall flat on my face again and probably return from Nottingham with my tail between my legs, but hey, it’s a “bowls” lifetime achievement for me.  I have 10 hours’ overtime in hand at work so have requested permission to use them in lieu of payment.   Fingers crossed.

If you don’t get going in 2 bowls (especially on a strange rink) quickly, the game is over far too soon  and you feel like a muppet, so thank you for not pushing me for the date of today’s game.  I know some of you asked and I was deliberately vague.

The first game is at Nottingahm IBC on Tuesday 29th March v Eastbourne’s competitor at 7.30 pm.  7.30?  That’s getting on for bedtime!


Curling is Back!

England are playing Norway now (8.00 am) in the Paralympic Curling round robins.  Watch on Channel 4.

The schedule for today is here


Para Alpine Skiing, Para Ice Hockey and Para Biathlon complete today’s activities.


The Winter Paralympics Start Today

If you weren’t up at 1.15 am to watch the Open Ceremony from Beijing, head over to Channel 4 at 11.30 am for coverage.  I’m sure over the next 9 days, we’ll be amazed by all that can be achieved by many sports people for whom “I can’t” doesn’t exist.

If you’re out this morning and fancy chatting with other bowlers, the morning roll up finishes at midday and several stay behind to enjoy a couple of bevvies putting the world to rights – oh, we definitely need that now.

One of my son’s rugby team landed in Ukraine to see his family a couple of days before the invasion.  Alistair and Northolt Rugby Club is helping raising £3,000 so his friend can help the community under seige with medicines, food, etc.  If you feel you would like to help in a small way, the link is here  

They have raised £2,220 towards their goal so far.  Alistair said his friend is being very matter-of-fact in dealing with the situation which, in reality, must be absolutely terrifying.

If the grey skies and forecasted rain keep you indoors and armchair sport isn’t  your thing, then BBC2 is showing The Lavender Hill Mob at 1.00 pm.  It’s a great comedy classic from Ealing Studios.

Whatever you’re doing, have a good day.