Author: Dawn Slaughter


Well done to Peter J who crept up from behind and just overtook Laurence in the semi-final to win 21-19.  There were some great bowls going up the green.

Well done to the 3 T’s , Tina, Tricia & Teresa who beat the SAD team (Sarah, Ange & Dawn) in the National Triples this morning.  They played better and more consistently than we did.

It was good to see those at the coaching coming along very nicely.  That was the final session so this week is a good time to et some practice in as the rinks will be reasonably free in the afternoons/evenings or join one of the morning roll ups if you can.

Good luck to Jean, Norman, Steve & Tricia in the National Mixed Fours this week and to anyone else playing competitions.

We will give you some snippets from Potters as we go along.  Temperatures seemed to have dropped up there over the weekend!

Sunday 21st November

Busy morning, this morning.

Coaching at 9.30 am; at 10.00 am Peter J v Laurence G – 2020 semifinal of Men’s Championship; Tina, Tricia & Teresa v Ange, Sarah & Dawn in National Triples.

Roll up – 2.00 – 4.00 pm this afternoon.

For those going to Potters tomorrow who want to leave their luggage at the club, please do so by 4.00 pm today, otherwise we’ll see you in the morning.

I omitted to put up the match sheet for the London Civil Service match next Sunday 28th November.  If you can’t get to the club before Wednesday and you want to play, please ask Norman or Jane if they could add your name to the list.  My apologies.

The match v Staines on 5th December has been picked and is up on the board.

Christmas Lunch on Sunday 12th December.  Spaces are filling up so please put your name down if you’d like to come.  We have new caterers who are not bowlers, so happy to look after us!  £28 per head.  Three courses – two options for each course.


Monday to Friday – Roll ups every morning between 10.00 & 12.00.  No leagues this week – unless I’m mistaken.

Saturday 20th November at 10.00 am – Yetton Plate v Croydon

The girls are out in force this morning when they play Croydon in the Yetton Plate.  Two rinks home, two away with play starting at 10.00 am.  Please come along and support at  home.  It really helps.

Last night I was sorry to miss the match between Tricia & Teresa and Sarah & Lucy.  The two T’s came out 18-17.  That was a close match!  I hope some of you were able to get along and watch.  All four girls are back on the CP green this morning along with Jean, Ann B, Ann D and Audrey.  The away teams comprise Tina, Frances, Marie, Joan, Katharine (making her Yetton debut), Ange, Ann H & Dawn.  Haven’t we got a lot of Ann’s in the club?!

Good luck to all the girls.  We can do this!

Watching various programmes on BBC Children in Need this week.  Anyone up for a 24 hour bowls marathon next year?  Whether we do or not, what a fantastic amount of fund raising – over £40 million!

Let’s Talk About the Weather!

In the EIBA National Individual Competitions, we seem to have come off in second place every time this week in the Men’s Pairs, the Men’s Fours and the Mixed Fours, so let’s go forward to the weather for next week!

Twickenham is looking at temperatures between 6 and 10 C, with more sunny days than cloudy and only showers forecast for Friday.  In Great Yarmouth, the Potters’ tourists who venture outdoors will be experiencing similar weather although 1-2 C cooler and one more showery day, so remember to pack a jacket and scarf!

Tonight, there is a local tie as Tricia & Teresa take on Sarah & Lucy in the National Pairs at 6.00 pm.  Tomorrow the Ladies play Croydon in the Yetton Plate match and on Sunday morning, there’s another local derby in the semi-final of the 2020 Club Singles between Laurence & Peter J as well as Sarah, Ange & Dawn playing Tina, Tricia & Teresa in the National Ladies Triples (thanks to a Teresa for spotting the error!) both matches starting at 10.00 am.

There is a roll up between 2.00 and 4.00 pm for anyone on Sunday afternoon.

Have your Christmas decorations gone up yet?


Hump Day for Everyone?

Wednesday, regarded as the midpoint of a typical working week.
“it’s hump day and perhaps the toughest day of the week for you”
Is Wednesday classed as a hump day if you don’t work – either as a retired person or otherwise?
How do you break up your week?  Is Thursday your mid-week day?  It seems a day when a lot of you do your shopping?
It’s BBC Children in Need Day this Friday.  Has anyone watched Sophie Ellis-Bextor with her 24 hour dance challenge?   She still looks amazing after 21.5 hours this morning!  You can watch her on the IPlayer.  She has raised over £342,000 as at 6.00 am!
For those of you heading off to Potters next week, you could pick up a few dance moves.  Currently (7.15 am) Ian Whaite – ex Strictly professional is putting her through some interesting moves!
Must dash.  Have a good day eveyrone!

On to Weekend Wins

Congratulations to Peter Twells, who won the 2020 club semi-finals of the Two Bowl Singles 21-20 v Roy Ebinezar and Peter Judge who beat Laurence 21-19.  Both matches went to 31/32 ends, so you can tell how close they were.  The markers went home exhausted!

On the National comps, Tina & Dawn managed to beat Ann B & Di in the Ladies Pairs in a hard fought game.

On Saturday, at the Middlesex Indoor delayed (2020) County Finals there were mixed results as Steve G, Mike C & Norman fell to the Bounds Green triples and Dave P’s Four also went out to Bounds Green after crawling all the way back from a 9 shot deficit to be 1 shot ahead going into the final end, then unfortunately they dropped a 2.

However, on the much brighter side, Ange claimed the Indoor Ladies Singles title with a 21-17 win over Angela Frankland and, along with Dawn, won the Ladies Pairs v Sue Apperly & Epe from The Lawns.

Dave Pitt secured the Men’s Singles title and with Ann Halliday, they had a very good win in the Mixed Pairs.

Well done to everyone who played; to Herga for hosting the event; Eric Prior for manning the bar; the ladies in the kitchen who ran an all-day catering service; to Mandy Simpson for Marking the singles matches and Vic Perry for Umpiring; and last, but certainly not least, to Andy Docker for setting up the whole day  and being there supervising all the games, producing certificates, taking photos of the winners and runners-up and making the 2021-22 County Indoor Competition draws in between.  An admin’s job goes on and on and on and on!

Roll ups every morning this week Monday to Friday 10.00 – 12.00 ; and Tuesday and Sunday afternoons 2.00 – 4.00pm; Leagues Monday to Wednesday evenings and Thursday afternoon.

You might find the odd National competition match slipped in between all these sessions as well as the Yetton Plate competition for the Ladies v Croydon on Saturday.  Two rinks home, two away starting at 10.00 am.  There are no Denny Cup matches, so ignore the rink bookings for that.  Thanks

Sad Losses

At the end of Remembrance Sunday, it seems an appropriate time to send our deepest sympathies to

Ron Leftley, on the passing of his wife Marion; and

Estelle Baker, who sadly lost husband David .

It’s especially heartbreaking losing a partner/spouse after so many years together and our thoughts go out to them and their families as they try and cope with their losses.

Age Shall Not Weary Them …

For the Fallen by Laurence Binyon


With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children,

England mourns for her dead across the sea.

Flesh of her flesh they were, spririt of her spirit,

Fallen in the cause of the free.

Solemn the drums thrill; Death august and royal

Sings sorrow up into immortal spheres,

There is music in the midst of desolation

And a glory that shines  upon our tears.

There went with songs to the battle, they were young,

Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.

There were staunch to the end against odds uncounted;

They fell with their faces to the foe.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun, and in the morning,

We will remember them.

They mingle not with their laughing comrades again;

They sit no more at familiar tables of home;

They have no lot in our labour of the day-time;

They sleep behyond England’s foam.

But where our desires are and our hopes profound

Felt as a well-spring that is hidden from sight,

To the innermost heart of their own land they are known

As the stars are known the Night;

As the stars that shall be bright when we are dust,

Moving in marches upon the heavenly plain;

As the stars that are starry in the time of our darkenss,

To the end, to the end, they remain.


Fields of Mud, Seeds of Hope

Composed using battlefield mud from Flanders and earth taken from a Great War military camp in the U.K the work starts thoroughly soaked. As the wet mud dries and cracks the five battle weary silhouettes gradually appear, trudging home their backs to the past and facing the future.

Deep within the mud millions of ungerminated poppy seeds lay dormant.

Saturday 13th November

Coaching this morning at 9.30 am for those attending.  I am sure you are all benefiting from the knowledge and expertise being passed on and the practising.

Today it’s the Middlesex County Indoor Bowling Assocation Finals for 2020 competitions.  I wonder why they haven’t been played before?!

At 10.00 am  Ange is taking on Angela Frankland in the Ladies’ Singles Final, while Dave P and his Hounslow boys play Bounds Green in the Fours.

At 1.00 pm, Ange & Dawn take on Sue Apperly and Epe Tiramia from The Lawns in the Ladies Pairs

At 2.00 pm Dave Pitt plays Stephen Quy from The Lawns

At 3.00 pm  Steve, Mike & Norman play Bounds Green in the Triples Final.  Barry French was in the original team but he is still poorly and we hope he feels better soon.  Thanks to Norman for stepping in.

At 4.00 pm  Ann Halliday & Dave Pit (in Hounslow hats) play Brenda Burles & Rod Smith, also from The Lawns

Finally at 6.00 pm, it’s the Men’s Pairs Final.  The semi-final between Hounslow and Herga was due to be played last night, but I haven’t seen a result yet.

For those not able to get to Herga today, I’m sure you will be filling your day with other activities.  Tonight the Festival of Remembrance is on BBC 1 at 9.00 pm – a shame it is so late.  However, if you’re tucked up in bed by then, it will be available on iPlayer going forwards.  It celebrates 100 years of bringing the Remembrance traditions together.  Whenever you watch it, it will be sure to make you smile, laugh and cry in equal measures.