Author: Dawn Slaughter

David Baker – RIP

We were extremely sad to learn of the passing of Dave Baker in the earlier this month.  He was such a lovely soul both on and off the Teddington and Cambridge Park greens and very caring, with a very good sense of humour and a ready smile for all.
The time to bid him farewell and to share many memories mixed with tears and laughter are detailed below.
we send our condolences to Estelle, Katrina, David Jnr. and the whole family.

Wins and Losses

There was a very comfortable win v London Civil Service yesterday afternoon.  Good bowls and banter all round.  Thanks to Kevin L and Gordon who stepped in to fill the LCS team vacancies.  Thanks to Kevin for organising and to Jane on the bar.  The mixed friendlies are good fun and there will be more next year.

Peter J & Gym had a walking-on-water game v Laurence & Peter T yesterday morning in the 2020 Club Pairs.  It didn’t matter how close Laurence & Peter got to the jack because Peter or Gym just sneaked in with an even better shot!  Well done to them and also to Tricia & Teresa who outbowled Tina & Dawn in the National Ladies Pairs.  We held them for a while then dropped a 7 – not sure how that happened as our bowls had nudged some of theirs – obviously in the wrong direction!  Goodluck to them in the next round – another Egham opponent.

It was also a silver medal for Steve G, Norman, Laurie & Mike C in the L&SC Single Rink v Herts.  Hard luck chaps.

Despite winning the Potters tournament last week, all four of us couldn’t duplicate wins yesterday.  That’s bowls!

The next round of the London & Southern Counties Challenge Shield is on Saturday 18th December v Watford – 2 rinks home, 2 away starting at 10.00 am.

Another busy day with Laurence & Peter J on opposing sides (yet again – 4th time in 23 weekends!) in the Men’s Pairs this morning at 10.00 am and Tricia & Teresa play Tina & Dawn in the National Ladies Pairs also at 10.00 am at CP.
We play a mixed friendly v London Civil Service this afternoon at 2.00 pm at home and Steve G, Norman and team play their London & Southern Counties Single Rink competition away this afternoon v Watford.  The L&SC Challenge Shield is v the winners of Herts & Watford playing this morning, so a chance to possible suss out the opposition for that!
For those of you who like tennis – I can think of at least two of you! – the BBC are broadcasting the match with Emma Raducanu v Elena-Gabriela Ruse (Emma’s playing partner) live from the Royal Albert Hall at midday.  You can watch via the BBC Red Button, on iPlayer or or via their Facebook stream.
In fact all the games can be seen on the above link, including that wonderfully entertaining Mansour Bahrami who will be playing doubles preceding Emma’s match, so do watch it.  There will be a final session at 7.00 pm with another two doubles’ matches – winners of the round robins.

The Icing on the Cake

We did it!  It was a Tournament win for Tina, Mike, Laurence & Dawn at Potters!

To be fair, the opposition helped us with one of them being hungover, hwich didn’t help their team spirit, and the two brothers playing at 3 and skip not seeing eye-to-eye on shot choice.  That apart, we played well as a team with Tina and Laurence at the front end putting shots around the jack, just leaving Mike and I to try and plug any gaps and fill any spaces should the firing shots come off.   It was still a nerve-wracking game because it was the Final.

We were really grateful for the support from the Cambridge Park & Friends especially as they sat through the last 16 quarters and semi cheering us on.  It really made a difference.

Ann H also had a win on the Bingo.  It wasn’t a big win and she had to share it with another lady, but a win is a win!

The third win was that the coach had heating on the way back and it was at the perfect temperature!  Everyone returned safely and we all look forward to repeating the experience next year.

Now, it’s back to normality after a week ‘in a bubble’ with shopping, cooking, washing up and washing!

We’re playing London Civil Service tomorrow (Sunday), home at 2.00 pm and looking forward to getting back to the Cambridge Park green for matches and leagues this week.

Potters – The Final Morning

Well, what an afternoon and evening yesterday.

Kevin, Scott, Carole & Ray K had a great comeback from 2-9 down to an end score of 9-10 reducing their opponents shot difference which helped our teams

Joan, Bernard, Stella & Barry claimed victory over a team who had won their previous 3 games

So, Dave P, Terry P, Ann H & Ange made it comfortably into the last 16. Mike, Tina, Laurence & Dawn scraped in at 15th place and Joan, Bernard, Stella & Barry were 17th so only missed the cut by 1 shot!

A very cruel draw saw Dave & Dawn’s teams play in the last 16.  Dawn’s team took the first end single shot and then trailed 1-6 before getting another to double their score!  The teams then battled it out with Dawn’s Four coming through by a couple of shots

In the quarter final, the opposition lost their lead (she’d gone back to her bungalow) leaving us anxiously waiting for over 5 minutes past the start time.  It was a scrappy game and none of us played our best but we managed to hang in

The semifinal was a repeat of the 2018 Final, (with one person change on the Parabowls team).  It was always going to be a tough game and we had to concentrate very hard to get shots in and around the head.  After a good weighted shot which took the Jack back, we took a 3 and then we were off, battling to get nearer that little white ball than our opponents. We were 3 up going into the last end and had a bit of a wobble but Laurence’s slightly narrow bowl pushed across so that the Jack was completely sandwiched between their 2 bowls locking it in. Mike played a pearler and landed within 3” of the shot bowls. Dawn played one to the back of the green and Stevie played a what-normally-would-have-been a fantastic shot dislodging the jacks only to send it to Laurence’s sideways bowl.  Dawn sent another bowl to the back leaving the opposition with an impossible shot. We had our bowls scattered around so that almost any shot he played, we would still be in a winning position. It was a brave attempt and, luckily for us, gave us another shot to win the match  WOW!  Delighted and dazed in equal measures!

The packing has been done and we’re heading off to breakfast before a photo shoot of the group with added Bishop Duppas (who missed yesterday’s one!)  The final is then at 9.20 am  keep your fingers crossed for us.  We’re playing a team with a young international trialist at skip!

As always, the atmosphere, the food, the entertainment, the fun and laughter has been tip-top and we are looking forward to returning in 2022.

Let’s hope the coach has found its heating for the return journey. It will be a lot more difficult to nap if it’s cold

Thanks to everyone who has joined the Cambridge Park & Friends Tourists including Dee Hardy who came with her husband for a new-week break, then found herself joining Laurie G, Sarah & Ann B for the tournament. Thanks to Laurence for organising the CP events. It has been a pleasure having so many of us together bowling and socialising after a rubbish pandemic 18 months



Another win for Joan, Bernard, Stella & Barry this morning as well as Harry, Bob, Frances & Frances and Andy, Patsy, Carole & Jim. Brilliant stuff. Kevin, Scott, Carole & Ray K lost by 1 shot (yet again) but considering they were 2-9 down and only lost 9-10, that was Ana amazing comeback!  Shame the opposing skipper reduced Kevin’s last end to 4 when they were holding 6!
We now have the agonising wait to see if any of our teams have qualified for last 16 as it’s all down to shot difference.

Norfolk Day 3

An early night for most of the tourists as they geared themselves up for this morning’s game.
More tight games which went down to the final end so anyone’s chance is still on.
Post bowls, the tourists have been flocking to the table tennis area.
Last year’s winner Dave P put out John D last year’s runner up in the quarters and then beat Carole K in the semifinals. Ange put out Laurence in the first round and a former contender Kevin K in the quarter finals. She is now taking on Birthday Boy Brian in the semis. What a battle!

She just took it 21-17 with Brian covering more steps behind the table than on the bowls green!

Final Dave v Ange   A battle of minds as much as skills!

Dave swept Ange into runner up place with a dynamic forehand drive!

Well done to Laurence for herding cats into the sports arena and keeping the competition flowing!


Happy Birthday, Brian Noel!

We know you’re going to have a great day at Potters!

All the teams are playing at 9.20 am then most of us are playing again at 3.25 pm although 3 unlucky ones will have to get up early tomorrow morning for their final league game.
Top 16 teams go through. So far 12 teams inc Dave P and Laurie’s teams.

News from Norfolk

Firstly everyone arrived safely yesterday, so all good in that front.
Secondly, the bowls tournament has been fun. We have all played 2 rounds of our leagues and have had many tight games. Good wins today for Dave P, Ann H, Ange and Ann; Sarah, Dee Hardy ( who didn’t know when she was playing in a tournament, has come in for Terry M), Ann B & Laurie G; and also for Tina, Laurence, Mike & Dawn. Stella S, Barry, Joan & Bernard lost be 1 this morning but won by 3 this afternoon. Kevin K, Ray & Carole C & Scott lost by 1 shot in each of their games. Still too close to call.
Post bowls, Laurence organised a CP Kerling Championship which was won by Kevin K & Patsy B who trumped Sarah H & Terry Pugh in the final.
The avid bingo players have got their eyes down at the moment hoping to win one of the big prizes before the big show of the night in the theatre.

Lovely sunny day today and we hope you had the same down south!