Author: Dawn Slaughter


The sun broke through mid morning (which it doesn’t like it will do today) and we had a good afternoon with the players from Chertsey, some of whom were new to indoor bowling.

Lots of banter on the Staples v Twells rink, not only that, they had some very close heads with both skips having to pull out many stops to wrestle the jack away from the opposition!

Gym’s rink had a slow start but after about 6 ends, they found their turbo jet and shot off into the lead with their opposition bravely chasing and reducing the shot difference over the last few ends.  Ann’s rink started well, then promptly dropped a 5 then a 4 (oops) and slipped behind.  We gave ourselves a good talking to in our heads and made our way back into the lead – thanks to Ann on quite a few ends – and ended up with top rink.

George’s team were bringing up the rear for the whole game on rink 2  and were 3 down going into the last end.  Someone shouted across “You only need 4 this end! Ha, ha!”  Eileen B, Steve P, Joan O’N saw that challenge and raised it by one to score 5, thereby winning 20-18.  The morale of the story … Never give up!

This morning, Peter T’s Mixed Four of Kevin K, Di and Ange take on Dawn’s Mixed Four of Laurence, Tina & Mke at 10.00 am.  If you’re reading this at the club right now – you’ve forgotten to put your clocks back.  We’ll be there in just under the hour!

Good to see Reg joining Bernard, Terry and Ann and later Steve and Norman in the spectator ranks along with Peter T’s brother and supporter.

Thanks to Jane for running bar all afternoon.  We’ll be doing it all again v Shopland Select at 2.00 pm today.

Fall Backwards, not Forwards!

Actually, we’d prefer it if you didn’t fall over at all, but in the case of British Summer Time Ending and Greenwich Mean Time taking over for 6 months, you will have to change your clocks.  This was pinched from a FB post – thanks to whoever originally put it together.

Well done to the brainboxes of Jacquie E, Marie, Janice, Betty and Tony and Corinne O’B for winning last night’s quiz.  I gather great fun was had by all and everyone went home well fed with a vast amount of new knowledge!  Thanks to the Cumine’s for organising questions, food and technology and to Gordon and Jane keeping those little grey cells lubricated and hydrated!

This afternoon we take on Chertsey starting at 2.00 pm.  The bar will be open all afternoon for those wishing to get in from the showers and have a tea/coffee/beer and company

Tomorrow we play Shopland Select at 2.00 pm GMT which would have been 1.00 pm BST – is that right?!

Watch out for roadworks around York Road in Twickenham and Crown Road in St Margarets.  If you come to the club from Twickenham and its surrounds, it will take you longer than usual, even sticking to a 20 mph limit!

Busy Few Days Coming Up

Thursday morning roll up and Thursday afternoon league today.

Tomorrow there’s the morning roll up, then QUIZ NIGHT!  6.30 pm start.  Have you booked your tickets yet?

On Saturday morning, the first of the coaching sessions for new bowlers starts at 9.30 am.  In the afternoon, we play Chertsey in a mixed friendly.  I have no doubt that Norman will be winding his former Chertsey members up both on and off the green.  Who has got the Wurzel’s cd?!

On the green on Sunday morning, there is a local tie in the EIBA Mixed Fours when Peter Twell’s team take on Dawn’s team.  We’re expecting a tight match.  Not that all four of us aren’t competitive ….

On Sunday afternoon, we have another mixed friendly v Shopland Select.  This is a nomadic team led by Ken Shopland and they raise funds for charity.

Team lists for both Saturday and Sunday are on the board.  There are some more sign up sheets as well, so get your names down!

Well done to Mike C’s team in the semi-final of the Middlesex Triples as they beat Herga and now go on to play in the Final on 13th November.


I hope everyone enjoyed their first outing in the leagues last night.  David is not around this week, but hopes to be down next week to see how you’re all getting on.

We heard last night that, unfortunately, one of our opponents on Sunday tested positive for Covid.  We hope he does not feel too ill.  You can keep yourself on top of things by doing Lateral Flow Tests every 3 to 4 days.  You can order the tests free via this link  They’re not just for schoolchildren, teachers and workers!  They take less than 5 minutes to do – inelegantly poking a swab up your nose! – and about the same time for the result, which you can log on

As far as I am aware, all of our Sunday team have tested negative, which is good.  Every little bit we can all do in order to reduce the number of cases is for the benefit of the whole community and country.

On a different note, Christmas Lunch will be at the Club on 12th December.  There will be a maximum of 50 people and we’ll put a sign up sheet on the board with more details within the next week.