Author: Dawn Slaughter

Thursday 30th September at 2.00 pm – Club AGM – Formal Notices

210930 – Club AGM call out 2020

Please click on the link above to check details of the forthcoming AGM.

As at midday Wednesday 15th September, there have been nominations  and proposers for:-

Director – Playing Sections – Norman Chart

Outdoor Competitions – Brian Curwood

Outdoor Fixture Secretary – Ray Verralls

Indoor Vice Captain – Kevin Keown

Indoor League Secretary – David Hale

Indoor Fixture Secretary – Ray Verralls


There may have been others since I last looked at the notice.

Well, Wasn’t That a Special Occasion?!

The arrival of The Chelsea Pensioners was all that we expected.  What a wonderful, glorious spectacle!  Please click on the IMG links.


The Reception!

I’m afraid you’ll have to lie on your side to watch this second clip!  (I couldn’t find how to turn it around!)  Norman did a great job in whipping the crowd up into a frenzy!


I’m still waiting for an official match report but from a couple have sent messages saying it was a wonderful occasion and how much they all enjoyed the day.


It was good to see so many members and friends who came to share the experience.

More updates later!

Flags at the Ready?

Only 13 or so hours before the Chelsea Pensioners arrive at the Club in their uniforms.  I feel we should be waving union flags and singing Land of Hope and Glory or something!

Gerry kindly contacted the Richmond & Twickenham Times and I emailed my contact at the South West Londoner paper.  Whether or not either send a reporter down, we’ll have to wait and see, but they might.

This afternoon (Tuesday), I was playing for the Friends of English Bowling against the Bowls England Select team down in Portsmouth.  Thinking how crazy it was driving all that way through torrential rain and at the same time feeling sorry for the organisers, I needn’t have worried because the sun came out and shone all afternoon.  How lucky were we?

I just hope the sun shines tomorrow, Wednesday.

(I’m posting this late at night waiting for my blue Centenary shirt to come out of the washing machine in the hope that it dries by midday .)

Wednesday 15th September at 12.30 pm – A Very Special Centenary Celebration!

We have a game against the Chelsea Pensioners on Wednesday afternoon.  Team all sorted, so that’s good

BUT we have just heard that they will be coming by coach arriving around 12.30/12.40 pm.  They will march down to the green with their medals shining on their beautiful red coats.  Not only marching but led by a bagpiper no less, all in aid of our Centenary!

We would like as many members as possible to come down to welcome the Chelsea Pensioners and their bagpiper on to the green.  It doesn’t matter if you’re playing in the team, out for a walk or on your lunch break.  It is such a privilege and one that will not be repeated for another hundred years so it would be super if you could be there.

If you have a Centenary polo shirt, please wear that.  Blue is preferable for the team players but any colour would be great.  We are looking to get as many photos as possible.

Once they have enjoyed a welcome drink and changed into their bowls gear, the match may start slightly earlier than 2.30 pm so everyone is welcome to stay and watch.


Friday 1st October – Race Night & MacMillans

There is a sign up sheet in the club for the Race Night on 1st October.

Ann Macey will be doing a raffle for Macmillans that night so please buy your tickets when you’re at the club any time between now and then to make it a bumper raffle for a very worthy cause.

She would also like to do a cake sale pre-post AGM on Thursday 30th September (at 2.00 pm)  and she would be very happy to receive any home made cakes so she can sell you all some slices to eat at the club or take home!

Wednesday 15th September v Chelsea Pensioners – Home at 2.30 pm

Norman selected the team on Saturday and we had 5 reserves.  By the close of play last night, we were down to one reserve!



1. Tricia Green 1. Sarah Hall
2. Linda Major 2. Bernard Chapman
3. Corale Canard 3. Joan O’Neill
Skip Steve Gibson Skip Laurie Gasgoine


1. Roy Ebinezar 1. Audrey Hay
2. Tony O’Brien 2. Brian Curwood/Terry Macey
3. Margaret Barnes 3. Gordon MacLeod
Skip. George Hughes Skip Brian Noel


Reserves: Tina Cooper

Match Captain:  Ange Cumine                 

Match Fee:  £3.50 including sandwiches

Dress:  GREYS with Blue Centenary Shirts or Club Shirts

And your New Club Champions are ……

Gordon MacLeod and Ange Cumine!  Huge Congratulatiosn!

The finals were worthy of such with plenty of banter amongst the men and serious concentration with the girls.

Peter Chapman had a good win over Brian Noel and Gordon over Brian Curwood in the men’s semi-finals and Ange had a comfortable win over Audrey and Dawn scraped through v Stella Spaulding.

In the Ladies’ final, Dawn took a strong lead playing short jacks, then went off the boil as Ange came into her own with long jacks, so from being 3-16 down, Ange had a great come back to win 21-16.

There seemed to be a of antics on the next door rink with Peter lying on the mat at one point and a crowd hanging over the ditch to see who was holding.  Anyway, Gordon came through as the winner and it was a good match enjoyed by all.

Thanks to Laurence for organising the competition, to Margaret for setting the rinks out, to Roy, Terry, Richard H and Laurence for marking and to Jane behind the bar, and Gym on his gardening watering stint!

It was good to see so many people watching and applauding where appropriate and enjoying the occasion and finally, thank you to the sun, which came out and stayed out, making playing and spectating much more enjoyable!

Across the county, Lucy & Kevin won their quarter final 21-20 and Mike & Tina won theirs 21-19 (on the last end apparently).  Great news but then they had to play each other and Mike & Tina secured their place in the Middlesex Mixed Pairs Final on Saturday 25th September.  They play Tony Waller (Ladygate) & Rose Mayo (Rosedale Park).  Good luck to them.

Dave Pitt was pon fairly even scores at 5 ends v Roy Spencer in the Thames Valley Pairs final.  I haven’t had the result yet.