Author: Dawn Slaughter

Sunday 27th June

No club match today but Ange & Tina are playing Sarah & Lucy in the Senior Pairs at midday.  It should be a very close game.  All four girls have been playing really well.

Jean, Nadine, Ann, Cathy & Dawn are all heading off to Banbury in search of cakes.  No, we’re not really.  Last week’s trip there found no bakery selling the traditional fruity pastry.  When I played Myrtle Bagot (the Station Cafe Owner) in an amdram production of Brief Encounter, I made Banbury Cakes for each performance which were duly knocked onto the floor by Albert Godby (the Station Master) whilst he was trying to be over friendly    “Now look at me Banbury’s all over the floor”!!

I digress.  We are heading off to Banbury with Middlesex to play Oxfordshire in the first round of the Walker Cup – just two rinks.  Wish MIddlesex well.  If we win, the next round is at Cambridge Park on 11th July.    It is a real honour to be selected for this team, so we all need to be on our A game and do the County proud.

Yesterday we played Springfield in a friendly with three triples.  The CP reporter played for Springfield as they were one short. Well done to Andy, who has been playing less than a month and certainly didn’t disgrace himself.  He is playing with VERY old bowls which were numbered 1, 2 & 3 on the bias side.  1 is the narrowest bias, 2 slightly swingier etc.  I would be difficult if you had to put club stickers on as it would cover the numbers up.   Good luck as he progresses in his new hobby.

Overall Cambridge Park won the match and it was a good afternoon.

Saturday 26th June

Firstly, congratulations to the ‘old boys’ for their win against Hampton last night.  It was a good match and the heads were all pretty good.  Fractions and angles!

Good to see Brian C with his family playing too.  Dan doesn’t seem to have lost his touch since he moved to North Devon!  Bowls and golf have had to take a back seat now that he has two youngsters.

So on to today.  This morning sees the Middlesex Ladies Double Rink first round.  We play Rosedale, with one rink home, one away, starting at 10.00 am.

This afternoon at 2.30 pm, we have a Mixed Friendly Triples re Springfield.  A new fixture.

Come along for an hour or to to support the teams or just enjoy the tranquil atmosphere.  Bar will be open from midday – thank you, Jane.

More Results!

Well done to Steve, Norman & Kevin who won their delayed Middlesex Triples yesterday afternoon v Hampton.  The play date was last Friday and, if you can remember that far back, it was a completely wash out of a day!  They now play Laurie Gasgoine’s triple at Bishop Duppas on 5th July or earlier?

Talking of Bishop Duppas, the Over 60s Mixed Double Rink team – Ann H, Nadine, Jean, Dawn, Steve, Norman, Laurence and Gym played last night at BD.  After the fixed 15 end limit, Ann’s team came off 9-14.   At that juncture, Steve’s team on the 14th end were 6 up and holding 3. An interesting shot by Steve missed the mark by a matchstick width resulting in nudging the jack to BD.  Oh, drat.  Match all square at 23-23,  so it was all down to the final end.

Isabel’s first bowl drew shot, her second jack high and Norman’s two bowls were placed back and front of the jack, just a few inches from the holding shot.  Somehow, Dawn managed to draw shot with her first bowl then wimped on her second.  Jean came in with two good shots leaving the skips to either protect the shot or take it out.  No pressure on either of them!!  I’d like to say the crowd were on their feet and you could hear a pin drop as tension gripped the air, but they were all sitting enjoying their beers and just watching with interest!  Roger Owen pulled up short on his first bowl and Steve’s hung out but had enough oomph to push Jean’s bowl into a good collector position if the jack moved a foot.

Roger had played some brilliant draw shots throughout the game but the pressure was really on for his final bowl, which unfortunately for him, didn’t quite make the mark on this occasion.  To say Steve was relieved not to have to bowl his last bowl was somewhat a relief – for him and all of us!!

We now face Masonians away before 11th July.

Tonight, Friday, at 6.00 pm, Laurence, Gordon, Norman & Steve are back on the green v Hampton again – they’ll be sick to the sight of us soon – in the Men’s Senior Fours.  Good luck chaps.  For those wanting a beer whilst supporting the match, the bar will be open.  Another match of only 15 ends under the 2021 rules.  It’s really very short.  I hope Bowls England lengthen it to 18 ends next year if not the ‘normal’ 21 ends.

I’ve just heard that Brian C will be at tonight’s Friday roll up, so all good.

Tomorrow morning (Saturday) at 10.00 am, the Ladies play the Middlesex Double Rink v Rosedale with one team home and one away at 10.00 am.  The Club play Springfield in a friendly triples match in the afternoon at 2.30 pm.  Supporters and spectators welcome at either or both games.

For Those of You Still Sitting Up in Bed with a Cup of Tea – Apologies!

I overslept this morning – doesn’t help when you’re wide awake at 2.00 am.  Doh!  That’s  my excuse from withholding vital (or not) information from you!

Anyway, mixed bag of results last night.  Ange & Dawn and Sarah & Lucy retreated from the greens licking their wounds, not having played their best BUT that means wins for Nadine & Jean in the MIddlesex Pairs as well as Liz & Sally from Fordbridge Park.  Well done to both pairs who play each other in the Quarter Final next Monday 28th June at Cambridge Park.  Please let us know what time you will be playing.   Semi-finals and final on 4th July.

On the men’s front, Laurence had an excellent win against Kevin K in the Senior Singles.  Coasting along at 10-0 up, he found himself 18-19 down, 19-19, 19-20, 20-20 and then 21-20.  What a tight game!  He plays the winner of Dave P v Andy Tucker at Masonians in the Area quarter-finals.  Well done, that lad!  Let us know when you’re playing- we know it’s before 7th July!

Tonight, the oldies (Over 60s) are in the National Tony Alcock Trophy – two mixed rinks – v Bishop Duppas at their ground at 5.30 pm. Supporters and spectators welcome.

Good luck to all of them.  I will try and report the result ready for your morning cuppa!


Wednesday 26th June

Good luck to Richard and the team playing this afternoon at Hampton.

Good luck to our Ladies’ Pairs playing in the Middlesex Competition this evening.  Sarah & Lucy v Jean & Nadine at home at 6.00 pm; Ange & Dawn away at Fordbridge Park.

Kevin L has made it into the final 16 of the Unbadged Singles which will be next Wednesday not this – a week off!  Please let us know what time you’re playing and hopefully some of us will be able to come along and support.

It’s supposed to be 23 C today which is an improvement on daytime temperatures of recent.  However, if you’re out later, it’s going to drop to 7 C, so best have a jacket and get your heating on for when you get home!

Will it be Wet Monday?

Congratulations to Ann H on her Senior Singles win.  This puts Ann into the Area Final.  She has to play Wanda  from North London.  This match will be on a neutral green, so we will try and find out when and where for you!

Unfortunately Cathy didn’t make the Championship Final when she lost to Kembra from Paddington.  Kembra lost to Sandra Williamson-Mills from Grovelands.  Sandra will represent Middlesex at the National Championships.  Although Kembra won’t be able to play there due to new regulations, she will be awarded her Full County Badge, which is great news for her – and the County!

The club team secured a win v Teddington in the South Middlesex League.  2-2 on rinks but we won on shots unlike the match v Bishop Duppas.  We could do with another 3 for Wednesday – away v Hampton.  At the moment, we have 9 but we’d like 12.  Would any of you be able to play, please?

The Monday roll up and the Monday Leagues will be running as usual.  Bring waterproofs …. again!

Sunday 20th June – Good Luck!

Firstly good luck to Cathy who is playing in the semi-finals of the Middlesex Singles Championship at Holtwhites this morning.  Hopefully she will also be playing this afternoon in the final.

Good luck to Ann H in the Senior SIngles at CP this morning v Marion Bushnell – postponed after Friday’s deluge!

And good luck to the team playing Teddington in the South Middlesex League this afternoon.  Packing the waterproofs might not go amiss.


Rain Stopped Play and the Answer to the Whisky Pairs Question!

What a wash out of a Friday!  Goodness me.  I don’t think we’ll have to water the gardens for a week!

I haven’t bothered to ask Alexa (She’s still sulking anyway.) but the Met Office states it’s not going to rain on Saturday until 5.00 pm.  Anyone taking bets?!

We shall do our best against Bishop Duppas in the South Middlesex League as will the men in the Double Rink v Ashford in the morning.  Do come along to the club and give the chaps your support.  Play starts at 10.00 am.  It’s only 15 ends plus trial ends, so don’t leave it too late!

Lovely email from Andrew Taylor today, who many of you will remember.

From Andrew Taylor in Sussex!
I keep in touch with CP affairs via this site and wanted to wish you all the best for your centenary. With all the news of the county comps it seems the club is blooming.
In response to Dawn’s post of June 9 re Whisky Pairs … the sponsors of the competition were (still are?) the producers of White Horse Whisky and I recall losing in the semi-final one year and receiving a bottle of the sponsors’ finest to help dull the pain.
Please give my regards to anyone who knows or might remembers me

Thanks, Andrew.  Good to hear from you and I hope your competitions are going well.  Maybe some of us weill play against you when the President’s Indoor Tour (or should that be the Indoor President’s Tour) heads down your way in 2022?

Best wishes to you from all of us!

Laurence & Kevin L are still in the Whisky Pairs.  They managed to get their first round in early and don’t have to play the second one until 9th August deadline.  They could face Dave P & partner.  The final isn’t until the end of September when I’m sure a nip of White Horse would go down well with any of us as the autumn starts to draw in.  We’ll bring our own whisky glasses to toast their success!

Birthdays and Some Congratulations!

Belated Happy Birthday to Dick for yesterday.  We hope you had a great day with so much more freedom than your birthday last year.

Happy Birthday to Pauline Barnes for today.  We hope you stay dry and manage to celebrate!

Congratulations to Kevin on his Unbadged Singles win.  Congratulations to Sarah & Lucy, Jean & Nadine and Ange & Dawn in their Ladies’ pairs competitions.  Next rounds next week!

Good luck to Norman’s boys tonight as they head over to Hampton and Kevin K’s boys in the Middlesex Triples competition.

Although it’s going to be raining all day tonight, it will ease off later.  Check in with Brian Curwood to see if the Friday night roll up will go ahead.

Tomorrow morning, it’s the Men’s Double Rink v Ashford at Home at 10.00 am and another home tie, this time in the Senior Pairs, when Jean & Nadine face Tricia & Dawn also at 10.00 am.  In the afternoon, 12 of us head over to Bishop Duppas for the South Middlesex League match.

Take your  umbrella and a jacket with you when you venture out today.  The temperature has dropped again.