Author: Dawn Slaughter

EIBA Update

We will open indoors as soon as we can but here are the latest EIBA Guidelines.


Following the Prime Minister’s Statement to Parliament this week on how the Government propose to ease lockdown restrictions and offer the Country a route back to a more normal life, the EIBA can summarise what this means for the sport of Indoor Bowls in England: –

Step 1 No earlier than 29th March 2021
Indoor Bowls Clubs to remain closed, unless Clubs have arrangements with schools for pupils to participate in
after school clubs.
Step 2 No earlier than 12th April 2021
Indoor bowls clubs will be able to open and have individuals or people from the same household play on the
same rink.
Club shops will be able to open.
Club bar and restaurant only able to serve people outside via table service.
Step 3 No earlier than 17th May 2021
Indoor bowls clubs will be able to allow up to 6 bowlers from different households or members of 2 households
on a rink.
Club Bar and Restaurant will be able to serve people indoors via table service for up to 6 people or members
of 2 households.
Step 4 No earlier than 21st June 2021
It is hoped that all limits on social contact are removed and Indoor Bowls can return to normal.

At all stages the Government will make decisions on specific restrictions such as social distancing, face coverings, vaccination certificates etc so these will need to be factored in the planning prior to any re-opening.

Please note that the provisional dates for each step may change if the government believes it is not safe to move to the next phase.

The EIBA will continue to update its Clubs, Counties and bowlers once more details are received for each step.

Peter Thompson
Chief Executive

Sausage Bap Recommendation

The Maceys have reported that the cafe roughly where Richmond Ice Rink stood is indeed open and can recommend their sausage baps.

More news as the duvets were discarded, the fleeces and jackets adorned as many of you stepped out in yesterday’s sunshine.

Nadine reported that having seen no one for ages, she passed Beryl, Margaret, Corale, Jean, Norman and Gerry on her walk. Good to know you’re getting out.  Today’s forecast is ok too.

Just think in a little over a month, we’ll be meeting in groups of 6 outdoors.  Oh dear, does that mean the dieting starts again to shift those lockdown pounds?!

I believe Norman still has the previously ordered Centenary polo shirts and fleeces ready and waiting.

Happy Birthday, Di S!

Happy Birthday, Di!

We hope you have a good day – the sun has come out for you. We hope there is tea and cake lined up, if not jelly and ice cream!

Looking forward to seeing you and Dick back at the club when we’re allowed groups of 6 at the end of March.


Billy Cotton Band Show – Remember?


Weather forecast is really good for today and the weekend, so make the most of your daily exercise and get outside.  Take your own mug and get a take-away coffee/tea.  Some shops reduce the drink charge if you have your own mug.

I’m not sure if the cafe roughly where Richmond Ice Rink was is still open, but the two at the bottom of Richmond Bridge both are; the Stables at the far side of Marble Hill Park is open and the usual chain coffee shops are open.  You can usually find a seat somewhere along with river.  It’s good to sit and people/dog watch as it doesn’t feel so lonely.  In another 10 days, you can meet with a friend for your coffee and cake/sausage roll.

Another good reason to get out is that the daffodils, snow drops and crocuses are now opening up.  Spring is on the way and it’s great to recharge the old batteries in some sunshine.  You’ll still need a fleece at least.  On the down side, if you venture into your garden, you’ll notice those dreaded weeds also realising its springtime but also a good time to check on the trees and shrubs to see what could do with a bit of pruning.


* “Wakey wakey” was a surprising catchphrase for a lunchtime radio show!  I didn’t realise that presenter Fearne Cotton was related to Billy – his great niece.  A useless piece of trivia which is unlikely to come up in a pub quiz!

New Lidl in East Twickenham

For those of you who like Lidl or are curious, the new one in East Twickenham, between the club and Richmond Bridge, opens today.  The Deer Park Primary School are moving into the two floors above it.   The store includes a bakery (yummy), toilets (good news) and ample parking – although that might not be the case today or tomorrow as people go and take a look.

The Twickenham vaccine programme is going full swing and I gather a couple of our over 50s now have jabs booked.  They vaccination centres are doing a great job, even though it is reported the London area isn’t as well served as the rest of the country.  Hats off to everyone involved – from the meeting/greeting, checking details as well as the nurses administering the jabs and keeping everyone calm.!

Bowls England Announcement Regarding 2021 Season



22nd February, 2021 by Matt Wordingham

Today’s roadmap for the easing of lockdown restrictions enables Bowls England, counties and affiliated clubs to prepare with confidence for the 2021 outdoor season.  The Prime Minister’s announcement confirmed that outdoor affiliated bowls clubs will be able to open from 29 March.

Our overriding objective is for as many bowlers as possible to enjoy our sport in a safe manner this summer. Bowls is a naturally socially-distanced, non-contact activity and plays a key role in the mental and physical health of many across the country. The positive prospects for the new season provides a great boost to bowlers and the sport in general.

Whilst the overwhelming majority of existing bowlers are eager to start playing and are likely to have received their first vaccine, we understand there is a degree of nervousness about returning to the sport. We will be working alongside our development partner, the Bowls Development Alliance, to support affiliated clubs across the country to create Covid-safe environments, building on the fantastic efforts of many club leaders last year. This work will include:

  • ‘Return to Play’ guidance for affiliated clubs
  • Resources and best practice to support the safe running of clubs
  • Online rink booking and cashless payments
  • Promotional material and funding advice

We also aim to facilitate as much domestic competition as possible. We have developed a series of Covid-contingency scenarios and, with the information now available, will look to reshape our national competition schedule. We will issue a further update on the championships and competitions programmes once we have had the opportunity to consult with counties and clubs on any potential changes.

Our National Open Weekend planning will continue and we believe there’s a good opportunity to encourage people, who are looking for a new fun, family outdoor activity, into our sport. We will be working with affiliated clubs who sign up to empower them to deliver Open Weekend events that are Covid-safe and give new players a fantastic first experience.

Chief Executive, Jon Cockcroft, said: “With the roadmap laid out by the Prime Minister, we are excited about our sport’s prospects for the coming season. With sensible interventions in place, bowls is a sport that can be enjoyed authentically and safely within the government guidelines and it will be a huge boost for the wellbeing of the bowls community to be playing the sport they love and connecting back in with their local communities. We will be working in partnership with all stakeholders, notably affiliated clubs, to navigate through any challenges and, whilst mindful to retain a level of caution, are very excited about the outdoor bowls season beginning soon.”

We understand today’s developments will provoke a range of questions and we would ask people to bear with us as we work through the various implications. As soon as we can, we will be issuing more detailed guidance on the Bowls England website.

Good News for Us and Giles C!

There was an amusing article in Saturday Times’ magazine (there are others) from Giles Coren regarding the number of cooking shows there are on television and cooking is no longer fun.  An excerpt from near the end …

Now, cooking is literally all we do.  And when I say cooking, I mean digging out whatever we can find at the back of the fridge and scraping the mould off it and heating it until most of the bacteria are dead and slapping it down in front of our family, again, for the eleventy-fifth time that week and saying “Get it down your necks, it’s all there is and then I want you suited and booted for another miserable bl**dy walk in the rain.”

Some days, it has certainly felt like that!

Well, later this afternoon, we might get news on when we can get together outdoors – thank goodness the weather is getting warmer – and we’ll be able to meet up for a Bring-Your-Own drink/food in fours in private gardens.  This will enable us to get some enthusiasm back as (A) we’ll be cooking something for somebody else and (B) we’ll be able to have face-to-face social contact.  Hooray for us and Giles!  Fingers crossed for outdoor sports as well as we have a lot of golfers amongst us and at least they will be able to enjoy doing something different.  It’s definitely looking good for the outdoor bowls season even if indoors still looks a bit iffy.  Must stop speculating and wait for the update!

In the meantime, Margaret B’s hard planting work from a couple of years ago is blooming in Rita’s Garden.  Still some gaps to replace those summer bedding plants .

Mascara Warning! Teddington Park Lane Stables

You may remember that last Sunday I asked if any of you had used Park Lane Stables in Teddington.  They were desperatelylooking for donations in order to keep the stables running and prevent the landlord selling up when the lease runs out in May.  Shiriey O responded saying their grandaughter had had some rides there and it was definitely a cause worth supporting.

Well this was on BBC Breakfast Television on Friday

If the link doesn’t work, type “YouTube Park Lane Stables” into your browser and it should be the top item.  You don’t need a YouTube account to watch it.

So thank you for anyone that contributed.  You can see how much it means to them.